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Everything posted by Frosi

  1. So I was messing with a couple of things regarding my config and noticed a new ingame option under "Video > Advanced" called Double Buffering which increases and stabilizes fps heavily for me, I was experiencing a 20 to 30 fps increase while it also felt like stutters were far less heavy and frequent. Also to note is that I haven't seen any official word on this being added to the game.
  2. I wonder what happened to that other thread that blew up, I can't seem to access it anymore while I'm still able to see my post on my profile
  3. Actually surprised about some of the fixes in here, I'll try them out later since APB has a history of fixing bugs just to cause new ones that are often unrelated to what has been fixed.
  4. Try changing the resolution in windows itself an see if that works.
  5. Patch Version="" Also for the people talking about the DOF being painful to look at, there are plenty of quality options to turn it off completely, you're literally whining about something that isn't released nor you have ever played or messed with and are implying that there is no way to change it. Tell me any recent game that doesn't have motion blur, DOF or blur in general on max settings.
  6. You're clearly not playing on Citadel or are watching APB's twitch section : )
  7. Pretty sure they're both located in Frankfurt Germany. The slight latency difference might be related to population since Citadel is far more populated then nekrova.
  8. 3 months ago I've reported a blatant cheater with videos of his PoV in which you can see blatant aimlocks to support. This is what I got and the person is still running around to this date, as blatant as ever. It seriously feels like the support isn't doing a whole lot when it comes to cheaters and the way that BE is currently configured it is certainly not cutting it either, people are streaming themselves running around with actual 0,1-second delay trigger bots without being punished. It is sad to say but I honestly believe that Pre-automated Fairfight was doing a much better Job than BattlEye is doing right now.
  9. Yes, let's completely skew the data collected by ignoring 90% of the game when testing. Oh you mean the data they're already collecting with all other districts? Smart thinking.
  10. Wake me up when they change the rule sets on the district so all weapons that aren't being tested are disabled. I think I died more to Low yields, HVR's and Ogre's than any gun that is actually undergoing changes.
  11. You forgot to mention that you actually have to aim with the Oscar. It is possible to kill someone with 2 half shots and 1 meat shot thanks to the shredders 440 damage overkill and the early pallets dealing more damage.
  12. They're just flat out breaking the game at this point because they're too stubborn to revert the IR change, no one asked for the IR change or now this change to Cooling Jacket. Gun balance is worse than it ever was before, people keep complaining about it but they rather work on this than actually fixing what is currently broken on the LIVE Servers. In my opinion, all Gun balance should be scrapped as of right now until they re-open SPCT and fill it with actual good players that can give proper feedback. We don't need complete rebalance of how each role handles, no range removal for all assault rifles, no range benefit for all burst rifles, just balance the guns that are completely overperforming instead of messing with things that either affect all guns such as mods or guns in a specific role. Overall, gun balance is going nowhere because there doesn't seem to be a general idea behind a lot of these changes. It genuinely feels like things are being changed for the sake of changing something. I've said this multiple times before but they should honestly just revert the changes of certain things that came with the first balance patch, such as the IR change or the ridiculous Shotgun changes. If they really want to change shotguns they should do it in a way that actually doesn't allow bad aiming to be rewarded as I've stated in another thread.
  13. In my eyes the issues with shotguns is how incredibly consistent they are even if you have bad aim, making them incredibly easy to use while also allowing players to corner pop, giving you 0,1 or so seconds time to react while he only peaks his shoulder on your screen. Right now Shotguns are certainly better than ever before, even back in the day their 2 shotting consistency and range was harmless compared to what we have now. The thing with shotguns is that you shouldn't be rewarded for any pallets hitting but rather the center pallets hitting the target, rewarding good aim. This could certainly be done by reverting the shotgun pattern changes they did when they first nerfed shotguns many years ago. As an example, the old CSG pattern would have the CENTER part of the pattern deal more damage than the outer circle of the pattern. The Shredder is a whole different story, the rate of fire change thanks to the pointless IR change has made it probably the best close to medium range weapon all around. It deals 480 damage per shot making it so it deals 440!! damage in overkill, is insanely accurate in both hipfire and marksman allowing for pinpoint accuracy of where the pattern cluster goes, deals an actual insane amount of hard damage which makes you blow up a Han Veo in less than 10 shots and on top of all of that it has a stupid amount of range thanks to the tight cluster pattern and a seemingly not so harsh dropoff. You can basically duel any gun up to 40~50 meters with the Shredder and on top of that, there is barely any effort required because again its a shotgun and half shots are barely punished at all thanks to its 440 overkill damage. I look at the Dow Thumper as the mirrored version of the Shredder as it has slightly better close range viability for the tradeoff that it has far less range than the Shredder and also shoots slower if it wants to push out to these 20ish meter ranges. Overall I think that shotguns are too forgiving and their two / three shot ranges are way too good considering that a half decent shotgun player will abuse cover inbetween shots. The whole Meta with the RFP still being an absolute laserbeam with 40 meters effective range makes it even worse and honestly just boring to play against because it feels like you're pressured at an insane range by a secondary that has a 1 second ttk and pinpoint accuracy which makes pushing into any reasonable range of a shotgun player even harder unless you pull out a ranged weapon which then completely negates the ability to push a shotgun at all.
  14. While I'm fine with the unbanning of players I have to agree with everything else. This first balance patch should've been rolled back entirely, it made the game incredibly boring due to the way shotguns play in APB and how IR is basically not a useless mod on pretty much all guns. Not to mention that hitreg seems worse than ever before after the networking changes they've done. Overall I'm fairly disappointed in the fact that any feedback on the weapon changes was completely ignored which further proves the point that SPCT needs to become a thing again before any blind changes are done as I believe most players were completely against some of the changes that have been pushed to the live servers. I can understand that OTW doesn't have many people test their stuff but this could be fixed by replacing open conflict with testing districts as it has been in the past under G1 when they did a major weapon rebalance patch. Players were awarded special "Weapon testing Type A/B" consumables that could be placed and opened and award a random gun that was being tested for the players to use. Alternatively, it could also be a special game mode that assigns every player the same gun for the whole round / till the player dies. Overall I believe that it'd be a better idea to revert the patch while keeping fixes such as the HVR / Yukon change in the game and then start from scratch. Or alternatively, wait until you have an actual group of EXPERIENCED players to give proper feedback by starting up the SPCT program again.
  15. Frosi

    Weapon roles

    Well, that's where the issue lies, you have to constantly play one Role on a certain character to max them out, most people go as far as also just playing fightclub to max them out efficiently. I don't think the grind is bad, but the rewards feel lackluster considering that it takes a long time to get there. The Chrome skin is supposed to show off that you mastered said set of weapons in that Role.
  16. Frosi

    Weapon roles

    I don't see why Rank 16 should be removed, it was added back then when they added the chrome skins so its intention was for it to be hard to obtain so it is more of a prestigious thing.
  17. People are expecting too much from a new company that just got a hold of the game. They're still learning but have shown good incentives even if some of the things have changed things for the worse so far.
  18. Fairfight wasn't disabled and the /report command was the cause for a lot of false bans because of the half-assed way G1 did stuff. Source?
  19. Shotguns are still insane and honestly just boring to play against overall.
  20. That's actually great, could see myself being in one of those one day. Well edited aswell, keep it up!
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