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Everything posted by vsb

  1. let me phrase it less politely there's no difference between garbage district chat in english and garbage district chat in any other language - except you really want to read 50% of eu pop speaking horrible broken/google translated english, instead of just glossing over stuff languages you can't read
  2. i don’t see why tbh, spamming chat in english isn’t some huge improvement over spamming chat in other languages
  3. as original as the super popular apb streamer that mained scout/pig for years
  4. you say that like current grenades don’t have various radii
  5. maybe take an even longer break, and spend it looking at apbdb
  6. nerf damage and radius instead realistically low yields are the only grenades that are "too strong", all other types have appropriate balancing
  7. this server unification has been the plan since orbit acquired apb, i doubt its really a desperation move
  8. mattscott ask ubisoft if you can borrow their gun sounds from siege
  9. jesus christ people in here listing their apb accomplishments like they’re being interviewed for the next g10 position cool your jets guys, the games dead
  10. #consolidation this eu/na merge makes use of localized servers i hope, we’re not just sticking one server with high latency?
  11. wym the russian flag skin is already ingame :^)
  12. this is a nice reminder that weapon sounds in apb suck, thanks
  13. first off i play on jericho second, there will almost always be empty districts to get put in because players gravitate towards the ones with the most pop
  14. because they were all using the same detected cheat :^)
  15. yeah the mechanics aren’t complicated, which is why any drooling idiot should be able to grasp them in 40 minutes try macroing a carbine to shoot at max rof and let me know how many kills you get past 20m
  16. they dont its more comfortable until you have to react to more than a single scenario tbh idk why im arguing with a guy who thinks shoulder swapping is an exploit
  17. its not that hard my dude, its netflix but with videogames
  18. but if you want we can pretend that somehow repeated automatic mouse clicks are magically better than repeated manual mouse clicks
  19. sir you dropped something .................................................................
  20. what exactly sounds appealing about the instant immunity shield pop but now with the ability to fire back? genuine question
  21. i don't think he is a macro can give you optimal rof/boom/accuracy within the boundaries of whatever gun's stats you can't "macro" a carbine (for example) to shoot faster than once every 150ms but you can program a macro to shoot once every 150ms (give or take for latency) and achieve maximum rof or you could just spend like 40 minutes of playtime learning how to click, in general that's going to give a player far more flexibility than a macro
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