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Everything posted by Clandestine

  1. Ikr. Either add variables for last stages or rework/remove vip completely. Vip tracker could for example indicate only the general area no exact wh on the patootie but I see it being broken too
  2. I can deal with it when its team of 4 (competent 4). But 2? lol
  3. When enemy has free wallhack on half of your team it's like free win. Whenever team consist of only 2 people VIP stage should be replaced with something else.
  4. Everything should be acc wide/have option to upgrade also we should be able to send our cars/clothes between our alts and be able to customize them on them. Money should be acc wide too same goes for legendaries.
  5. Oh boy you're just bad. You would hackusate a bronze having roll on a good day.
  6. Reskins would be most fair. New model with new sound already feels like a brand new weapon.
  7. Just any mission vs bullet sponges that play on dialup
  8. No if anything we should get faction locked weapons too.
  9. Lol that game still didn't shut down?
  10. It would be cool if software could trigger the latency alert instead. It's mind blowing that there isn't any considering latency problems and ddos since at least early 2014. Hopefully LO won't need any monitor tool tho and will just fix the issue. Thanks for caring Matt.
  11. I've spent around 100 euro on BDO when it came out and I wish I've spent on Armas instead. Game is single player garbage unless you like to gank poor care bears
  12. I didn't play long. Maybe 2 missions. Had random AFK after respawning after death. Seems to be random thing.
  13. something like that nothing new
  14. Ye I was always finding it amusing that each time there was a blog post with 1000 upcoming fake features ther was always parallel sale to milk during hype
  15. They said it on blogpost somewhere in 2015, around the time when they merged all servers.
  16. they ditched the overkill idea when they found "amazing" softlayer servers
  17. no only tscharakter but then it will become carakter
  18. MM? Master Merchant? What about Tamriel Trade Centre?
  19. I'm scared how many bugs that became standard feature of APB will be gone into oblivion.
  20. And it's in all games not just APB. When I play vs rus killer in DBD most of the time it's lagswitcher or face camper Hell russians were even caught to cheat on olympics etc lmao
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