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  1. They are defending the cheaters on purpose. Obviously they are not going to admit it but LO wants the cheaters to stay in. Looks like they are great customers and purchase lots of G1C with all their cheating accounts, all of them unbanned now so they have a second chance... to spend more money. Because of that and the very low playerbase this game already has, it would be a financially stupid decision by LO to ban the cheaters. Just like the old GamersFirst, MoneyFirst.
  2. "Joined Sep 2011" Yea I'm new to this game, sorry for not knowing the "no name and shame" rule. I will leave the cheaters alone so they can keep cheating and killing the game. My apologies.
  3. Nobody loves cheaters. And what ban are you talking about lol EDIT: Let me correct my sentence because actually someone loves cheaters: LO
  4. My post exposing a cheater with clear evidence got deleted in like 2 minutes, nice job LO protecting cheaters. The evidence was 2 videos: The first one from the cheater YT channel, where he rage cheats on the video and then shows the scoreboard at the end of the match, censoring his nickname. The second video is from a different YT channel that played the same match and shows the same exact scoreboard at the end, but uncensored. Crystal clear evidence that LO doesn't want you to see, no wonder this game is infested with cheaters. EDIT: Actually I'm going to post screenshots of the scoreboards I'm talking about, but censoring all nicknames and not mentioning video links so LO staff cannot cry about "name shaming": From the cheater's video: https://imgur.com/a/tD5LhSA From the other video (legit APB content creator that makes montages and funny moments compilations): https://imgur.com/a/2LbNnLm
  5. Now it's working fine, idk what was it but it's gone. APB being APB.
  6. It's crashing all the time when I join a district. https://imgur.com/a/VzqEE6Q ("Insert image from URL" doesn't work lol) EDIT: I noticed it's happening only on Asylum, the other districts work fine.
  7. No, what you have to do is replace the original .AG and .BNK files with blank ones, but that kind of modifications are not allowed anymore ( https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2024/8/14/sard-faq ).
  8. Let us turn down or off this messy ambient sounds if we cannot modify its game files anymore, I don't want to end up deaf. Edit: Volume warning at 0:05.
  9. I just play this game for fun when I have nothing else to do. APB sucks a$$ in general but it still has some little moments that can make it fun, but apart of that is just the game working like shit and an endless amount of cheaters and sweats that will make fun of you for not having a perfect aim 24/7.
  10. The "blind fire shots" (if you mean when I was in cover) look fine to me, I hit most of them. About the shoots while he was visible: - I was tunnel visioning the crosshair to see the red marks while I was in cover, so I reacted really slow when he popped up. - When I tried to track his movement it's when he just teleported like that, leaving me shocked and breaking all my focus. Is not easy to stay focused while playing when BS like this starts to happen, and less when you play APB after a long day of work, something not many APB players will experience at all.
  11. Now I understand why cheaters are always so hard to hit, comparing with legit good players.
  12. A packetloss that harms me instead of him lmao
  13. Servers working perfectly as usual:
  14. This is well known but Volcano rockets explode after traveling 100 meters so if someone's at that distance just aim directly at him and the rocket will explode on his face, killing him instantly because of the distance travel damage ramp up.
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