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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. You mean the district where all the dethreaters are?
  2. It forces new players to learn the guns by playing missions against max rank clans. It's fight club, where everyone is just there the shoot stuff, it shouldn't be restricted.
  3. I swear one year it was a permanent unlock from completing a role. I have it permanent on a somewhat recent character and I didn't buy it.
  4. Everything is still stupid expensive. Ok, not everything. One particular item is cheaper and I'm going to take advantage of that. Otherwise, still too expensive. Not saying which item either.
  5. Setting it 1s just means you stutter all the time. Not fun in a full district.
  6. It's just not accurate enough to compete with the OSCAR and ARs. Give it a little better base accuracy or reduce the bloom per shot. I don't think the OSCAR needs a nerf.
  7. It's a balancing setting. Default it's set to 60s. Lowering it reduces the length of the stutter but it happens more often, increasing it causes longer stutters but less often. At some point it has negative effects on both ends. 60 to 120 is what I would recommend. Any higher and you run into out of memory errors. Also, there's a max memory limit you can set. By default it's 9.9GB. Setting it lower than 4 will help prevent out of memory errors, but it will cause the game to freeze for 5-10s when the limit is reached. There's some other memory settings but idk if APB uses them or not.
  8. My research lead me to sticking to Windows 7 as long as drivers still exist, or worst case use LTSB/LTSC since it's the least bloated version of 10. Any other version of 10 you're under MS's mercy with it reinstalling the bloat every single update. Besides, APB itself stutters due to it's own memory leaks and laggy garbage collection system. The only way around that is to disable it which leads to out of memory errors after long playing sessions.
  9. Install bloatware to disable bloatware. How about not installing bloatware to begin with? I'm bouncing off the 144fps limit without any of these snake oil PC fixes.
  10. I'm sorry I killed you with the OSCAR OP. Next time I'll use the STAR 556.
  11. It should also increase the minimum damage drop off range by +5, +10, and +15 meters. Reducing damage will completely negate the tighter spread with the stupid low range on the JG. An increase in minimum damage dropoff would make the damage curve less harsh. You still will require 3-4 hits at 15M, but at least it will be consistent, not all of a sudden jump to 5 hits because the player moved an inch. Automatic shotguns could be adjusted to require 4 hits to kill with the HB mod. They should have left shotguns alone. They weren't unbalanced to begin with. All this balancing really did was make the NFAS better than the other shotguns, but increased the reliable range of SMGs and ARs since shotguns are less of a threat. The 'True Orge' is a bit unbalanced in fight club, but it's fight club, where you're suppose to just beat the crap out of each other senselessly.
  12. It already disables lower tier mission vehicles in 4 hits at 90M, disables all with a whole mag at slightly further range. How much more damage do you want it to have?
  13. BlatMan

    drop in FPS over time

    System Specs? Here's a list of things to check while in game. RAM usage. VRAM usage. CPU, GPU, and other system temperatures RAM usage can be found in Windows task manager. VRAM usage and temperatures can be found using HWMonitor, or HWiNFO. HWMonitor: https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor.html HWiNFO: https://www.hwinfo.com/
  14. I cannot remember which district it was. I'll see if my other group members have any more info.
  15. Not sure if this is much help. I wasn't in district, but my other 3 group members were. All of them had their HUD stop working at the same time. I do not remember which district it was. It's possible a server sided event is triggering it.
  16. G1 actually banned dethreaters occasionally? One of the major offenders to dethreating was a mod on the old forums. Their hammer was all over the place. You're not going to get someone banned for taking a poop mid mission. If pooping is a constant issue for that player, they should exit the match so their teammates can call for backup. I would also recommend them moving the PC to the toilet, or the toilet to the PC, whichever is easier.
  17. I'm all for additional language symbols and designs.
  18. Then you don't lag and wouldn't get kicked... I would set it to something reasonable like 250ms, or only on excessive packet loss. I understand not everyone has the luxury to live near a world server, but there needs to be a limit to how much a player can lag. Anyway, back on topic. Here's an example of these players. I have never seen these two max ranks show up to the objective, no matter what character I face them on. 2 or 3 years ago I tried reporting them to an ingame gm. The result? The useless GM banned one of our clan members for "harrassment". And people wonder why LO unbanned everyone. I probably have 20 reports since LO implemented the new report system. Does /report even do anything? https://i.imgur.com/1P4xENz.jpg
  19. At that point I would have had a ping filter kick you long before you even connected to the district, but I'm not running the game so IDK.
  20. If they tracked score, teamkills and suicides, they could put together an easy way to detect these players. For score, they could track average score vs bottom 10% average. Players who go passive would get a large amount of low score games, making their 10% bottom average very low compared to their average. Teamkills and suicides is as simple as keeping count. Too many non assisted and you get a temp ban.
  21. Just an FYI, Battleye might also block process monitor. If it does, a restart will fix that block message too. I wish we could get an anti-cheat that doesn't block normal applications.
  22. Use process monitor to figure out what application is writing that file. I would also send a support ticket to battleye and Gamersfirst to inform them of a possible false positive. Process Monitor Download: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon Download Process Monitor and run it as Admin. Add the temporary file directory to the list of filters. It should look similar to this: - https://imgur.com/dfCBnMy Click Apply then click OK. Process Monitor should start recording. You can check by looking at the bottom of the window. The number of events should continue to increase. Let process monitor run while you do other things. When Battleye blocks that file, check process monitor. The application/process accessing that file should listed on the left.
  23. Make sure your system temperatures are good and disable any power saving features that might be affecting performance.
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