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Everything posted by Clandestine

  1. Same old. No packet loss and ping up to 60 but same old bullet sponges everywhere. Today tho it felt a bit more like a sponge factory or like a Spongefront
  2. Damn and they were saying that I'm ancient.
  3. looks like you have to unmount half of pc to play one game
  4. Yeah. They could figure that when you're playing on EU you probably aren't american but they usually think that only americans get salty towards them.
  5. You have no data and without it you can't state if it was minority.
  6. So if something could cause a ban it won't even let you start APB while running it? I'm tempted to use my sound equalizer since it seemed fine on OTW but I was there only for 5 minutes tho
  7. But what about perma R255 bronzes? They are prime example that some people won't improve after hitting certain skill level.
  8. Champion rank in APB? In ESO matchmaker doesn't even take your acc CP and matches lvl 20 vanilla vs lvl 20 that has 700 CP (in battlegrounds). Kinda bad example. Also threat/matchmaking based on rank is stupid because rank doesn't mean much. Tutorial district where you can join up to certain rank would offer new players some protection. It could get abused by rerolls but it's hard to design bulletproof system. Everything can be abused.
  9. I will personally look at them with nostalgia. They will remind me of good ol' days and fortunately bad memories tend to get replaced by the good ones so yeah this gonna be like time machine for me. Already saw some old names in game (not saying they were unbanned) and it felt like 2013.
  10. Well time to reset windows just in case. Also bye bye custom equalizer Is mousefix together with autosprint allowed to use?
  11. The last time I rerolled and it put me to bronze I saw maybe 2 bronzes in whole full bronze financial.
  12. I know but seeing pissing on fire would be just as hilarious
  13. Oh lmao I loled. And how do they extinguish the fire? Put the extinguisher out of pants?
  14. I thoght that Deep Silver was owner/publisher of APB on consoles.
  15. First we need to survive first few weeks without false positives then worry about proper cheaters.
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