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Everything posted by GhosT

  1. What purpose would this bring, other than making my fresno even more awesome? This adds absolutely nothing to gameplay and is effectively just a wasted mod slot, kinda like the display banner mod.
  2. If I recall correctly, it blooms a LOT more, and you can't max fire rate it anymore - you either wait for the accuracy to settle, or you continue firing 2 more inaccurate shots until it blooms itself down during shooting. In the old version you could just spam it as fast as possible and it'd be dead accurate. Sounds quite strong but really wasn't, even then it was a rather mediocre gun. It's still beyond me why Qwentle and the rest of G1 actually said yes to these ridiculous curve mechanics that ruined so many weapons.
  3. The hazardous had its own charm years ago when it came out, and the only other tommygun in the game was the big chopper from valentines. Ever since they've released ingame and loyalty variants, it's been worthless. Not to mention it has the probably 2 worst mods you could put on that gun. And the deep impact is the best EOL, if you can work with it.
  4. I don't really understand that either. It's been known for years what's good for the game, what has to be done and what players want. Really don't see how LO needed another year to find that out when it's all in the forums. ..oh wait, they deleted the old forum for some reason.
  5. I really miss the anubis. It was fun back when it was a good gun.
  6. Not gonna lie that looks stupidly fun and is one of the things that make APB APB. Not so much fun for big streamers but that's on them if they decide to play open world games and refuse to put in a delay.
  7. I don't like any of these "let's make apb a competitive game" changes people want. Like ghosting in missions so you can drive through unopposed peoples cars or even making them disappear completely and so on. APB has always been this open world game where you see chaos and people fighting and driving everywhere. It would suck so much life out of the game if the only thing you could see or interact with are your teammates or enemies. I just hope they're doing phasing right, and don't go towards THAT direction.
  8. It is part of APB though. I love driving them when I occasionally come across one, or the small minigame that develops when you're on a mission and you have to dodge a wild truck. Getting rid of them would remove one more thing that made APB unique. APB isn't a competitive game and shouldn't be treated like one imo.
  9. Some have to use graphics like that to get a playable FPS count, some do it for the little advantage it brings.
  10. While I absolutely love that LO came along and actually tries hard to do something with APB, some of their design choices are very odd and the playerbase keeps declining. The engine upgrade really is the last chance for APB to succeed, and I really want it to succeed. The game had massive potential but I'm afraid after a decade of little developer love, it doesn't look good. It's going to be tough to reclaim a playerbase.
  11. Anything works well in Asylum because everyone's constantly hurt from low yield spam. But the guns that work best are obviously NFAS and OCA.
  12. Out of interest, what would you change on it? It's just HS3, but with a scope reticle, a range finder and more zoom.
  13. Definitely Improved Rifling. Slower accuracy recovery or something. Give it a downside, anything. It currently has none.
  14. Basically everything that was midtown went into financial and thus doesn't really exist anymore. Also, population doesn't allow such drastic changes. We can't even fill up waterfront properly, how do you expect to fill a third action district? Though I would absolutely love new content like that, but unfortunately it's too late now.
  15. I wonder what the design choice behind those skins was. They're good skins, no doubt, but how do they fit into RIOT?
  16. Why the hell is LO even making 4 ranks without any rewards and then one with a reward? Do they not understand how contacts work in APB? Let alone the insane grind required for such a rank. There isn't even any reward that justifies that grind.
  17. That area is largely unfinished. Same goes to basically anything that's outside on the western and south western ends of the map. Just looks pretty from the inside. Though those areas do have massive potential and wouldn't require too much work to open up. Even financial has a couple of those. Let's not forget that almost finished part of Asylum thats still locked, and the lighthouse.
  18. I do think that creating RIOT was mostly their "learning path" to figure out how apb works and what it actually is. Though then again they're planning seasons and all that for it sooo... who knows what they're up to. I'd rather have them add actual new content to the game like contacts with various unlocks (R255+) or map changes.
  19. They more or less said they used it to try out certain things and so on. RIOT in itself isn't a bad concept, but it's absolutely nothing that would ever work in APB.
  20. One reward for 5 contact levels is quite ridiculous if you ask me. All the previous contacts unlock 1 or even more items per level.
  21. Ahh, the good old hunter. On its release day, everyone and their mother complained about how bad it was and why you would even attempt to put such a mod on the RSA, and why the hell it had no actual scope on the model. The golden response from some G1 dev: "it doesn't need a scope, the skin makes it unique" While that would be awesome, the UI doesn't support modding secondaries. There's really no need to spend 10k when a 4k gun does the same because HS1 barely changes anything and the gun remains inaccurate. Can always buy a Colby Commander for cheap, it's permanent and has a sometimes useful mod.
  22. But only because it wildly banned anyone even remotely looking towards another player through a building.
  23. Speedhacking, snap aimbots, streaming while cheating... all of those should be alarming enough to warrant instant bans. But all the companies that owned APB yet barely even care about the cheating situation that's killing their game. We get countless new anti cheat systems, yet not a single one of them was fine tuned enough for APB to actually do something.
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