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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. The most noticeable thing in this game is driving delay. Vehicles are controlled server sided, so when you accelerate or turn there will be a about a 300ms delay before you see it happen. This can take time to adjust to. Combat will be delayed. Your hits will take longer to register, and you will get hit while behind cover because the other player didn't see you move yet. This also affects players you shoot at. They will get behind cover, but on your screen you will still have line of sight and be able to hit them.
  2. ACES Rilfe with IR3 would be dope. Zero bloom and the same ttk as an OCSAR.
  3. I didn't mean to. I was thinking of how HB could be improved. It's kind of useless as is on most weapons since it takes an extra shot to kill. ATM, the only weapons I would use it on are the NSSW (HB2) and the CR762 (HB3).
  4. Your CPU will struggle to run APB. You need at least an i5-2500, or newer quad core CPU, to maintain over 60fps. Even with the latest hardware, APB still stutters, so I wouldn't upgrade solely for APB. If other games run good then I wouldn't worry about it.
  5. Shotguns are now limited to 10M range, so IR does have a meaningful impact on their performance. Crazy idea. What if Heavy Barrel decreased shotgun spread? You'll lose a little damage, but your hits will be more consistent.
  6. With the IR change, I feel like that was a low key attempt at introducing lower TTK.
  7. I ve already disabled windows and everyother driver autoupdater xD. In order to get more frames in any game ;o #lowEndPC You'll do the same even on a high end PC. If you just spent $2k you don't want any of that to go to waste.
  8. I support this, but ONLY if the vehicle's HUD icon is removed from the opposing team. You shouldn't be able to see where the enemy vehicle respawns.
  9. BE only checks background applications. It doesn't care about game files. However, there is a server sided file check that can be enabled. Currently it's only on a few specific files, that are encrypted anyway...
  10. The weapon system as whole needs to be completely redone. There's too many duplicate and unnecessary weapons. I think they should do away with the preset weapons and reskins on Armas. Instead, have a skin option to change the model. The plus side of this is you don't have to suffer with a bad looking gun to get the open slot version.
  11. Where are all these cheaters at? All I get matched against are players who suicide or afk the entire mission.
  12. They're basically fixing G1's work. If in a year the game is still in the same state then rant as much as you want. For now, sit back and let LO do their thing.
  13. Just force merge the current accounts who still have not logged in, that way we can at least check if they are used or not.
  14. I tested the OSCAR and OBIR's max rate of fire with and without CJ3. Guess what? APB BROKE! The firerate became random, making it impossible to test. GG. I'm NOT being sarcastic, The OSCAR and OBIR stopped firing consistently after using a macro on them. The single fire and full auto weapons still worked, so I think it's a bug. I can say this much, the stats on APBVault may not be accurate. 0.175 was too slow for the OSCAR. I remember a while back testing it and it was around 0.158, but I can't test it now because well, APB's broken.
  15. Technically it does on some weapons, because they have less time to recover from bloom, but that's not how the mod works.
  16. Give players the option to auto refill without charging them more. You shouldn't get punished for wanting to shoot in a shooter.
  17. Unless this is a change in last weeks patch, CJ should still reduce the time needed between clicks. It's minimal, but enough to determine if your misclick shoots or not. Eh, I'll test it out with a macro. Hopefully BE doesn't freak out.
  18. Cooling jacket is good on everything that doesn't have a higher per shot modifier than it's shot modifier cap. The mod description is a bit misleading, it should specifically say which modifier it affects. The proper way to do it would be to display the changes on the weapon itself like it does on db.apbvault.net It depends on the weapon and the capability of the user. Weapons like the ALIG and DMR perform worse, while the OSCAR and OBIR perform better because they will never reach the shot modifier cap. The Joker carbine works better if you don't spasm your entire mag. The N-TEC had a much greater benefit when it had the curved bloom mechanic because you could get your burst shots out faster, without affecting the overall bloom per shot enough to hurt it within it's max damage range. Now it's not as useful.
  19. Put all vehicle kits that were made by G1 on sale. They all look like massive tumors.
  20. THERE IS MORE TOXIC COMMUNITY THAN US? I don't believe it, you liar. Ever been in a single PUBG lobby? Nothing but Chinese spambots and preteens yelling wigger with an n. Can't get put in the backseat if you don't have one. taps head I should put THIS EDITOR SUCKS! in a macro because seriously, this editor really sucks. I can't even type something above a quote without deleting all the text.
  21. Here's why: - Over complicated login screen. - New content is encrypted. - Shaders are recompiled on startup, even though they don't need to be. - HUD, and some other content is compiled on startup. - More content in general. - Packages split into smaller files (good for keeping weekly patches small, bad for loading times).
  22. They also lifted all PunkBuster bans. They did pretty much unban everyone, with fraud and a few other things not being included. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just saying what they did.
  23. Or that parking building with cars that explode by themselves on random. Especially objective ones. And the invisible vehicle corps that you can push onto the ramps to troll people,
  24. I don't think LO meant to take away a feature. They probably rewrote that function while attempting to fix something else. At least now they'll know that we preferred auto resupplying on spawn.
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