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  1. Dont know what you write in your E-Mails but i waited Not even 2 days and got my steam account working again...
  2. ElectroStingz

    Steam Unlinking

    Hello, Can you find the place where it is installed on your hard drive, C:\Steam\steamapps\common\APB Reloaded\APBGame\Config Delete the config folder as it contains account information. Run APB, choose the repair option in the launcher. Then see what happens.
  3. Admins are employed with a pay-check and power to ban, but there can't be admins everywhere 24/7, they're expensive cuz' they're on a payroll GM's will be the intermediary between admins and players. (an SPCM, but with heavier responsibilities to ensure rules are being upheld, while under strict oversight) They'll resolve things that can be done via Q&A and monitor the districts for violations of the TOS you sign up to follow upon account creation. If a player violates it, they can warn/kick them. If they disregard and continue, the GM has a more direct line to an admin that can show up and take the appropriate action. (This is all what i'm estimating btw, so don't take it as gospel, but I believe @Lixil already said similarly (if it's miss-interpreted, delete my post^) ~ I'll try find the quote). (edit: source )
  4. It is not about bans, but rather to unlink my account that has the old steam password.
  5. Gorraise

    Steam Unlinking

    I have currently downloaded APB Reloaded on steam and tried to load it any time I load it, it already says it is linked to a steam account how do I fix this so I can use my steam account to play it?
  6. If you think you will have a second chance after being banned for cheating under LO administration then think twice before doing that, allow me to explain why. The announcement of unbanning players posted by LO's CEO MattScott only applies to every ban that was enforced under Reloaded Productions-G1's administration, as you all are aware LO is the current owner of the game and with that, they have brought their Code of conduct and game policy as well as their Term of service, this means that all reports are being investigated and account actions are being enforced by LO's customer support team. I understand the confusion, however, encouraging players to cheat or encouraging others to have any involvement in a behavior contrary to the Tos will have consequences.
  7. Hello! Today I went into the game after a long (2 months) absence, and found that the chips on my account were gone. There were only 10 Reds left and a message about the "update"appeared. However, I am not a new player and have had several so-called" freemium " allowing to have more than 10 red and create other characters (not counting other payments). After receiving the message there was only an opportunity to create new characters . Sorry for bad English.
  8. That's not the latency issue, I'm not lagging in game, no spikes no nothing. It's like someone trying to login into your account, so it kicks you while you're in-game. (happened to me when I got hacked, but recovered was by changing the password) In this case changing password ain't working. + I get around 50-60ms on full district.
  9. I will try that.. But what I have is: - Disconnecting from my account, no matter if in mission or in Social. No crashes. No dump files as well (to send to support). And I just lost such a good score.. (T^T ) f*ck me... *Happened again.. *
  10. So.. things that make people quit. Well for one, I have been here the day it went live on Steam, and its the little things that pissed me off over the years. being a legacy account, I remember paying for a years subs (about 120-130 AU), but now its "subs" at about 40 bucks AU a month.. how about bringing back those years subs for a reasonable cost? where did the rewards go? Even if its a stack of INsta-crafts, it means a lot of people will drop insta's for crafting and community at Cit or SH. Also, i have to agree, market prices are bonkers. You want people to fill up Ah with fair pricing, but over charge for harvester premium fuel, genetic enhancers, fodder, etc. To run a farm for 72 hours takes 16 extensions. the "ranch" 12 plot alone is 299 creds.. it adds up, and drives the prices even higher. If you put up a premium year long subscription for around the 100 dollar mark, then you are going to get a lot of people investing in one. - more serendipity drops. more rare items from bosses. Grinding in S4 and OP should be rewarding. an item of clothing, a rare dye, etc. i can kill hundreds in a few hours, and in some places and events, you have to kill 60 attackers, and. each attacker soaks up 20 rounds, and drops.. nothing. (cog attack on the tech base for example). Why aren't their vehicle boxes dropping along with the rest? where are the old items many of us missed? The example of only certain weapons usable at the lvl 55 .. if your going to top out at 55 (and we all know the idea was to keep the levels going to 75-100 back when it started) offer some more weapons, your pretty much locked to a single weapon once you hit 55. Heavy weapons in pvp and most pve are pretty much not that effective. they were once, and should still be effective enough to still be an option. Not many people have heavy weapon toons, most have dropped them. I would like to see a flame thrower perhaps?
