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Everything posted by GhosT

  1. People use the ATAC without IR3? Or HS3? Or mobsling? How do you end up with an empty slot on that thing?
  2. Oh, they edited their notes. It didn't say anything about the fire rate before.
  3. Honestly its a very easy gun to master and becomes very rewarding at almost any range, that's why. It's the most used weapon for a reason. Also, balancing every gun around the current N-TEC would result in way faster gameplay which APB was never intended to be, and it'd ultimately force less unique gameplay as every gun more or less plays the same then. Look at Battlefield 4 where they tried to buff a bunch of guns instead of nerfing one, it now has a thousand ARs which combined offer pretty much just 3 different rifles with a different model and sound. Oh and why did this need a new topic?
  4. To be honest, the B changes sound pretty good. With them forgetting to mention the fire rate change, that is. So please take away the fire rate nerf and let us experiment the new bloom.
  5. No. HB has always been a useless modification. Only thing it works for is the NSSW which it doesn't really need to begin with.
  6. Did we reach the low point of insulting people again? I'm not being slaughtered by high tier players, my opinion on that gun is based solely on my experience with it, which I've been gathering for a long time. Keep going though. I went through this with many other guns like the scout, csg or FBW and got laughed at for calling them broken, and eventually the community agreed and they were nerfed.
  7. Yeah I'm gonna go with a big disagree here. The N-TEC is definitely easier to get used to then the OSCAR.
  8. Wrong. Then why doesn't anyone ever use it? To be honest your description of the OSCAR sounds more like describing the N-TEC. If anything that's the easiest gun to use seeing how forgiving it is with its little recoil and spamability.
  9. Of course people will move on if a weapon has been nerfed too hard, there will always be a top tier gun, like the nssw, far or obeya, definitely not the rabid though. Thing is, none of the alternatives are as strong as the N-TEC is, so it'll automatically be less of an issue. No, it definitely isn't the "massive skill difference". The N-TEC is very easy to master and rewards you a lot. There's a reason why it's the most popular gun. Look at the OSCAR, that is a hard to master gun and has a similar range playing field as the N-TEC, yet no one plays it. Something always stands above the rest, happens in every single game. And sometimes, like in this case, it stands WAY above the rest.
  10. First they went away from giving actual stats, now they're going away from listing major changes. Or they just forgot to mention that, I hope. Wish I could test it myself, but I'm unable to play right now.
  11. Very fair points. Is test B really different from what they wrote? Did they change the fire rate? They wanted to slow it down by giving it slower accuracy recovery, not by changing the fire rate. I do agree that a fire rate change is unnecessary and should not be done, it's an AK after all and those don't shoot slow. If you guys want to "reduce" the fire rate, do as you said and give it a slower recovery time so it can't be spammed as fast on range. Though as I said earlier, a accuracy recovery change needs really precise fine tuning as it could balance the gun or completely ruin it.
  12. I kinda expected the biggest N-TEC main to come in here and defend it. I gotta say, you've got a talent to take something that's negative about the game, and make it sound positive. Yes, new players can't handle the N-TEC, because nothing and no one ever tells them to tap fire at a specific firerate and to not tap it too fast. When you know that, that skill is quickly and easily "mastered" and the N-TEC becomes a very rewarding semi auto rifle. Yes, other guns can be better than the N-TEC in their niche, but can't do anything outside of it. But somehow people fail to realize that the N-TEC can easily hold its ground against all these niche weapons without much of a struggle and still be incredibly strong at other ranges, that's where it shines and why it's considered overpowered. Not to mention its insane mobility. Now arguments like "switch to an OCA if the objective is in a building" or "switch to a sniper" don't really make any sense, even less so after the ammo box nerf. An N-TEC player never has to switch weapons ever. Nor does it make much sense to say "play a sniper and tell your teammate to use an oca" when you can play solo and don't get teammates willing to do that. Some of you "top skill" people need to get out of your comfort bubble and realize that a game has to be well balanced in order to succeed, not grouping up and using tactics to defeat one guy with a broken gun. You also said the N-TEC needs "recoil control, fire rate control, aim tracking targets instead of point and click, using cover in a smart way, knowing when to push and when not to, etc". All of these apply to many other guns in APB, and the last two are general game knowledge and not something the N-TEC requires you to do. Also worth to mention that the N-TEC is one of the easier guns to master, hence its popularity. You've listed other things like remote detonator, which is perfectly fine - it's Explosives 4 that make it overpowered. All it could use is a cooldown time. Or the true ogre, which has literally never been an issue to anyone knowing what he does. Not to mention that it has always been a horrible gun to use as an attacker.
