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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. Or that parking building with cars that explode by themselves on random. Especially objective ones. And the invisible vehicle corps that you can push onto the ramps to troll people,
  2. I don't think LO meant to take away a feature. They probably rewrote that function while attempting to fix something else. At least now they'll know that we preferred auto resupplying on spawn.
  3. Yes. Those bars are useless. They're not accurate, and even if they were, it would be difficult to tell the difference between 495 and 500 (OBIR damage).
  4. If you send mail to another character with an attachment, it will be deleted after X days. This has caused me to lose mods and symbols on characters I don't play very often. Can we have this limitation removed?
  5. I don't remember the details, It could have been an unintended side effect when they removed the delay when resupplying with 0 ammo. It was 2014 or earlier so pretty far back. Regardless, buying ammo was one of the worse features in APB. It's suppose to be a shooter, not an inventory management simulator. And wow does this editor suck.
  6. It was not a bug. It was intentionally done by Reloaded. It should not have been reverted.
  7. Release an unnerfed version of the VAS C2 with open slots, called 'Tumor'.
  8. All this IR change did was make me never use IR3. The reduction in TTK makes the weapons useless in their intended role, and the increased range doesn't push them far enough outside their intended role to justify reducing their closer range capability.
  9. I rather have the marksman's mode field of view be the same for all weapons, and adjustable. APB is limited to 100M range, you don't even need zoom to accurately aim.
  10. I argue every kit G1 made is a pathetic mess. Every single one of them look like a 5 year old just downloaded Misfit modeler for the first time. None of the body lines match previous kits, there's parts sticking out all over the place, some models look like they got corrupted saving, missing textures, cube shaped exhausts, etc. I really hope LO can separate the body panels into more sections. I hate how the roofs are often linked to window panels and bumpers to fenders/quarter panels.
  11. Would it be possible to get the true weapon stats displayed in game? I can edit the localization files to replace the weapon descriptions with stats pulled from APBvalut, but I would like official in game stats.
  12. It's a huge difference in events and fightclub. I barely get 80fps in a full fightclub, but with the HUD off it's 140+.
  13. First person gives you better line of sight when in very close cqc combat. Often I cannot see the other player because the camera zooms in on my characters head. Making your own character model transparent would fix that issue too.
  14. Crazy Idea. Make shotguns more accurate with less pellet spread, reduce damage to 600 JG, 550 CSG, 450 NFAS. Revert pellet damage change so all pellets deal the same damage. Revert rate of fire to slower rate of fire pre G1 buff/nerf. Give them the same damage dropoff as SMGs. Then, slightly buff SMG and AR accuracy so they can be used more effectively so shotguns are still outgunned past 15M. BAM, balanced!
  15. I think all non tradable Armas items should be account wide. It would clear up the Armas webpage. It would probably help clear up inventory management from support's side too. Now for this particular case, player mailed items shouldn't have a limited set time. That was a retarded change G1 made. OK, most changes were retarded but that one was a step further into the spectrum.
  16. But then I get yelled at for team killing. I get 145fps most of the time, but in fight club missons it drops into the 80s due to all the extra HUD crap. It was partly a joke but in all seriousness that popup is unnecessary when in a mission. I wish I could disable individual HUD elements is all.
  17. I wish there was a way to disable that popup. It's unnecessary GPU load in missions. It's minor, but still every bit of fps helps.
  18. my teammate got pissed i was "stealing his kills" killed me and the ss speak the tale In all seriousness report them to support for intentional team killing and harassment. Players like that shouldn't be wasting a server slot.
  19. It's 2018 and we're still practicing segregation. Such a shame.
  20. BlatMan

    Final stages, why?

    I see it as a chance for both teams to earn better rewards at the end of the match. It's not balanced from a win/lose perspective, but mission outcome has little affect on threat, and G1 did adjust the win/lose rewards so they're not as harsh to the losing team.
  21. Varzuga rally with Han Veo front and bullbars please!
  22. The standing bonus should also be added to the cash bonus once you're max rating, since you can no longer make use of it. Or have it guarantee you unlock random rewards that are still locked. It's such a pain to get all the symbols.
  23. The cool downs shouldn't even be affected by premium. Give players more standing instead.
  24. BlatMan

    RFP-9 Balancing

    Reducing the RFP's sprint capabilities would put it in it's own niche. Currently it's just better than the FBW in most situations. It's like the OSCAR of the secondaries.
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