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Everything posted by vsb

  1. that hasn’t been a mechanic since the rtw threat system afaik, and rightly so since that’s far too easily exploited
  2. dmr av pr2 makes the dmr sd pretty irrelevant imo, besides slightly increase (vertical lol) recoil it does everything just as well
  3. ????? no wonder you talk about fc so much, you’re probably still r9 trainee with such little action district experience
  4. nobody wanted the ogre nerfed tho, orbit just decided shotguns needed a massive overhaul instead of just some small tweaks oh and they're going to do it again because it worked out so well the last time
  5. players who main carbine are usually decent to good players
  6. that’s because each contact has a number of random mission rewards and each individual symbol is also a random mission reward any player who hasn’t unlocked everything else has it thrown in among the pool with consumables, leading to less consumable rewards edit: as far as i can tell, the new jt reward system is also a random mission reward so now there’s no way to guarantee a consumable reward
  7. i feel like it will just create a perpetual low pop cycle - golds join bronze because low pop hours, bronzes get stomped, bronzes stop logging in, low pop hours get longer and longer, rinse, repeat
  8. 800 dpi default aim sens .625 marksmanship
  9. jesus christ i’ve never seen anyone draw out “ggez” like this
  10. the manic is intended to be used in a similar way as the tommy gun (ads smg) and it excels at it, if anything there might be a nerf incoming although i personally think the gun is balanced all shotguns except the strife currently out-ttk the oscar within their range and the oscar is a 4 burst to kill not 3
  11. it was mentioned in a small discord q&a a couple months ago
  12. /fart III -sound increased by 300% -495 damage within a 3m radius of any character performing the /fart emote
  13. it will probably be easier after the engine upgrade and orbit has said they have an animator working on stuff, but visual changes probably won't be very high priority for a while
  14. just don't stand in front of doors lmao ez counter wyd bro
  15. its still a slow ttk at that point since the strife has a bolt timer if you're going snub first you might as well use pretty much any other secondary
  16. there's a rumor that if you give me fifty bucks i can get u on the engine upgrade test server
  17. it also has the garbage new pellet mechanics afaik
  18. the oca rework will allow the cap40 more of a niche without any extra balancing additionally we're getting a 2slot cap40 from the new contacts, so it will be more moddable/"competitive"
  19. not after im done with the shotgun changes feedback thread :^)
  20. all shotguns will eventually be getting another balance pass last we were told the strife is a decent shotgun but if you're looking to buy a permanent i'd go for the jg or csg
  21. as mentioned above, there will be a unified server with regional instances by the end of october if everything goes according to plan before that there's no way to transfer characters to different servers
  22. thats because u suck xDDDDDD
  23. i get that jericho has low pop and all but there was an active silver district all night long, in fact checking pop rn almost all the players online are in a silver district
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