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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. This was a good change, but now I feel the draw time should be reduced to make up for the extra ttk. I think the issue is most weapons are too accurate outside their intended range. That's what made IR the goto red mod. CJ doesn't lower the ttk enough to be viable in most cases, and HB reduces damage which defeats the purpose on weapons with little to no overdamage or with fast bloom recovery.
  2. For me it's about removing censorship. I understand if something is not allowed due to laws, but flat out blocking something because someone might get offended needs to go. Did anyone ever read the lore in game. That hits harder than any silver with a crappy swastika on their armband. OK, that's a bad analogy since silvers can't aim.
  3. That's the issue. They indirectly nerfed weapons that rely on IR to out perform the N-TEC. There's no point in equipping IR on a semi-auto rifle now that the N-TEC has slightly more range and easier to control firerate. I also feel SMGs lost their niche with the shotgun buffs, but I haven't played with the JG or N-FAS yet.
  4. It's the bloom effect. Turn it off and it's perfect, like with Dreams's modified RTW shaders.
  5. IT IS THE DAMAGE. G1, and now LO refuse to acknowledge the only issue with the N-HVR 762 and reskins.
  6. Well, can't use IR on any weapon now without reprogramming my muscles to click at the right speed. Looks like the N-TEC is the easiest and most versatile weapon to use. You people complained about how OP the N-TEC was with IR, now it's even more OP because it has more range. Rifles take a large hit in TTK. It's going to be nothing but N-TEC, N-HVR, and shotguns.
  7. Germany lifted the ban on Nazi symbols in video games. Since it's no longer illegal, I don't see why it would be against the ToS. https://www.golem.de/news/kunstfreiheit-hakenkreuze-und-aehnliche-symbole-kuenftig-in-computerspielen-1808-135919.html https://www.dailysabah.com/technology/2018/08/09/germany-lifts-ban-on-use-of-swastikas-nazi-symbols-in-video-games
  8. I rather have an ingame option than needing to mess with the files. It is against the ToS whether LO take action or not.
  9. BlatMan

    DMR stun damage

    To add to this, if you use clotting agent you can get get stunned in 2 hits if you're past 88M and manage to heal a bit between hits.
  10. I agree. R195 mods give players way too much of an advantage over lower ranks. Also, low-yield frag grenades should be unlocked along side concussion grenades. They are significantly better than the other grenades for taking out players. Lower throw delay, faster velocity, lower fuse time, and you can hold 3 in your inventory.
  11. Seriously, stop messing with IR. It didn't need a change,
  12. IR still has it's downside on the N-SSW and Rabid with the current max bloom increase. Not nearly as bad as cooling jacket, but still enough to make it not worth wild. I feel the original damage dropoff from beta was the most balanced damage system. Some of the weapons back then needed minor tweaks, but the damage drop-off felt natural and was easy to understand.
  13. For improved rifling, the firing rate should be -3%, -5%. -7%. Than again, what's the point of this change? It's such a minimal change in range that having any noticeable downside would make this mod useless. It's already useless on LMGs and other weapons that reach maximum bloom after a shot or two.
  14. How about we don't change any of the mods until 3.5 is out?
  15. I think I mixed up the LCR's accuracy with another weapon. Looking through the DB it's definitely less accurate while in MM. On Innova, the old Russian version, the LCR was 4 shots to kill. I wonder how that would work out on G1's servers?
  16. It does make a huge difference. When my GPU drops to 2D clocks the game gets stuck at around 30fps, while when set to maximum performance in the control panel it runs at 120fps. I really wish Nvidia/AMD would go back to the old way of implementing boost, by going by what application is running, instead of going by load.
  17. The LCR is slightly more accurate than the the Obeya though. The low rate of fire on the LCR is what makes it less forgiving. 1 missed shot adds a ton to the TTK while the Obeya isn't that big of a deal. 1 missed shot is still a lower ttk than the LCR, and 2 missed shots is also faster to kill if you have CJ3 on the Obeya.
  18. I'm fine with it being OP too. It's such a small range difference. Most players would have died regardless.
  19. Have IR increase recoil slightly would do more to balance the mod, You can still fire fast up close, but you lose a little stability at range. It turns it into a semi-auto LCR. Defeats the whole purpose of the Obeya CR.
  20. Enforcer, because I don't have to pay off contacts mid mission to avoid getting 5 star for the 3rd time that mission.
  21. I feel these issues affect all mission types, not just item hold missions. - Car torque is currently reduced, but the 4x4 vehicles have enough torque to overcome it. They need to limit max speed instead, or reduce the overall torque of these vehicles. - Players shouldn't be able to spawn in a moving vehicle at any time. They also need to count carry items as objectives when checking for blocked spawn points. - Blow torch should be canceled for x seconds after the vehicle takes damage to prevent repairing while under direct fire.
  22. Check out the marketplace in game. The worth changes a lot due to the small amount of trading. One day a weapon can sell for 5mil, the next day someone puts it up for 2 mil and no one buys it.
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