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Everything posted by vsb

  1. when has xneat ever been an issue? it doesnt affect apb gameplay, in fact it doesnt interact with apb at all - also afaik xneat doesnt work with win10, and i believe im correct in saying a majority of players use win10 macros have always been bannable iirc, but there's a difference something being bannable and actually being able to detect it
  2. pick the trapsetter subclass they said its totally viable they said
  3. the population isnt comprised entirely of max rank golds, don't be ridiculous even if you were right, what would be the reason to play the objectively worse map? im still waiting on an answer for why you demand golds populate every district, but its fine for silvers and bronzes to only play financial
  4. i don't even know where you're coming from at this point if you're complaining that gold players (r255 characters don't care about contacts btw, they just go wherever the population is) are filling silver waterfront, then demanding they leave is just going to end up with an silver waterfront district - why don't you ask the bronze district players why they always populate financial districts?
  5. waterfront is almost universally the least popular map, the only reason it gets filled every so often is because eventually enough of the remaining pop needs to progress contacts there once that group of people decides to move districts the rest of the pop will follow because there's just not enough players on na to have 2 full (and therefore optimal) silver districts iirc there was a silver financial yesterday
  6. yeah the strifes insane burst damage is offset by its ttk and allowing it to negate your target's ability to sprint directly offsets that long ttk, despite the strifes continued nonmetaness i really dont think it needs any buffs
  7. im aware of what he's asking and it would involve either lowering the amount of stamina damage required before sprinting is disabled or giving the strife insanely high stamina damage, neither of which are a good idea
  8. the current system doesnt allow you to dethreat, farm low tier players all mission, and then let them win to remain at the lowest possible threat level as long as you want just because other systems can be exploited doesnt mean we should ignore how easy it is to actually perform those exploits
  9. idk if i like this idea, seeing as preventing players from sprinting already pretty much guarantees a stun seeing as you’re just lowering the bar for winning fights, i think this is off the table if there’s any plans to buff ltl or rebalance lethal weapons around an ltl mod
  10. the nssw did receive a buff in the past tho, it wasn’t always such a laser - iirc it had more horizontal recoil
  11. but you can drive off after being emp’d too, unless you were going like 2mph in which case a conc would still be better i’d also argue that forcing opp to deal with a vehicle that’s about to explode next to them is more useful than just stopping them from getting in
  12. we’ve had concs for years, why do we suddenly need a version that doesn’t actually do any damage i maintain that orbit should have just rebalanced vehicles instead of adding a crappy gimmick item to “counter” carplay edit: also what kind of sound do emp grenades make?
  13. i don't think its in the cards chief
  14. isn’t tommy gun ttk already .67s? imo that’s pretty competitive with the (relative smg) range you can get out of it, especially without the annoying recoil mechanics the manic would have been a better comparison considering they occupy the exact same niche and function almost exactly the same
  15. i doubt its a bug, seems more likely that it was an intentional balance change to remove an easy way to bypass ltl’s weaknesses over lethal
  16. the rtw mod Energizer (-15% reduced stamina damage iirc) was rolled into every character by default by g1
  17. sounds like you should be in a bronze district
  18. im not trying to be a smartass, there's just no way for a macro to bypass the maximum rof for any weapon
  19. wouldnt that just be a puke-ish color for the yellow and orange skins?
  20. im still using loyos as theyre still plenty effective but i see a lot more frag and especially conc users now, almost no perc users heavy oca with jg and pmg to heavy jg with nfas and oca isnt really less choices, its just different choices ftfy the current plan is for all shotguns to get a (really shitty on paper) overhaul at some point, there's no telling what stupid shit orbit will pull with that balancing phase
  21. pretty sure that means carspawner is disabled
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