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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. Contact support and your ISP. G1 or your ISP is routing traffic to the wrong location. You could try using a US based VPN as a temporary workaround until the issue gets resolved, although this may not work since WTFast does not work in your case.
  2. Probably. I just know one of those patches removed the bloom curve.
  3. Please don't give GMs ban power. We all saw how well that worked out for G1. LO don't even trust FF, how could they trust a human?
  4. First page has multiple users complaining, and this was only the test districts: https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/3600-otw-817-balance-changes/ The accuracy adjustment made it to live from Test A.
  5. Seriously. Get a job at a fast food place, cut your neighbor's lawn, do something other than those stupid surveys. You'll earn way more money. There was a short time period when you could get 500+ G1C for a single offer with only an email address, but even then those surveys were just phishing for your information. Most people didn't even put valid info.
  6. The old site http://apbdb.com/ stopped updating due to G1 slimming down the PC client. The new site https://db.apbvault.net has had the latest changes for the last 2 years. They don't display the bloom curve mechanic on the site, which is probably why the change wasn't listed.
  7. The bloom curve was disabled. It handles like it did before G1 went full retard with the curve system. This was changed months ago, but I can't find it in the patch notes. It was intended. It was part of the weapon balance district changes that got pushed to live.
  8. As a shotgun user, aim for the crotch. You won't miss, even if your opponent crouches like a silver. The NFAS only looks decent now because the other shotguns were nerfed harder.
  9. The elite? More like players who just got done learning the basics of the game.
  10. If you can solder you can just replace the switches. I did that on my G400 and it clicks like new again.
  11. If you reset your password and signed in before LO took over you're fine, You might also still be able to sign in with Steam if your account is linked, but there's a user on here who can't. I think it bugged when LO upgraded the website. You need to setup a new email and account just to contact support. Also, this forum editor is worse than notepad. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/7336-when-i-reset-password-dont-get-an-email/ https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/3613-trying-to-reset-password/?tab=comments#comment-58028 https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/5985-password-restoring-is-not-working-anymore-since-new-website/?tab=comments#comment-72055 https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/2867-reset-password-not-working/?tab=comments#comment-45900
  12. Yes, and now many old players can't sign in because the password reset system isn't sending the verification email.
  13. Many players are having this issue. I have an old G1 account that I'm having the same issue with. Support took about a month to reply, but they replied with the generic account recovery message, asking for the last IP address, purchases, and other stuff. I have no purchases on it, and I don't know the last IP since it's dynamic. Regardless, that info seems unnecessary. We just need the password reset link sent to our email.
  14. LO removed, or at least significantly reduced the effects of the pershot modifier curve. It used to go wild after the 4th shot, even after waiting for the bloom to recover. Now it's consistent. I can't find the exact patch notes since some of weapon changes were hidden in the prototype district threads. If someone can find the post it would be great. I don't know about the FAR since I haven't used it. The recoil also does not seem to have a curve, but it's hard to tell without using a macro to simulate consistent recoil control. I don't know how the eweaponcurve affects the recoil or I would calculate it.
  15. If you click "Remove Friend" in the friends menu, the friend is instantly removed. There should be a confirmation button to prevent deleting friends accidentally.
  16. The FAR uses the curved range too. The per shot modifier and recoil curve were removed in one of the balancing patches.
  17. I am unable to join the districts half the time, and when I do connect there's constant rubber-banding.
  18. You can lower the fps limit but you need to enable smooth frame rate which may add some input lag. Open the file "BaseEngine.ini", located in "\APB Reloaded\Engine\Config\" Change the line MaxSmoothedFrameRate=62, to MaxSmoothedFrameRate=121 Launch APB using the APB.exe. Enable smooth framerate in the graphics options. You can set MaxSmoothedFrameRate to anything between 30 and 145.
  19. And here I am complaining when my fps drops below 145.
  20. The ACT44 is too inaccurate for it's max range, and the ttk is too high to make it viable over other secondaries. You're better off with the RFP-9. The RSA has too long of a draw time for quickly finishing an enemy, and too long of a bloom recovery time to make it viable as a solo weapon.
  21. Players shouldn't be able to repair their vehicles on the spot. Remove blowtorch and vehicle play will be balanced again.
  22. Could we get the blowtourch as a side arm when using the CASE and PSR? The weapons make you move so slow.
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