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Everything posted by vsb

  1. shotguns orbit could at least fix the shit they broke before moving on to their next victims
  2. there's a cap because they want to be able to control the joker ticket economy without pricing everything as if people play missions 24 hours a day i did find it a little odd that mattscott went from "1-10" to "0-10", it seems unnecessary to have a nonexistent reward when working with such small numbers
  3. who's getting punished? and for what? i still don't understand the fixation with the rating, maybe if apb had an AO rating which would actually restrict it from being distributed in certain regions i would understand, but otherwise im lost
  4. what? factions - current missions - current guns - current blood splatter - current civilian interaction - current ltl - current dialogue - current everything in the rating summary still exists in the game, what is outdated? im not sure what resources you think the devs are devoting to civilian ai, but im pretty sure almost no work goes into them and having played riot, where there are no civilians at all, its honestly surprising how much blander the map is without them why does apb need to be rated T in the first place? its already way more mild than similar games like saints row or gta, attempting to water the game down to meet a ratings requirement is only going to make the end product even worse than it already is
  5. seems like more than just the dialogue edit: screenshot of the esrb page for apb [https://www.esrb.org/ratings/31254/APB+Reloaded/]
  6. IGD is basically just addiction, which isn't surprising since basically anything can be addicting that's a far cry from antisocial personality disorder, which is basically the "official" diagnosis for sociopaths - we're on "video games cause mass shootings" levels of meme as far as im concerned
  7. its not, but the closer the oca's ttk gets to the pmg the more the pmg will outperform it
  8. holy crap what the hell, playing videogames gives people mental illnesses? sounds like you have a few of your own lmao here's the bottom line: apb is a solely pvp game - in order for player A to win, player B has to lose, and yeah losing sucks because (almost) no one wants to fail, but blaming a video game for a personal inability to control oneself is a pretty crazy level of denial thats not to say that apb is perfect and nothing should change, but framing your personal opinions on balance as some crusade for "mental health" is hilarious the "wrong" way most players ramraid isnt stressful at all, put on some tunes, zone out, and drive into walls in the corner of an empty district until you have enough cash either way, ramraiding and witnessing are leftovers from the old (rtw) mission system so its no wonder they feel clunky in the current game, especially after g1 bungled them even more a few years back i feel like there's a good opportunity for little orbit to enhance and expand on open world activities, and loop them back around to tie in more seamlessly with apb's core gameplay, but honestly so few people actually bother to ramraid that working on open world activities seems like a waste of time at this point i refer back to my first "paragraph", someone has to lose in order for someone else to win in apb removing threat won't do anything to curb pvp toxicity because threat doesnt cause pvp toxicity, the elitism will just move on to other comparisons; "i have more total kills than you", "i have more weapon roles", "im in this big owner clan and you aren't", "i beat you x days ago and i have a screenshot", blah blah blah, all it boils down to is "i win and you lose so i'm better" and there's no way to get rid of that additionally a pvp game with no ranking system (does that even exist?) has way less appeal to pvp players, because they either want that challenge and competition or they want the bragging rights and epeen that comes with it - there's a reason so many players want the older more detailed threat system back orbit may be scrapping the color system but the recent Q&A made it pretty clear that they intend to stick with a visible skill ranking system and it sounds like they plan on making it a lot more indepth than the current system i personally don't enjoy runners either, but i know quite a few people over the years who find it fun whether they're chasing or running i also don't see why your gameplay preference, which i assume is hunkering down and camping one (possibly broken) spot, should mean more than their gameplay preference feels like you want to band aid the symptoms of larger problems instead of actually fixing the root cause - running is less effective when mods like blowtorch are balanced and carsurfer is more widely available, players abusing map spots merely requires the maps to be fixed im with illgot on this one agreed, missions (and maps, and spawns, and a million other things) need an overhaul pass make notoriety/prestige mission dependent - notoriety/prestige are reset to x level at the start of every mission (to ensure that you pop n5/p5 because of current performance) remove the n5/p5 radar star reward players more for popping n5/p5, for staying n5/p5, and for kills while n5/p5 punish players more for factionkilling n5/p5 players allow both factions to pay off notoriety/prestige levels, or have losing missions and dying affect notoriety/prestige levels more severely i think any of these, or some combination of them, would go a long way towards fixing the bounty system friendly reminder that enforcers cannot pay off their prestige level the current bounty system isnt balance, its a bad band aid fix for poor matchmaking - with the incoming addition of phasing and matchmaking/threat tweaks there's no reason that any player should be dominating a team so completely that their only chance is someone out of mission killing said player punishing players (which is all the current n5/p5 system really does) for doing well is pretty unacceptable imo
  9. do you really think the developers unbanned thousands of people without considering that a majority of them would now have access to multiple accounts? and if the developers actually are against players having multiple accounts all the more reason to offer an account merging service
  10. vsb


    im not a bumper at all im actually a chrome bull bar the superior vehicular attachment
  11. vsb


    i want to make a joke about carbon monoxide and mufflers but im afraid i'll get a forum warning
  12. vsb


    ur just a fucking bumper where do you get off using big words like that
  13. vsb


    being a rear bumper isnt so bad you get to travel, you have no expenses, and you save lives
  14. anyone who lost access to their account when g1 did the password reset in 2018 (2017?), and created a new one to continue playing moving away from "honest players" which i assume means players who haven't broken any rules any cheater that's rerolled in the past, assuming they were unbanned by little orbit anyone who's purchased/acquired another player's account here's a couple unpopular opinions for you chocolate is only good for oreos and ice cream sandwiches mashed potatoes are gross
  15. you wanted a reason and i gave you two, if you didn't want any answers maybe you shouldn't have asked
  16. afaik @Kevkof is currently working on transcribing the q&a to text
  17. afaik plenty of russians created citadel accounts after innova shut down, because it was more than a year before g1 merged innova accounts to apb i'd wager most players who were falsely banned under g1 also created new accounts to continue playing, after orbit's mass unban they likely have access to multiple accounts
  18. vsb

    Fix the fbw for God's sake

    the fbw 'sight zero' also works iirc
  19. consoles probably have requirements that have to be met in order to allow armas to exist on consoles at all
  20. damn homie that's some windows power point shit
  21. well the obeya is better than the scout so i guess the obeya
  22. just like the fbw the .45 is basically one small step away from being a primary weapon, it can basically be used with anything - use it with cqc weapons if you want to take advantage of its range, or use it with long range weapons if you want to take advantage of its ttk
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