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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. I was doing 60% of dropoff range, not 60% of mid (average between max/min?). As for the rifles, you need to account for the curved damage system on the ARs and Rifles. This would widen the reduced shot range,
  2. What about the semi-auto rifles? Were their changes reverted too?
  3. DMR-SD - HB1 - 2 shot 64M. Sounds OP. This would also make the OBIR a 2 burst kill, and the CR762 4 hit kill. Also, I think someone messed up on db.apbvault.net. It shows the SG-21 and JG as being 1 shot kills...
  4. This is just a minor annoyance, but /say makes a clicking sound when a user chats, while /d does not. I would like to disable this sound, since it sounds similar to other notifications.
  5. I guess you have a point. I have themes disabled and /d hidden. There's too many toxic players to even bother ignoring them. The Russians don't bother me, but probably because the only word I know is как.
  6. I would have left it with the lower TTK. At least it would have been viable.
  7. I remember when the OBIR's RoF was as low as the RFP.
  8. You might need to enable it in your motherboard's BIOS.
  9. Clear it out. I doubt most the people on there even remember you.
  10. I noticed the mod, Radar Jammer, hides your nametag when in the final stage deathmatch when activated. This function is not listed in the mod's description.
  11. The only thing I would change is allow players to purchase a permanent OSMAW so they don't have to remember to rent it. It's still inferior to the Volcano.
  12. I'm sick of these pricks committing suicide and tking mission after mission just so they can go down a level and play in bronze. Silver and gold districts are nearly dead, meanwhile half the bronze district is gold...
  13. Snipped to shorten quote. I haven't used it long enough to see the inconsistent hitreg, but if it's like the ACT-44's reliability, that explains why so few use it. It also explains why Innova reduced it's shots to kill back then.
  14. It's not OP, it's just super boring when a player manages to stun you. You just sit there, and wait. If you could move while handcuffed at least you wouldn't be bored.
  15. I've only trialed the LCR. Putting it in the trash would be giving it a compliment, but at the same time I didn't have trouble landing shots at range. I have not used it since it's ttk reduction.
  16. This isn't COD. Bullets come out of your barrel. You're not going to hit anything shoving it into a wall. Just one night? Every other district would get that way.
  17. Just use custom shad*#.... choking I mean the bloom is so beautiful. G1 made the graphics so much better!
  18. All semi-auto rifles range were reduced by 5M. Even with the IR range buff, they all have about 1M less range with IR3 than previously. However, all automatic rifles received a slight range buff, and the LCR got a ttk reduction. Congrats, all you people complaining about IR on the N-TEC just buffed it.
  19. The LCR needed a slight TTK decrease regardless of the IR change, but it's per shot modifier should have remained the same at 0.60 instead of being changed to 0.53. 1.08s TTK at 75M with no bloom is a bit too OP for an Armas weapon. The range nerf to rifles also means it has a lower TTK on average past 60M or so. IR3 on new patch means it will do the same at 89M, although I'm not sure on the accuracy at that range. It's range was reduced to 55M. With the IR3 buff, it's only 66.2M, 0.8M less than pre IR patch.
  20. Whoops. Read that as if it was borken in the last patch, not fixed. My mistake.
  21. If it's using the regular AR dropoff then I would report it as a bug since it's suppose to use the 50/75M range.
  22. Displaying stats won't really change much. The paranoid players will then claim there's way more not getting caught, and the cheaters will claim BE is false banning. Most cheaters don't need to step forward. They play with the same few players who already know they cheat and promote it.
  23. Where are you pulling these stats from? I'm not questing your info just wondering because the new APB vault does not display minimum damage properly. I'm not being totally serious with the scoped N-TEC. I know it's barely better at range just from using it.
  24. I feel the current threat system does not show skill. Anyone can easily get gold if they get a few lucky wins with high score. I see it all the time. I see players increase in threat when scoring the lowest in the mission. I think threat should be removed entirely, and matchmaking should focus on matching equal number of players to keep missions balanced. If there's a group, prioritize them to be matched with another group instead of randoms. Also, I have 0 confidence in latency based matchmaking. The player population is too low for that to work. I quit playing PUBG because of their failed attempt at it. They have 100k+ players in game, yet most matches are filled with players from outside my region, even during my region's prime time.
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