  11. It's not variety when you're forced to play based on dominant choices, and if you're not expected to be able to disable those cars, it just makes the whole matter worse. I also think you misunderstood me earlier, as going around and destroying spawn cars will take alot of time, even if you got the perfect loadout for it, while if you don't, you may waste alot of time just disabling one of them. What if you haven't unlocked the concussion grenades, or you're out of satchel charges? Am I supposed to reserve my grenade usage solely for taking out spawn cars? Two concussion grenades will take out one car, maybe two, but what about the rest? Keep in mind that those cars aren't the only thing you need to worry about, and the enemy will do their best to kill you while you're busy trying to takeout their spawn points. Everytime you try to blow them up, it will telegraph your approximate position to the enemies, making you a target. The time it takes to destroy those cars one after another will give the enemy time to respawn in one of their other spawn cars, either in line of sight of you, or positioned so they're ready when you're coming to destroy that specific car. The time it takes to destroy those cars, gives the enemies plenty of time to just spawn a new one. How is it balanced if I need to make sure my loadout is anti-vehicle focused, I need to reserve my grenades for the sole-purpose of destroying them, I need to spend valuable mission time to go around removing cars, and me being forced to telegraph my position when attempting to destroy them? The purpose of car spawners weren't for them to take time and effort to blow up, but to provide alternative spawns. If the opponent were alone on the overpass without a car spawner, you could simply kill him, and that would be that. I'm getting a sense that you didn't really watch the video properly, or have the mindset of "what could the enemy have done to avoid that specific situation?", so let's go through some of the things in the video. Let's start with the range to begin with: Players sprint at 6m/s. It takes 2s from the moment I leave the vehicle and locks it trajectory, before it explodes. Even if they perfectly judge the direction they would need to sprint, they would at most reach 12m, which is not enough to avoid the 12.325m blast radius. This is not accounting for any obstacle that might be in their way, or if they made a slight misjudgement, or that they might have been preoccupied fighting my other team mates, or the fact that I will be shooting at them throughout this whole time. Add the chain reaction of any nearby vehicles to this, and it only makes matters worse. My point here is that it's impossible to avoid, both mathematically and logically if they are located anywhere remotely open. Even if there would be cover nearby, the player would still have to judge the angle and timing of the explosion to position himself in such a way to survive it. The enemies shoots at the car and gets a direct hit with an osmaw rocket, but it's not enough to stop it from running over one of them as he does his best to get away. Even if they would've managed to destroy it, the blast radius would have likely killed them anyway, and it's not just the remote detonator that might kill them, as they must also make sure to not get hit by the car itself. The surviving enemy in that screenshot got killed by the remote detonator, and there were no possible cover nearby for him to avoid it. From his positioning, he couldn't see the incoming car until it came around the corner, and even if he would be able to instantly react to the red dot on the radar, it's unlikely he'd be able to get anywhere that would have allowed him to survive in that location. I don't really consider that location to be that open either, and for any normal gun fight he'd been fine. These players reactions were to exit their vehicles as they saw the car approaching, but the time it takes to play the exit animation is more than enough for the remote detonator to get within lethal range of killing them. If they were a passenger there wouldn't have been any other options for them, and they wouldn't necessarily have survived if they attempted to drive away, especially considering that the cars might have had a hard time getting out of that angle to begin with. If I noticed them attempting to drive away, I could simply have followed aswell. These are simply three occasions where the remote detonator would've been unavoidable. Expecting players to never set foot anywhere without multiple covers is ridiculous, and so is blaming their lack of clairvoyance or perfect judgement in the heat of the moment. In regards of flak jacket, it "only" reduce 40% of the damage, which would only reduce the Espacio explosion damage to 1200, which is still plenty to kill players making it an