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  1. I know i know, ive just been trying to get this account unblocked for a few years, and ive spent alot of time and money on it, so you could imagine i really want it to get unbanned...
  2. Cars feel like they have the right weight imo. Really the only thing I see as unrealistic about them is the buggy suspension and two particular cars that are completely lacking suspension. Disable Out Of Bounds for players who aren't in a mission please.
  3. Yes you can play on both. You can have 10 accounts and they won’t know unless something or someone brings it to there attention.
  4. I actually have no idea. How can i check? Feel free to check for me if you know how though.. in-game name was ShadowRider I didn't do anything i shouldn't have and never spoke to anyone outside of my group of friends so... I'm pretty sure i didn't do anything i shouldn't have, though since it's been a minimum of 4 years since i was banned, who knows, i sure as hell don't remember what i was doing 4+ years ago - however, if i was subject to GM Abuse, then i'm not even gonna bother checking my account cause you know for sure if they banned me for nothing other than disliking me then they would have stripped the account, sold/delete everything, etc. Would be extremely disappointing but if that happens to be the case then i don't have much interest in returning. My only interest was to return and see my old character, old weapons, vehicles, designs, etc. And if the game happened to get new content then of course i would play it - but not from square one. Especially not after seeing my PURCHASE HISTORY on my account, seeing how much money i stupidly spend all those years ago! Thanks for any help if you're able to check the FF thing for me, guess we're in the same boat for now :P
  5. Hello and welcome to my first topic everyone... So i recieved a message from support that my old account will be unbanned after the servers go online, but my account on gamersfirst.com/myprofile it still says blocked, will i actually get unblocked, as some people said, if youre queued for it it will show Unblocked Soon, mine doesnt, im gonna trust support, and i actually hope that account will be unblocked, as it got compromised and blocked, what do you guys think? And do you have the same issue?
  6. No I get that, its just that for me, since Ive been playing and paying nonstop since my ban, the only worth my old account had to me was the name, and a dozen or so legendaries. Im only upset because LO said they werent taking anything we spent money on.
  7. hello, i got my acc's back and wanted to know if i can play on both (sorry for bad english)
  8. Pretty sure they have LOADS of accounts to unban and it hasn't officially been the six hours they said it was going to take. So let's be patient and hope.
  9. My account got compromised(hacked) and banned, no idea about the ban reason but i did when i contacted support about 3 years ago i got the same exact text as your message, and i got it 5 times... Now i got a an answer that i will get unbanned but the account shows Blocked and not unblocked Soon, so im dont know if i will actually get unbanned but i hope so.
  10. Same here. Just put in a ticket. You know though, upon reflection of the copy and paste responses that i did get from the old support team, to this day i still do not know why i was banned. So even if i somehow get an automated unban prior to getting a response on my ticket, i would love to know why i was banned - and i did request information on my ban so hopefully they'll provide. I always assumed it was a false flag from FairFight, and since there was no way to actually contact a real person at support aside from automated responses and copy+paste once you got banned, i eventually gave up spending ages writing tickets requesting information on my ban just for them to go unread, every single time. I still, to this day, have no clue why i was banned. When writing my ticket to support just now though i checked my old email address for the automated message i used to get, it's so vague it's ridiculous to be honest. This was from June 2014, and this may or may not have already been my 2nd or 3rd ticket, so over 4 years ago since I got banned. Minimum 4 years. This was the automated message i used to get though; "Thank you for contacting Gamers First Customer Support. We regret to inform you that your account has been permanently suspended.Someone with access to this account was observed performing an inappropriate activity which violates our posted Terms of Service policy. This account has been permanently closed due to behavior contrary to the policies of our Terms of Service. This account will not be unblocked and all current/future tickets will be closed with no further action takenThe GamersFirst support team is committed to preserving the integrity and fairness of the game for all players." I wonder if all along i was banned for something else unrelated to cheating and thought i was falsely flagged this whole time... so god damn vague. Did you guys who actually cheated get this type of response or was it more direct and actually mention the fact that you were cheating? I wonder...
  11. If you were banned manually by Tiggs or her crew, they just might done that. Just to make you suffer a bit if you get your account back. Because accessing banned account with Admins permission ... ? That's really strange. BTW which legendary you had (if you remember), LO may look in your log files and see what happened (if there any left, some people making good "clean up")
  12. For anyone checking if a ban has been lifted head here: https://www.gamersfirst.com/myprofile.php Blocked means the account is blocked Unblocked Soon means the account is earmarked for an unban, which will happen at any time Active means the account is good to go; play the game!
  13. anyone can help me when my login details doesnt work? tried to login: said check your mail and password... tried to recover password, didnt get any maill looks like my account got stolen and someone somehow changed my mail adress... on forum i use my banned account now... but my main is like nonexisting.
  14. Not unless someone figured out a way to access a banned account.
  15. Are you sure your account didn't get compromised and your things emailed away to another player?
  16. Bopi


    I agree with the part "secretly implementing BE" could be a great idea even tho it's too late for that now. There is 200+ cheating probably but those are "fresh" accounts. No way those guys are around for 4+ years on the same account, cheating and never got banned. FF wasn't the best, it took time (maybe too much) to detect cheaters but I don't think it was THAT bad.
  17. Hello I still have a blocked account code 10008. Is it because my account is too old?
  18. Contact support obviously, with another email/account.
  19. My account was unblocked, but the e-mail which was connected to my account was deleted, after I was banned because I did not think that I would get it back, now I have to reset the password, but since the e-mail no longer exits, how can I change the password now? (I still remember my password which I used to log in) but it is expired !!
  20. Yes, I now have access to an old account that is lower ranked, less well equipped, broke, and all of my legendaries have been stolen. Lucky fucking me.
  21. Lol does it actually say that? I cant get into my old account on the forums because my old email has been deactivated for some time now and Im in the process of getting it changed.
  22. i can go to loading screen but the account still blocked maybe they still not finish
  23. My ex-account is still banned aswell, so i guess nobody got unbanned yet, give them another 4 hours
  24. Probably just transfer all my legendaries to my new account and log back out tbh.
  25. you get unbanned. whats the first thing you do in APB when you log in to your account? :^) /yell IM BACK BITCHES
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