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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. Left clicks with all guns > gets spammed with whispers claiming I'm macroing. If a weapon is overpowered when fired at it's max rate of fire, the weapon's stats need to be adjusted, or other weapons need to be brought up to par. Making every weapon automatic would end this whole macro/scrollwheel nonsense.
  2. Ya, all those sites you shouldn't visit probably loaded multiple coin miners on your system. 120fps is easily done on newer CPUs. You sure you don't have smooth framerate or vsync enabled accidentally? Maybe your GPU is stuck on 2D clocks. How about a 1440p video?
  3. Stop watching all that free porn. My X5690 (i7 990X equivalent) was end of life in 2011. It still runs APB near the 121fps limit most of the time. It rarely dips below 100fps. It's overclocked, but still slower than the 7700K. Any second gen Intel i5 or newer over 3Ghz should run this game near it's max fps limit. AMD's Ryzen line should also have no problems. I would not get an APU though. They share the CPU memory and are not powerful enough for APB's particle system. One perc and you're fps will tank.
  4. We should get a loyalty reward that unlocks symbol layers. I find it really strange that you need premium to fully customize your assets even if you spent $10.000 on Armas. It's basically a kick in the teeth.
  5. The only advantage enforcers have is that they need more kills to get P5. The LTL weapons are annoying but once you know they have one you can easily avoid it.
  6. Which shows just how poorly they handled the merge.
  7. OP, why you hating on the golds? Option 5: All districts are handled as Open Conflict districts with a few exceptions. The matchmaking system attempts to match teams based on number of opponents. 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, etc. If not possible it switches to matching teams with 1 player missing. If that's not possible, it matches anyone. Same applies to backup, but with a limit of 6 players per team.
  8. When Reloaded did the merge, they went by which characters were active in the last month, not who created the character first or which character had the longest hours played. Most likely someone on another server used that name and signed in once during that time period. Even on my storage account I had two characters with the same name. The one that was created first and played the longest was the one that was required to get a name change.
  9. At least finish merging the unmerged accounts so we know which names are already taken. Currently you cannot add unmerged players to your friends list even though they are in the database.
  10. It's locked at 101fps for monitors with lower than 120hz profile, and 121fps for monitors 120hz or higher. Note that you don't need a +120hz monitor, just the profile in the driver to trick the game. I assume the other person was being sarcastic, but you can crank the fps limit higher by modifying the game's memory. I have no idea if FairFight would detect this so I haven't checked if it still works. Old screenshot:
  11. It looks like you used the advanced launcher and set a bunch of things low. I would try resetting the ini files. Even if you didn't use it they might of been corrupted. I would also try doing a fresh install of your garphics drivers. - Go to APB's install directory. Then go into "APB Reloaded\APBGame\Config." - Delete APBCompat.ini, APBEngine.ini, and APBMachineOptions.ini. This will reset all of your graphics settings in game. I'm playing on a CPU that was END OF LIFE in 2011. Still get 110+ fps on average. I do get the slight stutter every minute due to the garbage collection, but otherwise it runs fine.
  12. If we could have the original RTW visuals but with the bloom toned down it would be perfect. I don't care for realistic visuals, I prefer something that's easy on the eyes.
  13. In PUBG, battleye does not check config files. Some files are ignored by the game itself but otherwise there are no issues. Also, if Battleye detects a modified file, it simply stops the game from launching, and dsiplays an error message displaying what it blocked. You only get banned if it detects a known cheat. I doubt APB will function differently.
  14. What about getting notoriety 5 and camping the high school roof?
  15. There should be an option to turn off custom player music.
  16. If it functions the same way it does in PUBG then it will ignore all ini files since those are intended to be edited by the end user.
  17. Thank you for the update. APB needs to be fresh. Starting out with a new forum is a great way to do it.
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