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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. Honestly, it's impossible to give feedback with so few players on the OTW. It's also impossible to give feedback if these changes go live because these weapons are locked behind paywalls. If I were LO, I would recycle those christmas boxes on the live version and have them spawn the weapons they're currently testing.
  2. Reloaded's additions to the game broke the balance of running. The biggest offenders are car surfer, blow torch, and mobile spawner. - Car surfer: Allows players to mount themselves on top of a moving vehicle with any weapon, bypassing the weapon restriction placed on passengers in a vehicle. - Blow torch: This mod allows players to repair a damaged vehicle, while riding in said vehicle. If a player is using this mod, you must kill them or they will repair the vehicle faster than you can damage it, but now you've wasted time shooting them and their teammates just respawned in the vehicle because of the next mod. - Mobile spawner. This mod allows players to spawn in a moving vehicle.
  3. They should allow you to move heavy items the same speed as medium items.
  4. APB has a blue overlay that affects the overall color in game. It it's impossible to have black customized items because they turn blue when displayed in game. Here's an old comparison of what I am talking about: Default: Blue and fog removed (pre-2015 shader policy):
  5. Just nerf the N-HVR 762's max damage. That's the problem with it. Lower it to 640 soft damage, and increase the hard damage so it's a free alternative to the DMR-AV. Having damage linked to accuracy is just stupid. A hit should be a hit, not a guessing game as to how much damage you dealt.
  6. https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_Rifle_Obeya/ https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_AssaultRifle_STAR-LCR_PR3_Armas/ LCR TTK: 1.2s CR762 TTK: 0.84s The CR762 takes ~0.294s to recover fully from bloom. (0.44/2.27 + 0.1). This means if timed right it will maintain 100% base accuracy and kill slightly faster than the LCR minimum ttk. The CR762 kills with 5 shots slightly over 70M (77M with IR3). It also only needs 7 shots at 81M (88M IR3). If the player is close enough to not require 100% base accuracy, you can then fire the CR762 slightly faster. I don't remember the exact hitbox size of players or I could calculate this. The LCR is designed for noobs. It's easy to control but nowhere close to efficient.
  7. It's a netcode issue that causes this. The server thinks you should be further ahead than where your client is. Sometimes when I stream I get this kind of movement. My client will be moving normal speed, but every few seconds I get teleported an extra meter forward. I have 200mbps down / 35mbps up, and stream at 6mbps.
  8. Give the CAP40 the same base accuracy as the current OCA and call it a day. Maybe less people will complain about the N-TEC.
  9. Using the car surfer mod itself is exploiting more than this oversight. You can't shoot your weapon while holding a heavy item, but with the car surfer mod you can use a heavy weapon from a moving vehicle. Heavy weapons are suppose to be restricted when in a vehicle. Regardless, the easiest fix is to allow players to move while crouched with heavy items.
  10. System Specs? I run APB above 100fps most of the time. It has the typical short stutter each minute and will drop a bit when there's 20+ players running around, but otherwise it runs fine. Specs in sig.
  11. True, but most real dethreaters I see intentionally team kill and suicide to lower their score for faster dethreating. There's also the players who refuse to play the mission, but most of those, at least from my experience, are not trying to dethreat, although they should be punished the same for wasting the opposition's time.
  12. They could track suicide and team kills. No legit player is going to get 10+ every time they sign in.
  13. This should be an in game option. Currently I rename the instruments folder to disable them, but then I can't edit in the music studio or hear friend's custom music.
  14. Innova, the Russian version, gave you 30 joker tickets each day you logged in.
  15. I support this. The crouch speed is too slow. Your hitbox is taller while crouch walking, it's currently too dangerous to crouch walk since your character can barely move. It's safer to just sprint.
  16. They should revert it back to using the APBEngine.ini, like the Unreal Engine does by default. That would be the easiest solution for now.
  17. I would like the option to permanently disable idle animations. It often gives away your position.
  18. It's not an issue with just the vaquero, all vehicles come close to max speed at the end of 3rd gear. The same thing happens when you use nos in 2nd or 3rd gear. You will reach max speed, then decelerate even though the engine sounds like it's still increasing RPM.
  19. BH probably stands for Bluehole. OP is having PUBG flashbacks. Weapons are balanced around the single, large hitbox. It would require too much work to implement, and wouldn't work right anyway with the current hitscanning. APB is not a military simulator, it's an arcade shooter with a ton of lore. Next you're going to ask for FPP mode.
  20. They only got banned because they're popular. If it was a non streamer it would have taken months for the PUBG team to do anything, if they even decided to take action. As for APB, players should be banned for playing with cheaters on extreme cases, but I'm not sure how this can be efficiently enforced. Maybe FF can record the last 20 members of the groups you joined. When a player gets banned for cheating, those 20 players receive a strike. When you get X strikes, you receive an email and in game letter warning you. If you get another strike, you get a 1h temp ban, and the ban duration doubles each strike after. Strikes get removed after so many months. This might help segregate the cheaters because their friends won't want to play with them after receiving a temp ban when their friend creates their 10th character than month, but knowing the community I can see this backfiring and create a wave of rage cheaters.
  21. BlatMan

    FPS Lock?

    In the Nvidia control panel set Power management mode to prefer maximum performance. Also disable HPET in your BIOS if available. Mine gets stuck at 80fps if it's enabled. Also, I had a weird issue with OBS lowering my fps with it just open in the background, but not streaming or recording.
  22. I have the same problem on another account. I had an old G1 account that I used to play Warrock on. I never got the password reset email and support did not respond.
  23. Your pole only has opinions I disagree with.
  24. The only thing negative about the NL9 is the bullet magically disappearing at 60M. Being serious here. Percs need their throw time reduced. They take longer to leave your hand than other grenades. I'm sure the silvers and yellows will hate this change, but I feel it would balance percs, and make them a viable option for higher ranks who have low-yields unlocked.
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