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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. They should revert it back to using the APBEngine.ini, like the Unreal Engine does by default. That would be the easiest solution for now.
  2. I would like the option to permanently disable idle animations. It often gives away your position.
  3. It's not an issue with just the vaquero, all vehicles come close to max speed at the end of 3rd gear. The same thing happens when you use nos in 2nd or 3rd gear. You will reach max speed, then decelerate even though the engine sounds like it's still increasing RPM.
  4. BH probably stands for Bluehole. OP is having PUBG flashbacks. Weapons are balanced around the single, large hitbox. It would require too much work to implement, and wouldn't work right anyway with the current hitscanning. APB is not a military simulator, it's an arcade shooter with a ton of lore. Next you're going to ask for FPP mode.
  5. They only got banned because they're popular. If it was a non streamer it would have taken months for the PUBG team to do anything, if they even decided to take action. As for APB, players should be banned for playing with cheaters on extreme cases, but I'm not sure how this can be efficiently enforced. Maybe FF can record the last 20 members of the groups you joined. When a player gets banned for cheating, those 20 players receive a strike. When you get X strikes, you receive an email and in game letter warning you. If you get another strike, you get a 1h temp ban, and the ban duration doubles each strike after. Strikes get removed after so many months. This might help segregate the cheaters because their friends won't want to play with them after receiving a temp ban when their friend creates their 10th character than month, but knowing the community I can see this backfiring and create a wave of rage cheaters.
  6. BlatMan

    FPS Lock?

    In the Nvidia control panel set Power management mode to prefer maximum performance. Also disable HPET in your BIOS if available. Mine gets stuck at 80fps if it's enabled. Also, I had a weird issue with OBS lowering my fps with it just open in the background, but not streaming or recording.
  7. I have the same problem on another account. I had an old G1 account that I used to play Warrock on. I never got the password reset email and support did not respond.
  8. Your pole only has opinions I disagree with.
  9. The only thing negative about the NL9 is the bullet magically disappearing at 60M. Being serious here. Percs need their throw time reduced. They take longer to leave your hand than other grenades. I'm sure the silvers and yellows will hate this change, but I feel it would balance percs, and make them a viable option for higher ranks who have low-yields unlocked.
  10. They need to revert all the changes back in 2015 that made weapons behavior change while shooting.
  11. Who would want the same name as someone who hides as the defending team in VIP missions?
  12. If you think it's so OP, use it, abuse it. Don't let others have all the fun.
  13. It was significantly better on Jericho 2 or 3 days ago, but currently it's bad again.
  14. Yes, afaik it tries to overclock ur monitor. A direct jump to 120hz will either cause u blue screen or brick ur monitor or allow u to have 120hz refresh rate. It should not overclock your monitor if you don't select the 120hz profile. I haven't tested it on AMD but it should be the same. All this does is adds a 120hz profile. If it does switch to 120hz, it's because the user accidentally chose it, or an application is automatically choosing it without the user knowing. I used this for over a year with a 60hz display without issues, with various drivers and GPUs. The last GPU I used it on was a GTX 970. I hope LO add the option to unlock the fps, or at minimum lets everyone have access to 120fps without needing a workaround. The 100fps limit doesn't make sense.
  15. Quick carry is easy to do with just your fingers. V spamming is easy to do once you get rhythm. If the inventory doesn't lag, most players will switch their weapons fast. FairFight can quickly detect 2x running speed, and it's been detected for quite some time. The instant out of a car is a desync issue. Also, ghosters and griefers rarely get banned. It took 6 months to a year to ban a player that repeatedly griefed our clan whenever they were signed in. Then it took another 6 months to a year to ban their second account. Meanwhile, the streamer Summit, who did nothing but talk trash about the game, got a private GM who banned players for bumping into their vehicle during their stream.
  16. Issues I know you have: 1. ~150ms freeze every minute due to the garbage collection system kicking in. 2. FPS drops from excessive particles (explosions, graffiti, blood, etc.) 1 can't be fixed without modifying your ini files, but you will run the risk of getting out of memory errors or crashing changing it. 2 requires a newer generation GPU, and/or custom configs. This also explains why you are bronze.
  17. Many players are limited to 101fps because they do not have a 120Hz or higher monitor. If you are one of these users, this guide is for you. Notes: This will not affect overall performance. If you do not get 100fps on average, you most likely will not benefit from this setting. For AMD GPUs, you might need to find an alternative solution. I do not have an AMD GPU to test with. (Feedback welcomed) Warning: DO NOT set your monitor's refresh rate to the 120hz. You will mostly likely get a black screen and may need to boot your PC in safe mode to fix it. APB does not care what your refresh rate is, it just looks at the extension blocks for a 120hz entry. Requirements: Custom Resolution Utility: - http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/custom_resolution_utility.html - https://www.monitortests.com/forum/Thread-Custom-Resolution-Utility-CRU 1). Download CRU, extract the .zip file, and open the application. You should see something similar to this: 2a). Under "Standard resolutions" click "Add..." You should see a window popup. Enter "120" next to Refresh rate. 2b). If you do not have enough slots left for Standard resolutions, select click "Add..." under "Extension blocks." - In the popup window, click "Add..." under "Detailed resolutions." - For "Timing", select "Automatic - LCD Standard." Enter "120" next to Refresh rate. Click "OK", then click "OK" again. 3). Click OK on the main window, and the applications should close. 4). Inside the extracted folder, run the appropriate application. This will restart your graphics driver. - For users with a 64 Bit OS: "restart64programprogram" - For users with a 32 Bit OS: "restartprogramprogram" 5). Launch APB. When in game, open the chat box and type "/fps". You should now see 121 fps as the limit. - Now enjoy your extra 20 frames per second.
  18. I like all the changes except for the N-HVR change. It doesn't make sense. When you hit, you expect a weapon to deal a specific amount of damage. It's bad enough that there's extreme damage dropoff on weapons that are accurate outside their minimum damage range. It's a heavy sniper rifle. I feel it should have a better role as an anti-vehicle weapon. I would reduce the player damage to 640, and increase the vehicle damage so it has similar damage per second as the DMR-AV. I would also look into increasing the minimum damage on various weapons, and widening the distance between min and max. For example, LMGs go from 100% damage down to 30% or so within a 10M distance.
  19. Threat is exactly what is making people not play. Every 3rd or 4th match the opposing team is suiciding and team killing, in an attempt to lower their threat, instead of playing the mission. Then when they finally go down a level they swap districts and beat down on the OP.
  20. They should make equivalent top tier vehicles for both factions, but not necessarily the same vehicles.
  21. This has already been tested. The cloud services don't provide enough single thread performance, which is why Reloaded decided to stick with full servers. PUBG and Fortnite struggle to maintain 30tps when there's 100 players still alive, so the engine upgrade won't do much for performance.
  22. APB has barely any graphics load other than particles. My GPU randomly drops to 2D clocks due to the low load. To the OP. The only thing that looks abnormal is the black rim pic.
  23. There should be extensions as a loyalty rewards. It stupid that you can spend thousands yet you're still limited if you run out of premium codes.
  24. You were graped by fake golds. The real golds tie you to the radiator, and then take your whole clan down into the basement and grape you for decades, SOLO. There's no ganging involved. For those who don't get the reference: WKUK - S3 E13 We really need to remove threat or at least hide it. There's too much of a psychological impact for many players when they see a threat higher than them. I find it takes more work to dethreat to silver than to stay gold, even when just goofing off with friends instead of putting all effort into the mission.
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