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Everything posted by Clandestine

  1. Lmao farewell APB. Imma play non rus B2P games then. Enjoy your Charnobyl in Citadel
  2. I guess you should try to play with them and communicate. Or just wear pink on male and keep homophobic rage whispers coming. Chances are the latter will come in inglish.
  3. They should rather IP block rus and force them all to play on Nekrova. If every rus from Citadel would stick to his own server it wouldn't have low population. Inb4 racist first learn what racism means instead of jumping on a mainstream pleb cart. There is a reason why many games keep rus on seperate servers. Anyway that merge is good to kill what's left of Citadel. I expect seeing more EU people quiting.
  4. I feel sorry for them. They have no clue how to run an MMO, they bought 2 dead games and there's no way they're even breaking even on them and they're surrounded by smart geniuses from old G1.
  5. This pretty much. I'm like /t you have damn drop this stage they tk and: /t афы вфощвф фщрцфу (random wheezing in russian)
  6. Back in the old good days people used to wait at drop/ending stage. Nowdays people are willing to wait every stage. Sometimes that might be 5 minutes*5 stages a mind blowing 25 minutes of doing nothing! In that time matchmaker would likely dispatch them vs another team of "waiters". I don't wait at all and if I do it's on the ending stage. If I get team killed for doing objectives then I make sure they do it 5 times or I simply play like green when the opposition arrives. You grief and you get griefed.
  7. Support is probably busy trying to decode all those rus tickets
  8. Fill your houses with furniture above cap and decorate later, get Blade of Woe from Gold Coast and costumes from Wrothgar if you don't have those DLCs. oops wrong game Just design your cars/clothes/tattoos and that's it pretty much. APB doesn't have much to do.
  9. Nah unless it would have /d chat displaying on my phone. I'd probably never have to start APB again
  10. Very nice splash screen. Unfortunately it has nothing to do with rus/muslim game.
  11. If they will start to perma ban people for rage whispers then this game will have /100 pop at peak.
  12. The whole purpose of the car spawner was to let people chose more strategic spots and to avoid spawning straight in the HVR crosshair etc. But 30m limit is just too much.
  13. Car spawner should be limited to 120-150 meters at least. 30 meters is game breaking
  14. I'd rather get 10's 1vs1 in a row than 2vs2. In 1vs1 I rely on myself, I decide what and when to do and I don't have this illusion that other team mate knows my thoughts and gonna flank when it's obvious moment to do it. To be honest tho most spots are balanced for 4vs4
  15. You must be missing old G1 with no news, no patches and ocasional empty promises
  16. Ddos ain't gay. Gay agenda has more important things to do.
  17. Inb4 Oca on last video had dialup kevlar plated connection
  18. Too much Chernobyl is not good for any network/servers
  19. I wouldn't jump on it so fast. They probably made some research on it and it might be that people who never spent money on this game or do it occasionaly won't do it even if the prices will get ridiculously low. Majority of APB population resides on Citadel which constist mainly of 3rd world countries also many underaged people without any income or bank account.
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