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Everything posted by Acornie

  1. Most expensive gun is 2400 g1c without any discount though, and 100 g1c = $1 USD (not even counting the the bonus you get for buting $10 or more at a time)
  2. Of course the Cropped Hooded Jacket comes back for 99g1c when Armas is not working right... Nah I wasn't waiting months or anything...
  3. I haven't even been able to access Armas when logged in this whole time, still getting 'unhandled exception'
  4. I think there is more East coasters that will benefit than Texans that will be affected, 90ms is more than playable for me and I've been 'spoiled' with sub 30ms for years. Also with LA, Asians and Oceanic players might actually have under 200ms to play on, sooo
  5. Thanks Matty. So uh, when are we going to get LA servers? My ms to NY is disappointingly bad.. I really hope it gets better maybe in the future >.>
  6. Still cant get in. Spamming for maybe 20 mins now. This isn't good.
  7. Everyone is going insane, Matt pls save us
  8. ... that's what happens when servers are transferred onto new hardware, downtime as the data is moved. We can all assume there was no announcement of when they shutdown because LO did not know precisely when it was going to take place. Lixil said this morning in this very post "Our servers are currently down on all of our platforms (PC, PS4, XBOX) for a server migration" I don't see at all what more info is needed to be given.
  9. Lo más probable es que el mantenimiento se deba a que los servidores están teniendo cambios, como Matt mencionó aquí:
  10. Snub needs a shorter ttk, like 1 second flat or something, and a bit better accuracy... The non legendary Mounties should have better base accuracy then bloom Fang needs to lose IR3 so we can't backstep on the nerf a tad CSG needs.... to be fixed. Make the Misery not have a confusingly long ttk Tommy gun with a bit less insane recoil would be nice (I'm sure there's alot more but I just don't own that many of the bad ones)
  11. I wanted APB merch tho :c I suppose oonit games has the rights so we're not gonna see any of that?
  12. Understandable. I'm hyped for NA East to come back yeet. I'm guessing the servers aren't going to be consolidated yet? Some info on when that's happening would be nice (just sayin)
  13. Did I ever tell you... did I tell you... did I mention that one time my mission was completely ruined in overtime by a player, of the same faction, whom I already did not care for much FRIcking chasing me down when I went 5 star, teamkilling me entirely unprovoked, and still to this day I will hold this grudge, you are a rude toxic troll of a person, unamed sir, and I do not forgot!!
  14. I wouldn't be 100% against the current way it's set up except for the fact it's become commonplace and the standard to grief by teamkilling someone in your faction in order to lose it, or better yet have your own faction come and kill you, if I got killed by someone of the other faction I'd say 'ok fine' but I still remember to this day a giant [expletitive] came for me, chased me down and TKed me when I was 5 star, losing me the mission in overtime. You know who you are and you're a jerk.
  15. -More inventory room -More HUD options -Fixing of longstanding bugs I can't think of anything else to be honest, what I'm looking forward to most of all is the engine and phasing. And what they'll do wth threat
  16. Lock everyone at 15 fps and 250 latency, people with good PCs and people close to servers are 'cheating' too.
  17. Honestly, I'm relieved, I thought the servers were actually running this shoddy
  18. Hopefully it will what will be tackled next. We will see however if they get around to weapon balance in next week's patch, they cant even keep the login servers up lately I don't really think much needs to be changed; increase the fire interval time and keep it a 3 shot, then increase the reload time so people are more penalized for slapping extended mag on it, bing badda boom I fixed your gun. The fact slapping IR3 gives it such a increase in range is an entirely different can of worms, though.
  19. *Europe *server *offline? If you spell correctly it's easier to tell what in the world you're saying. @ComFeyer pls tell them to fix the login servers once more, ty.
  20. Nah we're def in beta. Beta tier game since launch, bay-bee
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