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Everything posted by vsb

  1. he's totally correct that ca3 (and to a lesser extent ca2) render all other green mods worthless, but considering his previous suggestions have included "buff concursions" i was hoping to see the birth of a new meme
  2. i'd love to hear your suggestions, if only so i can get a good laugh out of them
  3. vsb

    Halloween Title

    only if male characters can get the 'Demoness' title
  4. vsb

    Weapon skins on legendaries

    being able to use any weapon skin on legendaries and unlocking the legendary skin for use on any other weapons are both suggestions that i've seen a lot over the years, seems like it would be a simple enough change and it would probably result in increased joker box sales
  5. 50% of jericho's pop seems like a massive issue, relatively at least
  6. if you purchase (or already have purchased) the key to the city pack it should include those symbols i think, otherwise the armas page is probably false advertising it’s a steep price to pay for a few decals but afaik that’s the only way to get them
  7. well i guess now it makes sense why you’re downplaying the dethreating issue lol
  8. sounds suspiciously close to dethreating tbh things like this are exactly why it’s so hard to really police dethreating in the first place
  9. who? i’m genuinely curious because from the little i’ve watched kemp and shini videos they both seem to be pretty critical of apb, perhaps this has changed now that they’re spct idk, but it’s hard to imagine orbit is overly worried about criticism when even they trash on the current game pretty frequently
  10. a) it’s not the only way to fix corner popping, even if this was an issue that needed to be fixed b) why do shotguns have to be used like every other gun? that doesn’t promote gameplay variety at all, in fact it reduces it - why bother with the risks of a shotgun (lower range, less forgiving, slower ttk, semi-automatic) when there are SMGs with none of these downsides? not to mention the only proposed shotgun changes we’ve seen will have all shotguns but the strife functioning almost exactly the same, imagine the amazing gameplay variety between “quick 3stk shotgun” and “slow 3stk shotgun”
  11. but you’re still alive tbh altering AI like that would be a ton of work, especially since orbit would probably have to dismantle the current system (if there even really is one) and start from scratch even if it worked right on the first try, which is doubtful seeing as the “simple” content patch that we did get had major bugs, what’s the use of diverting all the resources from other projects (re: engine upgrade) for a 2 week seasonal event?
  12. nowhere means there's no more pumpkins in the district since you aren't at 50 yet, its def a bug - did you destroy any pumpkins in the horseman event district?
  13. there's literally a pinned thread like 2 pixels below this my dude
  14. who knows tbh, the only thing i think was a good idea was disabling blowtorch everything else should be allowed imo - its a seasonal event, what's the point of forcing the same stale carplay that is already so prevalent in missions?
  15. idk man, watching someone else experiencing horrible apb gameplay is definitely more entertaining than actually playing the game myself
  16. at what point do you realize "maybe this goofy looking accessory isn't worth the trouble" ???
  17. we don't want ur didgeridollars here
  18. so make it even easier for survivors to win? where do you even draw the line between anti-personnel and anti-vehicle anyway, issr-b? obeya? nssw? ntec? there are too many guns that do decent hard damage for it to make sense to remove "anti-vehicle" guns
  19. nice to see more community involvement, but if mattscott owo’s even once i’m uninstalling apb
  20. no, it was working as expected for several pumpkins before it started repeating the same location
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