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Everything posted by vsb

  1. with superconker might just want to play (and so do i tbh) but i doubt those 20 bronzes will stick around to get volcano’d by a max rank gold
  2. that 25% full bronze district goes away with threat segregation little orbit is an american company based primarily on the west coast afaik, that’s why most timeframes are given in pst
  3. so make threat distribution and matchmaking even worse? or are we just slapping a different color on the top 10% of golds and not changing anything?
  4. what “extreme cases of toxicity” do you think go “unpunished” ? if you’re going to claim that they don’t ban every cheater or dethreater or griefer you might as well quit while you’re ahead, since we both know they also don’t ban every person using foul language either
  5. i'm just quoting your own statement man my dude "don't disinform"
  6. 6 weeks for a weapon lease and a crappy skin or 6 weeks for a permanent weapon seems like a perfectly valid choice, especially considering you can work towards both at once you said yourself it could take 6 weeks lmao
  7. so basically it would have taken you 6 weeks from 0-16, which puts you right at about the same timeframe for earning enough JT for a permanent weapon funny how that works
  8. >design contest >complain about contest being focused on good designer skills >hello where is brain?????? edit: guess i'll use this as my submission post as well, no color restrictions this time :^) DXLXTXD - Jericho (NA) images with (slightly) better gfx:
  9. because apb can have wildly different performance from pc to pc, even on similar/the same hardware - it’s just not a good game atm for benchmarking
  10. there used to be a pinned post in the suggestions forum saying orbit reads it, maybe the removal of that means they aren’t anymore
  11. if you don’t get any takers in this thread there is an unofficial official apb discord here - https://discord.gg/bMZ4wq
  12. it would actually be 120 kills an hour 24/7 for the three roles he listed just one role to 16 would be 40 kills an hour 24/7 if not impossible, it’s very unlikely that any player other than the very best vets are able to do this, so it’s no different from his claims that JT are only perfectly farmable for the best veterans
  13. looks like an archery chest piece tbh
  14. it doesn’t work with a vip or item, because of the weight mechanic
  15. considering they just slapped an irl doodle on existing clothing i think even one sale would justify the "effort", especially since they aren't bothering to do anything else in regards to fixing armas
  16. the apb reloaded twitter has about 8 thousand more followers than the forum has members, i think its safe to say both are valid dissemination methods
  17. that just about sums up everything little orbit has done tbh
  18. doesn’t every thread at this point?
  19. maybe we can get some actual new clothing now? or maybe some more account bound packs? at the very least can we get this artist to actually use the ingame symbol editor to make presets??????????
  20. there’s literally a full silver financial district right now, what’s with your weird fixation in this?
  21. they reset them whenever they remembered i think
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