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Everything posted by vsb

  1. clearly little orbit believes that mitigating the p2w perception and further encouraging players to play the game is more profitable in the long run than locking everything away behind a credit card
  2. but those are both armas weapons, so people would complain even more about p2w
  3. well they aren't wrong, that's all you can do as a player if you really want to take it a step further you can either stop playing or stop paying until the cheating issue is resolved to your satisfaction how did we go from a mass unban to a single individual?
  4. i wouldnt recommend spending money on this train wreck
  5. what does this mean? do rtw players disagree that these people are cheating? you know cooky isn’t a forum mod right?
  6. are you sure it’s not just players using their mains again?
  7. and alonzo takes the gold yet again in the mental gymnastics category, it’s his 37th consecutive win
  8. lol no, obir qs has been a thing for years it’s 5 degrees of zoom please stop acting like that automatically makes the ffa some kind of cqc god weapon
  9. oddly enough there was someone posting earlier in this thread that only cheaters are opposed to these balance changes, i bet you two could have a wild debate also i’m curious which cheaters are “mod-alts”, and how you came by that info
  10. no dethreater is going to get that extra high threat no matter how much they win in bronze districts, both because dethreaters are generally bad at the game and because the threat system is set up to mitigate that very situation skill vs numbers might be slightly more fair but in the end it generally just ends up with skill getting dozens of kills and winning anyway, so the outcome is the same
  11. i don't see anywhere that i implied that so i'm going to say no
  12. ok i read your post, lets get into it you can disagree all you like but another threat color (which would actually be another 10 threat levels) won't solve anything because poor matchmaking is a result of the small pool of 40v40 not the threat system - when the matchmaking can't find a balanced fight that highest threat player will still be shunted into a match with people far below his/her skill level if anything another threat would likely make current issues worse, i'd be willing to bet a lot of money that a significant portion of players would simply rage quit rather than play a mission against a highest threat player as for phasing, what else would you have orbit do? there is no other solution that deals with matchmaking, threat, and their exploitation all at the same time putting resources into rewriting massive chunks of the current code in an attempt to mitigate these problems makes no sense imo, like trying to pave a dirt road next to the construction of a highway
  13. r6 siege? cs:go? hitscan based gunplay isnt some mystical art lost to the ravages of time
  14. adding more threat levels wont help matchmaking phasing green/bronze/silver/gold all have 10 individual levels behind the scenes dethreating is hard to prove individual instances are too small a pool for matchmaking threat distribution is static upthreating is easier than dethreating hopefully one of these standard responses is related to the thread, because i didnt make it past the first sentence tbh
  15. i'd rather learn to salsa dance with a bear
  16. weapons get balanced thats how game development works personally i feel that the ogre is fine (probably underpowered/limited but thats how its designed), the best bet is just to give constructive feedback whenever the balance test goes live - altho little orbit doesnt seem to do well with feedback but w/e
  17. anything from my list really rfp is basically like having another primary 45 and thunder if you can aim fbw if you want a good all rounder showstopper for pure cqc focus nano if you’re silver
  18. best to worst: rfp 45/fbw thunder showstopper nano ‘connoisseur’ altho rfp looks like it’s getting tanked into the ground g1 style so i guess this list is temporary
  19. just revert the pellet mechanics, then we don’t have to come up with “creative” solutions to stop shotguns from being too good
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