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Everything posted by vsb

  1. same and i'd also love to play to try and grab top spot
  2. nothing wrong with playing competitive imo plus people will always scum it up for the ego boost scoreboards regardless of visual threat i think its more important to give players a concrete goal to work for skill wise whether it be leaderboards, threat levels, even something only visible to themselves
  3. i think cross platform play is up to sony/microsoft to decide on additionally we’ve been told that g1 sold the console publishing rights to deep silver, so thats another hand in the mix
  4. personally glad they got rid of this tbh, getting ttk’d by any fast firing weapon and listening to your character go thru every single voice sample in half a second was irritating as hell
  5. i get it now thanks i wonder if there will be additional reactions added to the forums, for instance i would like a “ur fucking stupid” reaction for a lot of stuff
  6. “replies which could be summarized with a reaction” does that mean reaction gifs are preferred over actual replies?
  7. yeah this must be something new hopefully a security measure to prevent brute forcing, although it’s kind of clunky to just ban the account instead of locking it idk who would spend the time to brute force an apb account at this point either lol
  8. mods that affect max bloom have a larger effect on weapons that hit max bloom after one shot, and the atac is barely accurate enough for 50m+ engagements anyway
  9. might as well get as many slots as you can, never know what balance changes will happen in the future
  10. i think you’re the expert on that, i’ll defer to you
  11. trade locks can happen after updating windows i suggest turning on 2fa
  12. TIL that spending disposable income on hobbies you enjoy is bad
  13. i have a job and a life, still think it’s weird to insert humblebrags into an unrelated conversation
  14. if it’s not fair it’s almost always not fun, the easiest solution would be to allow enforcers to pay off prestige levels like criminals can pay off notoriety levels
  15. popping max notoriety and immediately getting gunned down by a random that just happened to be 3 feet away (and probably the same faction as you) is not fun, especially if it costs you the stage/match
  16. afaik leaning has no effect on the hitbox
  17. i think they're probably more focused on the big scary gun
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