  13. Both of which are far less powerful than the N-TEC 5.
  14. Side note, the Obeya CR762 will become the new N-TEC, which is actually a perfectly balanced gun and not as brutal as the N-TEC due to less mobility and not being as good in close quarters. But it has massive overdamage that should be looked at. Getting shot 4 times will leave you with 980 damage, enough to be a one shot from almost everything at any range. And you thought getting 850'd by a HVR was bad. And can actually put Heavy Barrel 3 on it and it'll still be a 5 shot to kill. Not that anyone would actually use that on the Obeya, but I think you get my point.
  15. The N-TEC is a very tricky one. It definitely needs a change and half of APBs population is now in tears because their crutch is going to be brought back in line. The range reduction seems almost pointless, as the gun has such a slow damage drop and it's still very effective way outside it's effective range. Jumpshot accuracy nerf is welcomed, but not really the core issue of the gun, as this change won't change much either. Test A will change absolutely nothing. Test B is exactly what I had in mind, slowing down the very fast tap fire mechanic which is its actual problem that makes it too versatile. Though B needs to be fine tuned very precisely. It could change nothing, or it could ruin the whole gun. It needs to be able to compete with other ranged ARs and marksman rifles, but shouldn't be able to outgun them that easily. //Edit: This is my most anticipated rebalance patch and I'm currently only one handed and can't play. Feels bad man.
  16. Most of the time when an enforcer abuses this glitch, they also park their pioneer in front of it, which makes it hard to get enough momentum to crash into both the vehicle and the window.
  17. Storefront thing is a relatively new bug. Heard you can still complete these as a criminal by ramming a car into them. Not sure if that actually works. VIP missions are mostly fine, never really had issues with them other than being spawnrushed, which is a spawn system mistake, not the mission. The missions you listed are unique and healthy for the game, they spice things up and add variety to the game. Incarcerated has the benkz mhuller hold final stage, and creme de la crime makes me wipe the dust off of my ALIG/CASE for once in a lifetime. Heavy item holds are fine. You shouldn't move the item hold item much to begin with anyway to keep things fair. I'm not really a fan of this mindset that most people seem to have, making this game "competitive" with missions that all play the same, or even wanting non-opposed people to be ghosts you can drive through. The enforcer vs criminal aspect is almost completely gone, we don't really need APB to lose all of its uniqueness like some missions, the N5/P5 system, removing ram-raiding, free-roaming without doing missions or even dumptrucking. That's what made it stand out from all the other games back when it was new.
  18. What's wrong with it? Now don't say matchmaking as "fixing" that is literally impossible with the small player pool.
  19. Wew, 200 a day (+ potentially 250 more) per day is insane. Do you guys not like money? This seems like a very questionable decision from a development point of view.
  20. How did I not see sommething that obvious. Should've went with one axe and positioned it like the katana instead.
  21. Yea like, 3 seconds difference with the "slower" normal vegas. What I meant is the absolutely insane acceleration at all times.
  22. If you don't have much ingame money, it can be worth it as it more than doubles mission rewards. Other than that, pretty much useless. If you wanna buy something on armas, just pop one of the thousand 15-day loyalty codes.
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