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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. Crazy idea here. Make everything relatively OP.
  2. Best patch of all time! Seriously, that hitbox bug was really annoying. I look forward to having proper test districts instead of the separate client. Also, could we get this topic pinned for easy access?
  3. Make it 640 soft damage and increase the hard damage to fall between the DMR-SD and DMR-AV's TTK. Linking damage to accuracy was a stupid decision. It didn't fix the problem.
  4. Here's another example of mixed parts. Also, if anyone has a 3D model of the Han Coywolf available let me know.
  5. One issue with the threat system is that it's easier to increase in threat than it is to go down. You'll still have borderline platinum players being placed against max threat players, and not properly losing threat. Then we would need 2 more server instances which will further segregate the players, making it near impossible for platinum players to get opposition. Best case, it will just shift everyone's threat up one color.
  6. What these streamers show is that there is a want for a custom static crosshair. LO, make it so!
  7. Schoolgirl and goth schoolgirl packs account bound for a limited time? I have multiple characters, 1399 per character is a bit steep. Could also make all guns 50% off, but that might be a little too dark.
  8. CA3 takes way too long to recover full HP. I don't use a green mod. The only one worth having is flack jacket, but it limits your grenade capacity, so it's still a downgrade for those who don't have low-yields.
  9. Have you tried pulling down on your mouse?
  10. The FBW used to be 5 shot kill. Reloaded nerfed it to 6 shots so they could sell the .45 AP. The only negative the .45 has is the 7 round mag. If you suck at aiming it will punish you more than the FBW. If you're good at aiming, it's godly. Than again, I guess every gun is godly if you can aim in a shooter.
  11. So now it's doing it even with my framerate limited. Seems to be entirely random.
  12. Missions don't count towards your threat if you get too low of a score. Going AFK means -100 score.
  13. It needs slightly better accuracy while in MM and less bloom per shot. To prevent it from killing too fast at range, reduce the recovery per second so you're forced to tap fire after the 3rd shot.
  14. Especially when it's a teammates who not even remotely in line of sight.
  15. If firing a semi-automatic weapon at it's maximum intended rate of fire is giving the user an advantage, the weapon is unbalanced.
  16. Spotter at least requires you to see the player, but it's still far from balanced. I'm against any mechanic that gives players pinpoint location information. The radar is bad enough but at least it requires the player to give away their position.
  17. I've been kicked while shooting at opposition because the timer doesn't always reset.
  18. There's nothing balanced about a wall hack. It shouldn't be in the game to begin with, but since it is, it should be time limited to 1 shot.
  19. So here's what I've found. If I'm recording with OBS, my fps goes down by 1, from 145 to 144. This stops the sliding. I don't think the high fps is the issue, it seems to be the framerate limiter itself that's causing it. It wouldn't be an issue if my weapon wasn't stuck with maximum bloom. Also, THIS EDITOR IS A POS!
  20. I'm just looking for the whole list. I found it entertaining. Here's the ones I remember: babies > hamsters f**k > farg CHUCK NORRIS > CHUN****RIS.
  21. i feel like this would be really exploitable for seeing enemy locations based on spawn denials If spawns were limited to 150M from objectives it wouldn't be as easy to exploit.
  22. BlatMan

    Shredder nerf

    The Shredder and Thumper have way too much range and damage. They're better than ARs and SMGs under 30M. SMGs have no place atm, and making the shredder so versatile is basically pay to win since you can't farm many joker tickets as a new free player.
  23. Could we have all vehicle kits faction neutral? I would like to use various parts from Enforcer and Criminal vehicles but I cannot since the kits are locked to specific factions. I understand there will be some clipping issues with certain parts, but it would allow for much more customization. For example, here's a mix between all the Jericho kits that cannot be made in game but look really cool together.
  24. All the new files are encrypted or compressed so I cannot extract them. Battleye also blocks NinjaRipper, and APBDB doesn't have the latest kits or I would rip them from there. I'm trying to create a gallery of all the low tier vehicles with the 4 different front ends (Balkan, Han, Macchina, & Coywolf). I have everything but the Coywolf.
  25. I wish they were in some sort of order. Mine are arranged differently on each character which is really annoying.
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