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Everything posted by vsb

  1. a false equivalence, to compare the widespread use of the ntec to any shotgun you’d have to go back to 2012 csg meta days and we both know shotguns aren’t even close to that level of usage or effectiveness even then it makes no sense because the “ntec op” claim stems from players feeling the ntec is too effective outside of its intended optimal range, unless you’re suggesting that pump shotguns with a 10m (or less) range are somehow too effective outside of that range?
  2. i don’t know any specifics, but considering apb’s version of unreal 3 didn’t even have a day/night system i find it hard to believe there was functioning npc combat ai even if there was would it even work with the rest of apb’s custom code? how long would it take to code in an entirely new form of damage (melee) and find/fix all the inevitable bugs it would cause? would the already overworked servers be able to handle anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand extra npc characters? will players’ computers be able to? how long will new custom animations take? how many devs would be required for these changes? i have zero programming experience, these are just the first questions that pop into my head
  3. the showstopper is good because it’s a secondary weapon, as a primary weapon it would be outranged by basically every other weapon and yet the 3stk still forces it to be used similarly to an smg in most encounters a truer representation of how 3stk pump shotguns will be received would be the near-zero number of players who used the nfas before it got the new stupid pellet system (and an indirect range buff) - and that was with a .58s ttk, which i hope you’re not advocating pump shotguns should get if pump shotguns largest cqc advantage is going to be neutralized, what’s the point of using them over an smg that has more range, a faster ttk, and is more forgiving? this is how the game is intended to be, encountering a weapon within its optimal range is supposed to put you at a disadvantage and every class has its own optimal range no one spergs out when you need a cqc weapon to flank a sniper but the other way around and suddenly it’s broken lol
  4. there’s no real reason for it to not have full mobility, it seems like it’s supposed to be “heavier” because g1 introduced it as the clunkiest gun ever designed - orbit has already removed the insane equip time and the bolt timer, might as well give it enough mobility to actually compare to its competitors i do use mob sling but i think it would be better balance if it wasn’t required just to put the oblivion on par with other similar weapons, and pushing the oblivion even more towards its fairly unique mobile sniper niche also allows it to distance itself from “just a shittier issr-b”
  5. a 4stk sniper rifle with perfect accuracy seems like the most sensible thing to compare another 4stk sniper rifle with perfect accuracy with i agree that we shouldnt be buffing the oblivious so it goes toe-to-toe with the issr-b (at that point why not just make it a reskin and be done) but its a valid comparison
  6. act44 or rsa (commander is legendary reskin) are really your only options, and neither is very good tbh if you just want total range control it’s easier to use a long range primary combined with a showstopper or fbw/.45
  7. why even bother suggesting nerfs for guns you don’t have any idea about?
  8. the fr0g will be a 5stk within 10m, and then a 6stk out to about 25m - so .45 performance to 10m, and then fbw performance to 25m it doesn't have the extended range of the .45 or the forgiving magazine of the fbw and the 10m range line, while generally pretty easy to estimate, adds another layer of combat to juggle i personally would recommend the fbw (or .45 if you feel like a big owner) but unless you really have a hardon for silenced weapons there's no reason to spend money or JT on the silenced version, its just a straight downgrade from the free starter fbw
  9. technically it will be a nerf but considering every other shotgun will be 3stk (or more) at that point it will almost be a buff, since it will be the only pump shotgun worth using
  10. it’s too hard to not run around corners at full speed near the obj pls nerf :^)
  11. r195 mods were never a reward for max rank, they were added as part of the r215-r255 progression
  12. no more dumb reverse dropoffs please just give the oblivion more mobility to make use of its pixel accuracy
  13. i can only assume he means the dmr-sd, since thats the only agrotech with a silencer afaik
  14. we have to return to the correct time line, this is madness
  15. i'd like to see an new semi automatic rifle, aside from the sbsr variants (which don't really fit in that category anyway tbh) we haven't gotten anything new there in a while and iirc that weapon class has the fewest unique weapons i'm aware we're getting the temptress with the new contacts but since thats technically already released (and a variant) i don't think it counts
  16. ok now try again in english i'd use hunting sight for the pixel perfect accuracy when crouched, otherwise 3ps 3
  17. if you're having trouble with the recoil i guess muzzle brake would help, but really only as a training tool i personally find it to be almost as useless as heavy barrel tbh but that's just my opinion
  18. why bother when you can use ir3 tho, its not like the euryale has that much recoil to begin with
  19. performance issues have always been a widespread problem, from rtw apb having to turn off punkbuster just to function correctly all the way up to current day with rtx cards not being able to run the game your anecdotal personal experience (which i highly doubt is truthful tbh) doesn't outweigh the thousands upon thousands of reviews and feedback threads that cite poor performance as a major negative factor throwing away thousands of hours of dev work and probably millions of dollars just to go back to a product that was proven to be unsuccessful is insane, yes something about doing same thing but expecting different results you dont seem to understand what the word fact means you're right numbers don't lie and rtw has 0 active players that's a fact
  20. your repeated suggestions on this (among other things) were always annoying, but i didn’t think you were this insane tbh peak apb concurrent players was something like 6500 - iirc that was back when we had early g1 gfx, the old g1 threat system (which was far superior to rtw’s 1-15 garbage), and performance issues were just starting to really wear on the community thinking rtw apb will draw in 80% of the highest population we’ve ever had is quite frankly, pure stupidity, because at this point no one is coming back to apb for (very debatably) pretty graphics, exploitable threat systems, and the same decade old performance issues you also don’t seem to even slightly understand why apb has the problems that it does it’s not just a matter of “fixing certain performance issues”, from rtw day 1 the entire game has been a performance issue - it’s taken 2 separate companies almost 7 years to get anywhere near a fixed apb and you want to throw it all away for what, blue muzzle flashes? how oblivious can you be?
  21. why? the engine upgrade won't have any real effects on balance, and its a waste of time having the devs responsible for weapon balance sitting around twiddling their thumbs - although considering most of the balance changes so far maybe actually balancing is a waste of time too
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