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Everything posted by Clandestine

  1. i’d be perfectly ok with that tbh Yeah I wonder how many people more will l2p from the begining and after 7 years will happily adapt. This game is not motivating me enough anymore to even spend few minutes on spamming the join button.
  2. Beware what you wish for. They already broke shotguns while no one even asked them to do it. Soon you gotta get Vegas 4x4 with calabria's HP
  3. Loot boxes are for whales and keep games alive. You can buy legendaries on MP so I guess it's a fair trade.
  4. Yeah. Been on OTW twice recently and it was twice ghost town. Not really viable to test while shooting walls.
  5. Yeah no. Shotguns were fine and I was using JG on alts most of the time. Now they are broken.
  6. I actually thought the same today. I wonder if it's new artist or someone old from G1. Either way nice composition
  7. Are you telling me that they will change CJ?? Don't fix something that's not broken. Game been fine for years and we don't need any revolution or it will end up like 2013 district segregation. Drastic changes in old games are risky like old people surgeries. Sometimes it's better to leave some things instead of touching it and killing completely.
  8. First overkill EU tho. Still hold by EU customs I guess
  9. Hopefully more than 1 new decently sized district. They could use city/building generating tools to speed up the process. Afaik RTW had such tools but they were buggy af. New cars and guns don't bring much to the game when it's still same old 2 district since almost 10 years.
  10. Yeah few days ago I was just trolling on some alt, didn't even aim to kill and still 2 shotted most of the time while 90% of my crosshair was in the vacuum instead of being on the target lmao
  11. I think it all started in the early 2014 with that one big ddos that fried something and took APB down for nearly 24 hours
  12. It would have been 3 ntecs and an hvr before sooo.... that's ez
  13. ikr and I usually won't even change the gun mid mission to adapt to the stage
  14. I've played half of mission today. 3 JGs and 1 Hvr. Thanks for shifting the meta however it's damn boring and I'd rather camp facebook than play same old each mission.
  15. I can't wait for quantum communication to enroll worldwide. Imagine having 20ms no matter which server you chose to play.
  16. You mean paper shredder? They overheat in around 20 minutes of shredding. I think timer should be reduced to around 10
  17. That would be nice. I'm already using cars kiosks in that place since years.
  18. Why don't you go and do what women do? go scrub some pots and pans. Learn to aim it helps with shotguns
  19. I feel like shotguns should be completely reverted to pre buff. They were fine and I was often maining JG
  20. Nuff said. Tbh I prefer version where crosshair gets red only 2m behind the target. Makes APB feel more paranormal
  21. They will never fully fix hitreg as long as there won't be ping kick and as long as they will allow people with trash connection/lag switch.
  22. Dead By Daylight. Addicting but broken and toxic af.
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