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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. The higher tier contacts need a standing increase for their missions. Getting to R195 isn't that bad, but going up to R255 takes forever. It would also give new players a slight boost if they're friends are max rank and pledge to the high tier contacts. Premium needs to give you +125% standing like it used to.
  2. What they need to do is show all spawns on the map, not just the small set you get on the death screen. Then, have the system block spawns based on objective locations. It might be better to have this done on the user's client so there's less server load, but I could see this being a security issue.
  3. It looks like they're trying to lower the average TTK across the board, something many players have wanted. IR is just the start.
  4. I remember the constant lag spikes on Joker in 2011-2012, and the "overkill" servers desktop PCs crashing because Reloaded's staff poorly overclocked them.
  5. This is the best solution until we get cross district matchmaking and a significant population increase. Threat is too easy to manipulate. The fair way to match players would be to go by player count, and limit it to a max of 4v4.
  6. That would completely negate the point of using heavy barrel. You can reduce your rate of fire by tap firing, so why would you not just use IR?
  7. Here's some examples of the front clip swapped. I can probably extract these and get a better render. These are examples that are currently in the game files. Han Veo Default: Han Veo + Balkan Clip: Han Veo + Mecchina Clip:
  8. But 30% of 3 is still less than 1, so all you do is increase reload time. What you really want is Bandolier 3, or if LO allows it, Double-Drum Mag
  9. Battleye doesn't care. You can also edit the XML files so the game doesn't even search for the instrument files. This will throw less errors in the log files.
  10. That's what I meant. The CAP-40 always had a higher shot modifier cap, so I left that alone. It also means cooling jacket is better suited on the OCA, so they're not exactly the same in performance. Here's what the number should be adjusted to in order to match the current stats. Live: Fire Interval: 0.107 from 0.116 Accuracy 10M: 36cm from 37cm Recovery Per Second: 4.884 from 4.44 Test A: Fire Interval: 0.111 from 0.116 Test B: Fire Interval: 0.114 from 0.116 Edit: recalculated values.
  11. Looking through the game files, the front clips (bumper + hood + fenders) are interchangeable between all the low end vehicles. It would be cool if we could swap the front clips in game. This also includes the Coywolf front end, which should fit on the other vehicles without alignment issues. I'll update this post with renders. Macchina Calabria with Han Veo front clip. (wheels from Charge Cisco)
  12. I just thought of something. If they're changing the OCA, they should also adjust the Obeya CAP40 so it's accuracy and ttk match the OCA like it was originally intended.
  13. I understand this, but when there's no accurate weapon stats in game it can confuse new players. Rounding down would be less misleading.
  14. I cannot complain about these changes. The N-TEC Test A change might be a buff depending on the user, but increasing it's overall average ttk should help bring it in alignment with the other ARs in close combat, and indirectly buff SMGs.
  15. LO needs to do the same with the in game damage. 1 burst from an OBIR shows 50 damage for the assist, but the real damage is only 49.5.
  16. It was 50/50. Two matches the opposing team abused it, the next two I did and now it's permanently enabled. It's too good of a mod and really needs to be looked into. Removing the R195 restriction for low rank characters would be a good start, but it won't fix the balance issue. If it displayed all players within range, it would at least limit the areas players can safely use it, but than again it would still be too easy to drive by an area and safely highlight nearby players. There's also tons of spots where you could still place it and not compromise your own position. The only downside it has is you can't have mobile spawner, but it's not like you're going to die easily when the player is displayed on radar with realtime updates. Consumables are also a huge disadvantage for new players. They don't receive them because they're linked to random rewards. They should function like a normal character mod.
  17. You know what, REMOVE IT. It's 100% broken. Anything that gives a player a wall hack should be removed from the game. Same goes with the flare gun and firework launcher. At this point, I support low rank players downloading wall hacks because it's the only way they can fairly fight players with these overpowered R195 mods and weapons. I have multiple R195+ characters, so I'm well aware how to use them.
  18. The 9M made sense since you're gimping your CQC capability, now putting IR on a weapon is mostly a downside unless you only plan on using the weapon barely further than it's max damage range.
  19. Radar tower is current over powered. It allows the player to see other players on radar, basically a built in wallhack. This mod needs a real downside. My suggestion is to display all players on both teams radar when within range of the vehicle. This would mean enemy players cannot camp next to their tower unexposed, but still allow the mod to be used strategically.
  20. I joined an empty waterfront district and this bug shown it's face. I could reproduce it every single time I stopped moving.
  21. If you tap fire an automatic weapon, it will often fire more rounds than intended. In the video, the second magazine fired 13 rounds instead of 12. The extra round is the last shot fired. This is only client sided.
  22. This is in the game files. There's also textures for various body kits and wheels. Originally suppose to be the starting vehicle.
  23. Adopts HVR The missions are extremely one sided in favor of the defenders. All spawns are out in the open so it's often impossible to avoid getting sniped the moment you spawn in.
  24. You're hacks are so good you're indistinguishable from a silver.
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