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Everything posted by Clandestine

  1. I might try to get banned in DBD to play APB more often. Just every other game seems better after few missions of jg/csg and...jg
  2. Yeah but it's just another female campaign obviously.
  3. Why not prostate cancer? Why everything always needs to revolve around women? I thought we have equality.
  4. Since BE I haven't seen any rage hackers and only few fishy rerolls. Sometimes I wonder how many cheat developers got rekt during test of their tools lmao
  5. LO only owns developers for APB on consoles. Deep Silver is the publisher so in theory they are the ones responsible
  6. 2 missions, 1 with white crosshair while on target. Nuff to stop playing.
  7. or revert threat changes from years ago and make silvers...silver.
  8. I was double shoting most of the time before the patch unless enemy was laging.
  9. You can win with stock Star. What are you talking about?
  10. Hell no. Go play CSGO if you want slow games. I yawned and refunded it after 15 minutes.
  11. Yeah I kept saying fixed hitreg is all we need. Now we have op shotguns made for those who can't aim and still broken hitreg.
  12. Hi trolls come join my lobby in Dbd while I'm chilling on a doc. I will give you trolling therapy
  13. Survive whole clip of Oca in the face, kill the enemy that gets +60 assist and live to tell the story. This shit happens so much in APB that I really wanna know. How shitty my connection needs to be? Do I need VPN to route myself thru moscow? It's not server when my team mate confirms that someone is immortal af.
  14. There are cars in APB for a reason. Sometimes I'm running for the thrill of it. I didn't spend time to customize my cars just to go from point A to B. Learn to drive or play dull arena shooters.
  15. i think you get a purple title? Yeah and it'not even acc wide
  16. Played yesterday few missions and noticed that my fbw has now built-in macro. It was pretty scary
  17. talking about the same NPCs who freak out at the sound of a gunshot, run half a block, and then walk away, continuing with the rest of their day as if nothing happened? Run Forest run! *runs 10 centimeters and stops at ATM*
  18. same, the only upside to Citadel is it's population and better latency in my case, /d chat is filled with whining hackusations or just simply dead half the time Ye Jericho pop seems lot more civilized but 200ms in mycase is either being unfairly immortal or just dying in lags
  19. This kinda ruined my plans. I was going to camp social on my old main once the 3.5 gets released and observe who's going to log in
  20. Ye been waiting 4 years for some to login. This will be therapeutical
  21. Friend list RIP? I still have people that haven't been online since 4 years maybe it's time for me to move on lol
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