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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i havent said the pmg is op and if you don't think its good at longer smg ranges then a 5m range nerf wouldnt affect it anyway
  2. spotter (and all tagging effects) needs to be reworked, its just ridiculously strong
  3. even if it doesnt min ttk the ability to consistently (right word this time) do full damage at longer ranges than most other smgs is a problem - the manic and vas-c2 are marksman smgs which comes with its own drawbacks, and the whisper is lol
  4. perhaps "consistently" was a bad word choice since it implies there's no rng, lets go with "easily"
  5. it’s been a very strong option since it’s last rework - afaik there’s no other smg that can consistently rack up min ttk kills at 40m, hence my suggestion that it’s range be lowered
  6. as others have said it’s just a pmg reskin the pmg def pushes the op line, i think a simple range nerf would be enough to fix it tho
  7. i used to be like you but over the years ive met so many people in apb who are actually that clueless, its just safer to pretend everyone is an idiot
  8. did you somehow miss the big pinned post and the new blog post?
  9. ???? considering we still have at least 2 coders on staff that were also present throughout almost all of g1, what are you talking about?
  10. aside from legitimately illegal stuff like death threats, what’s the point? just don’t pay attention to text you don’t like - problem solved
  11. it goes both ways and it’s based primarily on rank - low rank players have too many other random mission rewards competing with consumables so they can’t collect enough to use on the regular, and high/max rank players generally have unlocked all the other random mission rewards so they get drowned with only consumables its an annoying mechanic either way, there’s not much reason to leave consumables as limited especially since it looks like orbit is willing to actively balance them
  12. i don't remember random mission rewards ever being effected by premium
  13. is this confirmed, because prem description doesnt say anything about random mission rewards
  14. the ccg isnt supposed to get kills, thats kind of the point of ltl
  15. i cant wait to have stormtrooper and cat in the hat as rank icons here's hoping we don't get sued
  16. a different district would be cool and all, but if there's nothing to level up but weapon roles then what's the point?
  17. is it just me or did he spin this harder than an f5 tornado
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