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Everything posted by vsb

  1. irl advertisements are always kind of jarring to me, especially in games like apb or gta that go out of their way to create their own ecosystem of fake companies
  2. you can't get rid of meta weapons because there will always be weapons that offer the easiest maximum performance versus other weapons, thats how balance works
  3. you say no judgement but it sounds like you're judging a little bit
  4. nothing i think, afaik most preset weapon mods are just placeholders and the altered stats are actually part of the gun itself
  5. yeah i dont think its happening my dude
  6. there’s not really any way to “fix” hitboxes without cutting out customization options
  7. idk i consider myself maybe a slightly above-average gold player and i generally have a 50-60% mission win rate, i can definitely see how players with a lower skill level than me would struggle - groups that i find as equal opposition would probably stomp them, and the groups that stomp me would probably be untouchable to them factor in the shitty matchmaking pool and these players probably end up facing higher skill groups over and over during a given play session, so it’s not really “only 20%” of opp so i can see how consistent losses might be pretty unfun, but i still don’t think it’s a good reason to dethreat
  8. worse because at least now you can choose between a variety of garbage spawns, but the underlying system/spawn map is still exactly the same afaik
  9. the addition of phasing and the removal of visible threat are the solution that orbit is clearly aiming for, any other suggestion is going to come second and only if phasing/invisible threat fails math skills off the charts
  10. shouldn’t you be discussing your feelings with a licensed therapist?
  11. it’s getting dislikes because this has been discussed to death and the answer is always the same
  12. as we saw the last time we had threat locked districts, that mechanic only accelerates the dethreating issue
  13. first off, nice job admitting to breaking the ToS second, adding another threat level won't help anything you'll just be getting stomped by platinum/diamond/whatever players instead of gold players because the issue is the limited pool of players (40v40) that matchmaking has to choose from not the threat system
  14. will this change effect the gold loyalty joker boxes as well? and do those have the same odds as normal joker boxes or are they different?
  15. nice to finally know these things although i can't help but feel it doesn't mean much if it requires "legislation" from higher authorities i know a sizeable portion of the community isnt present on the forums, so will these odds be added to the armas store joker box pages? edit: are the odds changes live right now or will they go live at a later time today?
  16. osmaw rockets can't melt steel pioneers the truth is out there you just have to open your eyes
  17. the csg and tas20 are functionally identical
  18. vsb

    Buff the SBSR once more

    get rid of the recoil curve reduce movement penalties to nssw/euryale levels pick a weapon class - either make the irs identical to the coroner and move both into the rifle category or make the coroner identical to the irs and move both into the sniper category, otherwise we’ll always have an issr-a/issr-b situation where one variant completely replaces the other depending on which weapon class is chosen, damage (and range) can be altered: -if snipers then damage should remain the same, hard damage should also remain the same -if rifles then damage should be increased to 400 but range should be lowered to keep effective range primarily the same, hard damage should remain the same or be buffed slightly to further push the sbsr into an av niche within the rifle class
  19. considering the slated balance changes are most likely a result of the remaining community complaining i’m not really sure your point holds up it’s also not just you, the forum is dying because the game is dying; visible development is stagnant and the population continues to circle the drain - can’t say it’s a surprise really, and it’s only going to continue to get worse until the engine upgrade is playable
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