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Everything posted by vsb

  1. my prediction - most people using the ntec will just move to a different gun, which you will then also complain about being too good can't wait
  2. gifting was removed like 2 years ago, where you been m8
  3. that's literally what i just said wtf
  4. well then its a good thing you aren't in charge then
  5. colorbots can ping on names (and name colored titles) as well since they can be the same color as the red crosshair
  6. dont forget a certain kev 3 lmg player using spcm as an excuse to dethreat and stomp new players
  7. it’s especially annoying during the halloween event where a lot of the time it’s a several vs 1 situation, because there’s so many names clumped together its impossible to “just read them” - hard to tell if you’re shooting at a friendly with a red title or a red enemy buried in teammates
  8. imo it’s likely that they’re going to do the server unification before we get any more news on the name wipe, otherwise there’s too much potential for conflicts
  9. can it make everything greyscale except for a specific red color code? asking for a friend :^)
  10. it’s not about your threat it’s about their threat the system sets an expectation for every players performance each match, when those low threat players exceed that expectation (by a large margin i would assume) because you go easy on them it causes significant threat increases
  11. assuming that f2p players are more likely to be buying jt guns they only get 30 minute armas trials, that’s not really enough time to actually evaluate a weapon imo i wish orbit had kept the 7 day leases in the jt store
  12. i abandon every unopposed mission when playing solo, if the matchmaking couldnt find opp for my team then i'd rather be back in the pool
  13. and there’s inevitably a point out in the open or a location with 360 degree visibility, we can all come up with “impossible” hypotheticals if we try hard enough
  14. where is the false equivalence? knowing a jg is holding a corner and still rushing him is no different than knowing an hvr is watching and still leaving cover, intentionally giving your opponent an advantage is just dumb any way you spin it idk why the oca nerf came up, but it required a “nerf” (more like a revert really) because it invalidated every other smg except the pmg and maybe the manic, by being both easier to use and having a lower ttk
  15. i’d rather face a jg on a corner than a pmg tbh but regardless - just don’t play the corner? would you run out into the open against an hvr?
  16. i honestly don’t know how to reply to this, you’re asking me why a weapon excels when using it’s optimal playstyle within its optimal range it’s just basic weapon balance - if pump shotguns didn’t have an area they excel at over other options then no one would use them, the same goes for every other gun in apb
  17. you’re just going in circles, i’ve already explained my opinion that weapons excelling within their optimal conditions is not broken which is why they aren’t buffing the range of the current jg ?????
  18. i would use hs2, as you still get pixel perfect accuracy but with slightly less negative effect on hipfire but yes i think the open slot for hs2 is necessary, without it i find the issr-b to be just inaccurate enough to be frustrating - there’s not much point in having a sniper/rifle hybrid if you can’t take advantage of the sniper range due to poor accuracy or the rifle ttk due to rng-based missed shots
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