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Everything posted by Clandestine

  1. They're on gamescon. I swear I thought they got shotgun'd
  2. This will take a month at least. If they sent the patch for certification right now and like Matt once said they likely won't get ok'd at first try.
  3. I miss /who as well. It was good to have to dodge certain oposition.
  4. lol more excuses but damn at least not on vacations every 2 weeks
  5. I'm seeing bit less (maybe it's placebo) but definitely hitreg problems still exist often enough to make me mad
  6. It's already wednesday and still no news from staff
  7. Chernobylian Ogre mutant with Shredder range
  8. I'd prefer 150 vs 750 people on EU as long as they were not russians.
  9. Yeah especially this kind of balance actually made people quit not come.
  10. I'm still trying to comprehend whose idea was that shotguns need buff. It's like someone from G1 kept getting owned while using a shotgun and decided it needs a buff or two.
  11. lul but shotguns were broken, now they're balanced they said
  12. Juggernaut weapons are meh. Maybe not completely but their Recoil vs TTK ratio is trash. NSSW is a good gun and instead of Whisper just get regular Oca and slap CJ3/RS3 on it.
  13. Somebody call the ambulance from asylum
  14. No but you can't say that someone who never visits the forums cares lol
  15. Lol. If someone doesn't even visit the forums that's like saying I care about my country but I'm too lazy to go and vote.
  16. I forgot how nice the old forums was without polls until this new forum got spammed with trash polls every day. I also remember when you could get banned for your opinion and that they never really cared about opinions anyway. Disabling polls was a good way to hide what majority thinks.
  17. this. so annoying having to buy packs that are character bound for your main character while your other characters get left out because you refuse to pay double and triple the price for the same stuff just to have it on multiple characters... I mean the latest packs were made available account wide by reloaded produtctions, which is nice... but we need this for every existing pack (and item) I have 9 characters and sometimes I'm deleting some to make new. I can't even imagine how much I would need to spend lol.
  18. Now if only they would make every single item account wide I would be okay with rest of the prices. Idk why Fotball Clothing Pack etc have acc wide version but Cyberpunk or kits doesn't.
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