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Everything posted by vsb

  1. the only thing i remember crims having are some easier low level missions (vandalize obj, 3 min timer bomb final stage) which are still in the game iirc i don't miss enforcers having the better faction vehicles, altho u still have to pay for them as a crim
  2. i agree with you, jumpshooting made for a very unique and fun playstyle at the time it might have been a bit unbalanced but nowadays with the sprintshooting "fix", bolt timers, and a slightly more competitive sniper category i think it would be pretty balanced
  3. don’t really have any desire to run through the existing progression again, i already have ~25 characters at varying ranks i more meant just the experience of playing apb for the first 100 or so hours; getting missions in areas you’ve never been, discovering mechanics, just exploring the map for the first time, etc
  4. why not? it would cut probably 5-10 minutes off the timer and it would turn the mission into the basic team drop final stage, which i think most people agree is acceptably balanced
  5. just have all the items spawn at the same time, even in the same place if need be
  6. i mostly miss the fresh feeling the whole game had, but there’s no way to get that back without a lobotomy so
  7. why would you make the smg silencer purple? that effectively just gives a passive buff to the whisper
  8. you sound like someone who says they have a stable frame rate but it actually swings wildly between 101-121fps
  9. he's saying the whisper gets reduced recoil in exchange for the reduced ttk that using cj3 allows edit: i think
  10. it was probably the first contact email, but i deleted it long ago to make more room for symbols and clothing
  11. wouldn’t 4 players just be a 2v2 mission with even shittier mechanics?
  12. me, for both contacts one has a slight lisp and the other communicates solely through various grunts very excited to finally break into the va industry
  13. mismanagement edit: for a more in-depth read https://lukehalliwell.wordpress.com/2010/09/15/where-realtime-worlds-went-wrong/
  14. man this thread went to shit in record time as far as we’ve been told there won’t be any changes in the upcoming balance patch that will affect the scout or the .45, but there’s no way to guarantee there won’t ever be changes
  15. you could join the apb discord, most of the time it’s just a shitpostfest but occasionally some staff (usually mattscott tbh) will drop in with info
  16. revamp =/= delete but character mods don’t suffer from the same issue as equipment anyway
  17. uh trade system, 2 anticheats, 2½ new guns, and a new game mode thats shit still waiting on engine upgrade
  18. i don't think you need to be a banned player to realize that there were false bans and therefore some legit players would lose access to their title
  19. considering there's only about 8 equipment options aside from role specific stuff (handcuffs/keys/etc) i imagine the intent was to have equipment act similar to the rest of apb, with different team members having different strengths upping equipment to 5 slots wouldnt really affect that other than allowing smaller teams to have "optimal setups" honestly if it were up to me i'd revamp the equipment system and its effects on objectives entirely because atm its almost as much of a nonfactor as the open world activities
  20. they might be since it just looks like a shitty electromagnet, altho i question whether an electromagnet of that size would be able to disable vehicles
  21. i cant wait for them to rework the UI and just delete those last slots instead of unlocking them
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