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Everything posted by Acornie

  1. I know it'll sound like picking but has played for 2 years; still talks about 'P2W' Depends on what type of playstyle you have; close range? OCA or PMG, mid range? STAR of N-tec 5, lil bit longer range and want good accuracy? Obeya 762. The secondary you chose is also important; if you pick a primary with range you need a good cqc pistol and vice versa There could also be a number of factors that could improve your game beyond just the weapon you chose, such as strafing in close range battles, paying attention to radar more so you're aware of where enemies are. Or most importantly; proper use of cover. Just try to figure out what the people better than you are doing that make them better
  2. H-how can they cheat with 100 fps if they cant see it? Cyborg eye implants?
  3. Ok, here's the difference and why you get black bars on other games; you can stretch to your hearts content, any game can be stretched, but newer games are designed for 16:9 resolutions and Apb was designed for 4:3. Will UE3.5 or UE4 change Apb to be designed for 16:9 ratios? Hopefully
  4. I dont have Overwatch so I cannot test but it sounds like you dont have your display settings set up right if it isn't stretching, I can stretch my desktop right now and have everything wonky if I so please
  5. Can't you do this with any game or application? Rhetorical question, you can Also. if it does give an advantage, it's not a 'great' one, minimal if any. I'd rather not look at derped out graphics than have a theoretical slight advantage
  6. Twas a bit of a joke my good sir, it's still weird, sort of like 4th wall breaking to know there's a Tiny Dog that's under that box... then again there's friggen Elves. Are they real elves? Demented midgets masquerading as elves? It's... too much
  7. Guys, is Tiny Dog canon? His existence confuses me profusely
  8. I have played almost 4k hours and spent about $350 over 3 years, I'd say it was definitively worth it since I chose to spend that money (unlike if it was subscription based and I had to spend money to play) and $150 of that was after Little Orbit took over and I wanted to support them
  9. Cheeki breeki, come to Jericho, Cooky is right we don't have many, if any cheaters.
  10. Legitimate concerns about support not doing their job efficiently (aka behind the scenes they simply aren't putting enough resources in); doubts about if LO can ever manage to bring this game to a 'good place' are fair worries, because of the history of this game is absolutely abysmal but I agree that not enough positive things are said about what LO does right and is trying to do. It's a miracle that this game got a well... 3rd chance with a company that legitimately seems to care about this game
  11. Honestly alot of mods need cooldown timer reworks, *cough* remote det *cough* so yeah, get rid of the prem cooldown timer and rework some of the cooldown lengths Also, I'd totally be ok with them finding a new premium perk to replace this one with, although I can't think of one atm
  12. And he says it no matter your player's gender, Apb was truely a progressive game... wait, why is he promising his sister will hook up with every enf in all of San Paro? Oof
  13. algum br? For real tho, unlike some people I never minded the Portuguese speaking players in NA (except when they assume EVERYONE can understand them). We're hurting popwise now because they migrated to Citadel
  14. I think you're thinking too small at least I hope this is something *bigger* than that I have a hunch. Remember how Haloween epidemic was 3 teams? 'RedHill acquires 3 local companies after successful funding round.' :thonk: This is related to RIOT I betcha, I honestly would be a lil dissapointed if I'm right because it doesn't make much sense.
  15. Nostalgia isn'treally the point; the point is in many cases games tend to add or change things and sometimes end up getting further and further away from the original 'feel' of a game. the song and 2D design go with the game's style much more. No one likes the current login, so instead of blasting off in a new direction they should go back to what they have that works, and was made by the original creators within the original vision of their product and improve upon that. I did say 'revamp' intentionally; I'm not asking for them to stick the old login back in and call it done. Redo the the login in the same style. I do see what Reloaded Productions was going for in their cheesy scene, they added in the cars, contacts etc that were added to the game but there are waaaaaaaay more clever ways to show off new content than to make a overly complicated, and frankly bad, login screen
  16. 30 days = 799 g1c 30 days = 720 hours 799 ÷ 720 1 hour premium = 1.11g1c If this lasts 3 hours you lost 3.33g1c worth of premium which = 3.33 cents USD. Don't give him a whole quarter!
  17. Bruh in LeBoyce's voice 'I got you covered'
  18. I love when I take 45 seconds to log into my character and then when I hit social I'm put in freecamera mode under that one statue. Odd lil tidbit; this uberlong loading seems to affect my main character much more than my alt, which worries me... slightly Edit What I mentioned must have been old news, because now I cant even log in
  19. To get nerds like me to spend more on Armas by buying 99 g1c items at a time. Fo' real, I never bought a clothing pack and I've now bought sooo many 99 g1c items. They finally got me, gosh darnit
  20. In the Kempington Q&A he did briefly mention it. But hey, sometimes things get forgotten about, so why not make a thread about this very important topic making sure to show the community's opinion on it? #makeAPBgreatagain
  21. I think it's known that the original menu music used in RTW and the early days of G1 are looked on more fondly than the current one; whether it be the somberness of the current track or simply rather cheesy static scenes set up. The 2D original menu was simple, and portrayed the atmosphere of the game better: Original song: Artist is Stuart Ross, his works are used still in the game; the loading screens and the character creator so it wouldn't be a stretch to assume this track's rights could be re-acquired even if somehow LO no longer has them This is my attempt to get help get this to happen, with the release of 3.5 it would be a great time to do some revamping things like the main menu and finally adding 'Little Orbit' to the splash screens #makeAPBgreatagain
  22. I chose the MP3 CSG from the retail pack, since Reloaded Productions decided to slap on IR3 knowing full well that there was no real downside to that mod on a shotty, I guess I'm just outta luck, eh.
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