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Everything posted by vsb

  1. mismanagement edit: for a more in-depth read https://lukehalliwell.wordpress.com/2010/09/15/where-realtime-worlds-went-wrong/
  2. man this thread went to shit in record time as far as we’ve been told there won’t be any changes in the upcoming balance patch that will affect the scout or the .45, but there’s no way to guarantee there won’t ever be changes
  3. you could join the apb discord, most of the time it’s just a shitpostfest but occasionally some staff (usually mattscott tbh) will drop in with info
  4. revamp =/= delete but character mods don’t suffer from the same issue as equipment anyway
  5. uh trade system, 2 anticheats, 2½ new guns, and a new game mode thats shit still waiting on engine upgrade
  6. i don't think you need to be a banned player to realize that there were false bans and therefore some legit players would lose access to their title
  7. considering there's only about 8 equipment options aside from role specific stuff (handcuffs/keys/etc) i imagine the intent was to have equipment act similar to the rest of apb, with different team members having different strengths upping equipment to 5 slots wouldnt really affect that other than allowing smaller teams to have "optimal setups" honestly if it were up to me i'd revamp the equipment system and its effects on objectives entirely because atm its almost as much of a nonfactor as the open world activities
  8. they might be since it just looks like a shitty electromagnet, altho i question whether an electromagnet of that size would be able to disable vehicles
  9. i cant wait for them to rework the UI and just delete those last slots instead of unlocking them
  10. idk what /p/ is but judging by how you respond to constructive criticism i think you're the "irate" one here
  11. no one is allowed to mute pogo themes thats why the devs cant code in a mute function
  12. wrong forum section misleading video title horrible framerate watermark unnecessary footage too much fast forward too much slow motion too many low threat kills single kill clips no music/footage syncing no cohesion
  13. what exactly is this supposed to prove, obviously if the only two option are play open conflict or don't play then people will play open conflict (altho i bet a sizeable number wouldnt play) open conflict won't really change that it will just replace "golds" with specific player/clan names idk if getting rid of dethreaters by nuking the entire elo system is really a positive solution considering balance is subjective anyway everyone is going to have a personal opinion personally i dislike open conflict because its another step away from "competitive" apb; i think stuff like leaderboards and performance-based rewards are important in getting/keeping people playing the game
  14. the only title i use is “scrub”
  15. if it actually looked like wood it might be realistic
  16. why not at this point, g1's "no explosives on armas" only lasted until they needed another cash infusion via jmb
  17. threat isnt dynamic like that and its easier to upthreat than dethreat, which means its entirely possible that a majority of the population is gold
  18. JT grinding has a limited cap, do we really need cash sinks too? players will always have large amounts of cash when making money is as easy as duplicating a trendy anime symbol 100 times
  19. friendly reminder that mobile radar is simultaneously broken to the point of being useless and broken to the point of being incredibly op and orbit has yet to fix it
  20. its not meant to be easy its a way to encourage players to play more and at the same time give them an option other than dumping money into armas - if it was too easy then no one would buy armas weapons at all
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