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Everything posted by vsb

  1. the "strength" of higher zoom is irrelevant in a game with 100m draw distance and crosshairs that tell you exactly when you're aiming at an enemy, unless you have a medical condition or something that prevents you from seeing well as for downsides, the clunky hms crosshair itself is present every time you ads, the tunnel vision caused by even an instant of use can allow enemies to more easily get the drop on you or your teammates, and the removal of the hipfire crosshair is unnecessary at best not really sure what your point is anymore since having issues using your gun within about 60% of it's range contradicts the downsides being irrelevant maybe if you have the reflexes of a dead coyote maybe if you want to be dead weight the only sniper truly capable of zone control is the hvr (and to a far smaller extent an 88m dmr) because of its insane damage output
  2. i guess it’s nice that there’s at least one person who uses it but objectively it’s just hs3 with more downsides
  3. i think i post too much for there to be more of me
  4. sounds like you should be banned for exploiting :^)
  5. its the safest bet, aside from some occasional sarcasm in fc i don't even bother with chat in apb at all
  6. they’re probably looking for exactly this reaction
  7. i was just reusing the other guy's list format, and i've still thrown the ntec at the top i just don't see it as the wildly op monster some others do you can definitely cut out min ttk for most ARs, with the exception of the trash category that have such high base ttks that it effects every range, no one is full autoing 50m enemies the far pretty easily goes nearly toe to toe with the ntec, its definitely not equal but its close
  8. is it really that surprising that LO might listen to tryhards better players when it comes to understanding the mechanics and balance of the game?
  9. basically the issr-a is an AR (50m range), the issr-b is a sniper (83m range) issr-a stats are on the left and on the right are the stats for the issr-b [https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_AssaultRifle_ISSR_Slot3_Joker] [https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_SniperRifle_ISSR-Wisp_Slot2_Joker] the issr-b is a really versatile gun, with a relatively low ttk, very good hard damage, passable stamina damage, full mobility, pixel marksmanship accuracy with hs2 or hs3, and even the best jumpshooting accuracy for some reason the issr-a is almost exactly the same, but the 50m range cap really neuters the gun - the .9s ttk that allows the issr-b to compete with or outgun pretty much any other long range weapon is far too high (even lowered to .84s for the issr-a) to compete with other ARs, the hard damage is difficult to make use of with limited range capabilities, and the mobility is no longer quite so impressive when every other AR can do the same so the issr-b is a decent sniper that can still be competitive even if pushed outside of its niche, while the issr-a is a shitty AR that doesn't really have a niche at all
  10. i more meant that specific guns (aside from legendaries) shouldnt really have unique mechanics like that also dont really want to delete hms but i have no idea how to actually balance it so that its useful
  11. i disagree we need less one-off gimmick mechanics, not more
  12. weird list if you want them grouped by raw effectiveness you get this ntec: 0-50m (.7s) ursus: 0-50m (.7s) far: 0-50m (.7s) atac: 0-50m (.7s) raptor: 0-50m (.75s) star: 0-50m (.75s) frenzy: 0-50m (.69s) aces rifle: 0-40m (.72s) lcr: 0-100m (1.14s/1.2s) trash cobra: 0-50m (.85s) misery: 0-50m (.92s) issra: 0-50m (.84s) if you want them grouped by optimal range you can't really use ttk as it varies pretty heavily (yes i use ir3 on my star don't @ me) ntec: 20-57m ursus: 20-57m far: 20-57m star: 20-57m frenzy: 20-57m atac: 0-40m raptor: 0-40m aces rifle: 0-40m lcr: 50-100m trash cobra: 0-57m misery: 20-57m issra: 20-57m the ursus/far are both just as "viable in the same sense" as the ntec, the star's ttk has no real bearing on ranged fights because no AR is hitting min ttk once you have to start tapfiring, and slightly offtopic but the condor and atac occupy the same niche with one having better accuracy and one having better ttk nerfing the ntec will only reduce the AR variety even further and in the worst way, as you've removed the best pure f2p option - because of this the obeya gets even less competition and a significant chunk of players will migrate to that, further imbalancing ranged combat there's 4 ARs (frenzy, cobra, misery, issr-a) that would have to be buffed to "compete" with the ntec, and 3 of them (cobra, misery, issr-a) need to be buffed regardless because they're dogshit and the obeya needs more threats
  13. can you guys shut up about the ursus before orbit decides to force high mag scope on it or something
  14. i don't particularly care about the ntec but to say that ARs don't function as viable multi-range weapons is kind of dumb the star, the far, the raptor, the atac, even the aces rifle are all designed to be versatile over multiple ranges - currently i think the misery and the issra are the only odd man out in the AR class (mostly because they're doodoo), but even they attempt to be mid to long range hybrids edit: added more guns
  15. the issra has a 50m range, just like the ntec you may be thinking of the issrb, which has a 90m range
  16. yeah thats what i thought, i guess my small brain figured average = middle oops
  17. i didn’t realize a social media dm could be any more official i do agree that we need an official discord tho
  18. i mentioned the threat system taking into account each person current threat and predictions wouldn’t that be the average then?
  19. i haven’t even bought the pack (yet) calm your fuzzy bunny patootie down
  20. yeah all these mods can consistently be abused to either easily prolong player life or easily “outplay” opp we can probably add high burn fuel to the list as well tbh, anything that makes carplay easier is an exponential bonus on missions its kind of hard to take you as seriously as you demand when you come out of the gate with “remote det is most useful r195 mod”
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