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Everything posted by Acornie

  1. Acornie


    This thread took such a turn that the OP changed the name and original post
  2. Dunno if anyone mentioned this, but uh, it's upside down in the live version as well, so blame RTW or RP lol
  3. Are you mad? Have you gone loco? Something happening before 3.5? There would be riots in the streets, everyone would be yelling from atop buildings- er, everyone would be furiously typing on their LED-lit gaming keyboards about how LO is wasting their time on things instead of working on the engine! Don't be daft, we must sit and wait for the engine and nothing should happen! (am I being ironic or not at this point? I cant really tell)
  4. Nowadays having a positive attitude will get you an angery rant and accused directly of 'hurting the game' for "not calling them out"/"holding them responsible". This community is wild. People need to stop acting like entitled, whiny children
  5. Acornie


    See you.
  6. I'd like a lot of things tbh, but it's not as simple as 'adding a server select', I don't even pretend to know much about servers but I do know data is stored on the server you chose. Being able to reconfigure the servers' core setup for this to feasible would not be an easy task, and I don't expect it to happen soon, making it sound as if it's as simple as 'adding a button' or the biggest issue is name conflictions is silly
  7. Gottem. It's like these nerds don't understand the concept of separate databases
  8. I feel like the content of the post should at least address the title and not just keep going like it's one big sentence, maybe that's just me
  9. Im going to vent here about some things Ive heard from the, well, parts of the community that only know how to be negative; I honestly didn't expect to even hear this complaint like this, but people's ability to find negativity and be salty never ceases to amaze. This update to everyone keeping track *is* the finalization of Reloaded Production's 3.5 update, we all roughly knew what the project looked like graphically from their 'controlled condition' shots. Little Orbit never promised any more than that, and if you expected anything more, like some sort of breathtaking overhaul, you have only yourself to blame. I think we all want performance, stability and it out quickly as possible over any "stunning" graphics anyway. Edit: Just to be clear, the final product will most likely look and run much better than what RP would have delivered on in some alternate reality where they had finished and not simply abandoned the project
  10. I mean, 2014 was the original release date of the engine update, so wowing graphics should have never been anticipated, that's for the UE4 project :P
  11. Oh no, now that they're changing things up like the names of hotels, please tell me Coffee Crib is still in business! D; (And San Paro Pizza ;~;)
  12. It's happening Really good to hear and see engine news finally, although giving out statements like 'we are 83% done' feel like it's saying soon, but really it's kinda vague and doesn't really say much. But yeah, good to see pics and by some of the negative replies coming in it's super easy to see why you were hesitant to let the community see WIP screens Good to know, I thought things looked a little... aliased in some of the screenshots but other than that I personally have no complaints about the look and think they look great, I like the slightly more vibrant look to the world (of course, the thing we all can agree is needed is good performance, so I hope that continues to improve)
  13. Lowered Armas prices is basically 24/7 sale so be grateful, also I've never had any issue buying a different amount than listed, you sure you're doing it right?
  14. Are you playing Jericho? I have noticed alot more of other players warping, and just assumed it's the servers teetering on the edge If it's playable and with latency in the acceptable range I'm not going to complain
  15. This whole thread gets a yikes from me, dawg
  16. The fact we got many screenshots and no engine under the RP regime means pics dont mean shiznizzle
  17. Not just you commrade, several people have mentioned this issue. It's only a few however, kind of odd
  18. Bruh, I got like hundreds of pics like that, and better quality too :^)
  19. Wait, this is a legit new thread identical to the one a few days ago? Don't you guis have anything better to do? Do you think this will help in anyway? Matt's gonna see this and be like 'well damn, well now I gotta make a post about 3.5 news and progress, I wasn't gonna but that 17th post with no substance really convinced me to'
  20. Kinda hurts my feefees when someone is legit mad and hackuastes my dumpatootie, blindpatootie, potato-aim-patootie, ngl
  21. First off, you're never gonna get me to stop using my Broadwing. But uh, yeah right now Vegas and Pioneer/Espacio dominate meta tier play, other than both having possibly too much health (thus making Steel Plating 3 in the OP realm) I'd rather see buffs to the mid tier cars to make them not so... bad in comparison. And I guess we leave the garbage tier cars, Calabria, Varzuga, Ravan, Cosenza as garbage? I dunno, all of those are so fricking bad I couldn't see them ever getting buffed to even be in the usable realm
  22. I dunno, if you look back at G1 days most things cost less than half of what they used to (guns at least, can't be bothered to double check that statement on everything) My example gun: Agrotech VAS R-2 'Crown' The good ol' days when 10 usd = 800 g1c So 50 buckaroons without premium Now: 10 usd = 1,000 g1c 22 buckaroons without the premium discount, cheaper than the old prices without needing a sale
  23. Thanks Matt, for all your work, I appreciate that LO is coming at this objectively, and not just blindly trying to make something work that might not, it's really the most we can ask for I really think with some work/time/tweaking it can be a thing, not a big new mode that will 'save Apb' but a fun side thing, like FC
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