ineffective countermeasure. Even if it would have worked, it would've been unreasonable to demand players to use a r195 mod as the only way to survive an remote detonator. In regards of weapons killing people just as easily in the "open", you're not considering the difference between a bullet and an explosion. A simple car could be used as a cover for a sniper, but would just make you even more vulnerable from the remote detonator. A pedestrian could be used to block a shot, but would just get run over or blown up by the car. Destructible signs would block a bullet, but are completely ineffective against the explosion. Breaking line of sight is enough to survive someone shooting at you, but with the remote detonator you can literally place it around the corner and have the explosion radius kill someone. Someone shooting at you need accuracy, while the remote detonator has a 24m diameter instant kill zone. The two aren't even comparable. So to answer your question about what makes one thing frustrating, while the other isn't; if you feel like you could have done something differently to avoid dying in any given scenario, you would attribute the death cause as your own fault, and learn from your mistakes. While if you feel the cause of death was an outcome you couldn't have affected, it feels like it was the game's fault and will cause frustration. The video is not simply a kill montage, where I'm complaining about how many kills I got in a short period of time, but rather a way to actually illustrate the different scenarios and ways the remote detonator could be utilized. It was intended to illustrate how with little to no skill, you could pretty much get guaranteed kills with the press of a button, and think from the perspective of what you would've done if you were in the same situation as the enemies. I don't think bashing on the enemies abilities is a good way to discuss this, especially considering that some of them managed to kill me, but they would still die from the remote detonator after my death. Please, consider the arguments I've brought up against it, and go through the effort of providing refutable evidence as counterpoints, rather than simply saying it's a matter of being aware of it.
  12. Nominating players and needing references would go against the whole anonymity thing, wouldn’t it? Not that I’m against it, but it could lead to speculation about which GM account belongs to which player, just like it did with the Mod Squad XX accounts.
  13. Not sure why you are awknoledging me even, I didn't become popular until I started protecting some kid from bullies in social. All the social heroe losers run around spreading rumors, I think the only spcm that even has said hi to me since I got back was that one kid from utah. I also think throwing your friends names, in the hopes one gets on staff is pretty pathetic honestly. It all seems childish, we should just send in our resumes, why should we vote? Can I use all my forum accounts to vote for myself? I have 15 reroll accounts. Ofcourse this will come off as rude and egotistical, even though I'm just speaking honestly. I also want to add for the record, that I was never banned for racism and homophobia, it was because I was reporting malicious links in chat, hate speech, and etc. Tiggs basically threw a fit and banned me for reporting too much. Atleast that's all I can come up with. I was never actually abusive or toxic, maybe on a blue moon I would get wasted and yell at the mailbox but that was it. I always tried to be nice to everyone. But there is some very twisted people that have embeded themselves in the game, I don't even know why they play other than to see it die, even though g1 and tiggs are gone. Also my security background makes me bondable, and yes they let me guard women and children even though people think I'm a perv. I'm also comfortable talking to fbi and rcmp if the need arises, infact I usually call them when I want to get unbanned. (it doesn't work anymore).
  14. you buy a hack for 10$ and Cheating the hell out of your butt and after you get banned you say: " I am so sorry, i cheating becouse apb is so dead and only cheating players are online, i want to play like the good players" and then you get your account back, so that is the way to play like the Best. Little tip: to become your account back after you get banned text the Support, it's best to add a screenshot with your friends in the old times from Apb. works only with new publisher LittleOrbit
  15. Ingame Name : NokamiTakehira Time played : Across 4 accounts and since the Open beta and in Realtime worlds i have spent around 6.000-7.000 hours on the game. this is proof of 2.000 hours on one of my chars :) (http://prntscr.com/jpij7s) Country : Denmark Why do you wish to join ? : Looking for a clan that are active and i can have fun in.
