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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. Your CPU and lower frequency RAM are most likely the cause, but those who say they don't stutter are lying. The built in garbage collection system causes a stutter every minute. Reducing it via configs will cause fewer stutters, but you'll run out of memory or the game will freeze for a few seconds as it clears the unused memory.
  2. The tommygun does have some horizontal recoil, so muzzle break isn't totally useless.
  3. Been trying to utilize the Yukon lately. The hitreg is completely screwed up on it. I'll get 15+ hits at point blank but it won't kill.
  4. To clarify for those unaware of the FFA 'Bullshark' changes. The 'Bullshark' was originally released with 4 Round Burst, which was later changed to Burst Avalanche. 4 Round Burst is worse than any other red mod. It adds 1 bullet to the burst and reduces damage. This means it's harder to land all the rounds per burst, and you need to land more hits. This mod was changed to Burst Avalanche. It keeps the base ttk the same, and does not require extra hits. It removes 1 bullet from the first burst, and adds 1 bullet to each subsequent burst. It adds a unique function instead of making it a strait downgrade. Now looking at the M1922 'Hazardous', it has CJ3 and EM3. CJ3 increases the max bloom, making it less reliable spraying at range, which is what this weapon is mainly good for. If you need that slightly lower ttk, you're better off with an OCA. Here's a few existing mods that would make the 'Hazardous' unique without hurting it's performance: Deadly Fear Special SMG Silencer Chambered Round Piercing
  5. You can modify the shader to disable the bloom effect without turning off bloom. Old forum has a tutorial on it. Why even ask if you can't read? We can't give you any more info than the ToS clearly states.
  6. Battleye is basically punk buster. It bans for known cheats, blocks potential cheats, blocks random applications without reason, randomly kicks you because it lost connection with the server, and causes crashes. But sadly you're right, it is one of the best anti-cheats atm.
  7. If blood and muzzle flash didn't cause the game to freeze on slightly lower end hardware there wouldn't be a need to remove them.
  8. The mass amount of old users who can't login because the password reset system doesn't send out an email to reset their passwords. I have multiple friends now who can't sign in because of this. They stopped playing around the time G1 required everyone to reset their passwords. Since they didn't play at that time, they figured they could do it later. Well, now they can't...
  9. HOLY CRAP IT ACTUALLY WORKS! Seriously, the old forum search was so bad I stopped thinking to use it.
  10. Adding something like this to the current game would add too much overhead to the customization system. Current skins can be assigned using a single byte. A customized skin would require the 3 colors, an alpha layer, and each symbol to go along with them. It takes long enough as is to load players and vehicles when joining a district. Each time a user swaps their weapon your game will need to compile the skin. This would not be good for performance, and memory usage would spike. Users already get the dreaded "out of memory" error. Once 3.5 is near completion, and I don't mean initial release, then something like this could be considered. For now, it's best to stick with static skins.
  11. northwest has faster reload time and 4 less bullets per mag. Not much of a difference if you use it as a side arm and not a primary.
  12. Probably because file modifications are not allowed. The launcher would need to be modified to work with the new engine, but most of the features should still be available.
  13. Grenades and something else (can't remember) are still visible. Also the last time I used the launcher it couldn't be set to 0, but maybe that's been changed.
  14. The yukon has a recoil curve that increases the longer you shoot. the last 5 or so shots cause the weapon to recoil horizontally quite a bit. It's better to hip fire in 5 to 10 round bursts. Server performance is absolute trash atm. With 140ms ping things are not going to work right.
  15. A lot of gamers like to show off their PCs. It would be nice to have a section in our profile to do so. It would also make it easier to help users with technical issues. Here's a quick mockup of what I'm suggesting:
  16. Any update on users unable to reset their G1 passwords?
  17. It does not, it reduces them. You need to manually modify the configs, and even then some remain.
  18. There's been a few threads on it and plenty of complaints in various threads about IR not having a meaningful downside, and shotguns always have someone complaining.
  19. I doubt they're going to make any weapon changes for quite some time with how poorly the community responded with the IR and shotgun changes.
  20. I guess that PC would feel better than playing on the Xbox, but that's no where close to stable. I doubt you would get 60fps consistently, and that's excluding the garbage collection stutters.
  21. You can't disable muzzle flash directly though. You can however remove most particles which also removes muzzle flash.
  22. Well, there's a max rank in fight atm toggling a speed hack. Seem them and some of their clan members use it action districts too within the last few weeks. BE and FF can't seem to detect it, or they're just ignoring it for the time being.
  23. TBF, this issue is directly affecting their income, unlike the user with faulty hardware.
  24. I'm specifically referring to the particle system, like blood, muzzle flash, smoke, fire, etc. The method used in UE3 is poorly optimized as is, and RTW decided it would be a good idea to overlay hundreds of particles per effect. The only way to prevent it from causing fps drops is by brute force or disable the system.
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