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Everything posted by Acornie

  1. Im sorry, what? Dropoff at 65 fricken meters? Trying to invalidate the Rsa, Act and Harbinger even more? Sigh
  2. I admit I was being a bit hyperbolic (if you couldn't tell) a less joking statement to make is if you can hit gold, ever, then you shouldn't be playing in bronze. Ever since I started playing again in 2016 there was an entire crowd of players who always played bronze when they shouldn't, so incrementally the skill of the players coming and ravaging bronze kept going up and up and up until it's the the joke it is today, and most people think they have an excuse to be in there when they really don't. Also, knowing the game trumps everything else; I have a friend who plays at under 30 fps: Is better than me. I have a friend who plays with over 220ms, much better than me.
  3. If you are a player with enough hours to fully grasp the game and have game sense slightly higher than a comatose hamster, and still main bronze district, you are part of the problem
  4. The entire forums has been incredibly slow and laggy for over a week now for me. Maybe it's Chrome pc, mobile actually feels normal
  5. I hope they're not hidden, I always assumed just hiding them completely was a lazy way to do it so they didn't have to add new icons that were a colour unrelated to threat... I hope they dont hide the icons when threat is hid, would be such a waste
  6. Not possible, these are always preset unremovable mods; a gun wouldn't have this mod if it didn't have a suppressor, duh
  7. Is there a 'best method' of bringing stuff this to LO's attention? Seems like a forum post isn't. And it's been happening around this time quite often
  8. If we're talking about things to delete, can we get rid of VIP in Asylum? Thanks
  9. I haven't even owned any Jericho kits until recently so this still kinda confuses me
  10. It'd be kinda funny if Lucas was voiced by Matt and Lynette was Lixil
  11. Oh good Lord up in heaven, what is you people's obsession with QSing?
  12. This is totally a better approach to discuss a matter with Mr. Scott than a DM, yes indeeed
  13. How to get away with robbery 101: after robbing the bank, kindly ask the cops who arrive to please not arrest you because you worked hard to steal that money!
  14. TFW people are complaining about people using an in-game mechanic, intentionally there to use and stops you from ram-raiding in an empty district. Cry me a river Complaining about getting witnessed for doing crimes. Just think about that for a minute
  15. Bruh, only one? I picked car det because that's just cheese. But blow torch is OP (puts g5 stations to shame at it's repair time) there's supplier wide radius that't just kinda meh... and there's kevlar. Maaan, too many things to choose
  16. Isn't there some sort of fine print about this somewhere, basically saying you're buying this at your own risk and all items are subject balance/change/nerfing or is that another f2p game?
  17. I missed it too, I agree with you and @Kewlin and everyone saying changing them to not be 2 shot anymore is a completely unessecary rework. I unsterstand trying to fix gunplay is important but tweaks > total reworks. #keepmuhJGandCSGtwoshot
  18. I'm scared about any shotgun changes tbh, they feel tricky. I hope they don't end up in a weirder place than they already are. Also: Tfw Matt Scott himself calls your fav gun, the RSA, irrevelevant :c Any chance it could be looked at for some buffage? Pls and thanks ;D
  19. With how easy it is to use... does it really need to be a 0.58 ttk? That's the question I ask
  20. Car meet in Jericho the other day, closest to a full garage I've seen (wish I would have had my graphics up for better screenshots :P)
  21. Man this is really timely coincidence, I was planning on writing up a message about this to send Mr. Scott but the replies here answered all my questions so I needn't bother him Well I do have one thing to mention: Please tell me there will still be the rank symbols visible, by names and such, and these won't be 'scrubbed' along with the threat colours, it's a waste to not even have ranks show up like how the consoles are
  22. I couldn't stop laughing at this, is he for real? He thinks everyone griefs instead of playing the game. Good one
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