  16. I wholeheartedly agree. Normal sprint speed is 600cm/s, while crouching is currently 90cm/s, which is ridiculously slow in comparison. The animation even looks slow and I'm sure it can be sped up quite a bit without looking bad. The question is how much though? Should it be affected by if you're using a heavy weapon or not, and how would marksmanship mode speed affect it? I think it would be good to test out something around 175cm/s crouched movement speed, without taking into account other movement modifiers.
  17. Can we keep gifting a thing but the person gifting has to meet a threshold or have some verification their account is their main one and the person is dedicated to using it and has no intention of using it to scam others/ a burn account.
  18. Can i nominate myself to the position :3 ! I think im gona go find my buried forum account with 2k posts ! If else, i would like to nominate that funny guy who made WE ARE 256 POSTS before the forums died, he was helpful and damn funny ! (forgot name)
  19. Go on a alt account and start playing matches with random players. Then group up with your friends and compare the two situations. Are you the top fragger, a support that assist, a objective taker, a meatshield or just a filler that gets gunned down and ranted on. Based on that experiment, improve on the role you excel in. Practice by simply playing the game, each scenario will result you having to improve on what you have to offer.
  20. Hi Moneychixx... I remember you. I for one will be glad for you to get another chance... and to get an LO smackdown when you cheat. Personally I'm all for temp bans and tightening the anticheat so.. I'd rather see ur butt get kicked during the mission so I can hurrah than suffer and wait almost a year for a useless permaban so you can cheat on a million alt accounts. yes, new chances for all and swift punishment for detected cheats, but temp kicks only... that would be fairest and most satisfying for the playerbase in my opinion. I'd sure enjoy having you in game to play than not... and watching the parameters of the game force you to play fair.
  21. TobregirT

    Support Help....

    So I know this post is probably going to be deleted but Im going to post it just to inform people, so I forgot my email to my main... my fault but I submitted a support ticket with providing all information asked and was just replied to with an automated email... I feel like support isn’t even looking into these lost account cases or don’t care like I spent almost 900$ on this game and now for me to lose my account because support doesn’t wanna release my email... it’s dumb to me like wow I even offered to show them picture I’d for the name on the account and none of that is sufficient information, all my transaction ids start to finish and dated wasn’t enough or anything i hope everyone else’s case goes better then mine, so far my experience with support is garbage 1/10 .....
  22. Account bound means every character you have made or will make will have that item, regardless of server
  23. As I read that, it says for instance and majority, meaning fraud is an example of one's not being lifted and "majority" means most, but not all. There were 17k bans and It's a very simple thing to exclude accounts from X till Y date. I'm very sure he intends to exclude those who would try and take advantage of his reprieve and got themselves banned in the time-frame between his announcement and BE releasing. Else he would have simply said "All accounts banned for cheats, but not for instance fraudulent bans". He's not silly to make such a promise and see himself abused by it.
  24. Sorry guys, had a meeting. " We’re not going to unban all players, for instance players committing credit card fraud, but we’re going to unban the majority of the bans." -MattScott So yeah, unless you got banned for credit card fraud, you getting yer account back fams.
  25. I highly doubt any cheater who gets banned in the time-frame between LO's announcement and BE's release, will get unbanned. It's a very simple thing to exclude accounts from X till Y date and you'd know that when making the announcement. Hence Matt's answer was "most accounts will be unbanned" ... not ALL. (some wouldn't cause of "other ban reasons, such as fraud" --- but you can also guess he wasn't gonna say explicitly "oh and those who cheat between now and the release of BE, since it'd be stupid to even mention this as a temptation to silly players - much smarter to just say "most accounts")
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