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Everything posted by Acornie

  1. I'm not sure if this is correct but it seems like if you're in the notclearlymarked 'area' then you can shoot everyone and everyone can shoot you. So two people not yet in this area cannot shoot each other. That's why people can go grey when they were red a sec ago, they walked out of the area... is this making sense?
  2. Are you sure? I've been kicked while sitting in character select for eh, maybe 20 seconds (also happened to a twitch streamer, so it's not just happening to me) I assume these two things are related, not complaining since it's not a big dealio, just trying to give info to help out
  3. Guns are supposed to be used with your feet firmly on the ground. Jumpshooting I swear is the dumbest meme in Apb
  4. Also I'd like to add, I am very bad and I have better ping than almost all of you, thankyouverymuch Edit: I actually am not that bad, just mediocre yet I still fall in the low goldisphere, can we derail this into a thread about how bad the threat system is?
  5. It is most definitely Autumn the more you know
  6. Can we get an ETA on Armas changes pwetty pls, and what section(s) is planned to be tweaked next? (I really want to buy a certain clothing pack that feels very overpriced atm, hoping for either a acc wide option on more packs or a more reasonable pricetag)
  7. Biggest pet peeve I don't see mentioned much; the awful animations. I'm not talking about how they look, they're entirely desynced garbage; most of them are way too long, someone pulls out a gun and can start firing it while the character's head is down and the gun is pointed away, and the hand switch animation, it is 100% pointless!! You can fire your gun instantly when switching hands, why on Gods green earth are they animated as if they are equipping the gun out again? Intentionally to bamboozle everyone? Gosh
  8. Hey my name is in the screenshot, thank you for the publicity
  9. O-oh... Gamersfirst made this, not RTW. That explains alot
  10. Jericho went down last night, yes, but at least there was not the consistent warping for hours that's been going on every day since before the start of the event, so it's at least they're not as bad as they were *shrug*
  11. https://www.gamersfirst.com/account/apb tells you the date it expires
  12. I played to today and all I want for the time being is Playable. Fricking. Servers.
  13. Well, I have all three of those on my account already so I assumed that's why I didn't get email or anything for Rank 2
  14. I think I might know waht the glitch is, I have a theory at least; I've destroyed enemy barrels at where they spawn in a captured region and when I do another glitched barrel sometimes comes back instantly, cant shoot it, and can walk through it. Maybe you are picking up this glitched one
  15. Just gotta be creative with your names ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  16. Quite a long time ago it was confirmed she was no longer with the company
  17. All the small theengs, Na, na, na, na.... na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
  18. Well, I hope I can play it tomorrow without warping left and right non-stop, Jericho has not been ok at all this week, it's bad
  19. Servers were intentionally taken down, came here for a thread about it but none yet, hotfix to the new event can be assumed Edit: oof I was late
  20. Its a good start but needs so much more work, for real Also I have one gripe; why are ARs more? Are you suggesting that ARs are superior and need to cost more? In Apb every gun type should be as viable as the next, I don't like what this price difference in guns infers
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