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Everything posted by Acornie

  1. While I'm happy y'all fixed many of the pricing issues, there is a few not even hard to find: VS. Both bought separate cost 2,258 With the pack you pay 785 more. That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg EDIT: 2/18
  2. Bruh. Like what, less 50 people on both servers tops could have gotten them yesterday. I got them but I was really lucky. I've been here since 2012 and played regularly since 2016, can't I get a chance at rare things too?
  3. Why does LO hate the idea of saving money on bundles?
  4. One question; why That's more than a 2x increase in price, just for some dumb kits - Edit: Would be unfair to leave this how it is and not update to show that LO rather quickly remedied this: *applause*
  5. Acornie

    Joker Ticket Minigame

    Reading the replies the naysayers do have valid points; if it was JT then it would feel like another grind, however they did say the way JT would be utilized would get a revamp. I don't agree however that it would be bad to add something like this because it might take players away from missions; some players leave because there is so little to do in the game, I myself don't always feel trying to face sweaty bois in silver district so having something to do other than waste time in social or get off doesn't sound like such a bad thing
  6. Acornie

    Joker Ticket Minigame

    There is lots of fun ideas for, let's call them 'Non-PvP missions'. Maybe once Unreal 3.5 and the new gamemode are completed and there isn't a timecrunch then little things like this could be added.
  7. Yes, they did indeed crash around that time. What a surprise. SIGH
  8. inb4 he made it himself, spent an hour on it and and you go and hurt his feelings, heh
  9. Thank you for this, I did not know the world needed a triggered Mace Windu gif, but now I do
  10. The Valentine's day event better be rehashed, if they took any manpower away from the engine upgrade, the only thing that'll get this game back on it's feet, I'll be right annoyed, I will.
  11. Acornie


    Sorry, I was busy reading that joke of a discord they call the 'Apb Reloaded Community' Gosh.
  12. Acornie


    ... but. Oh, I messed up, " Possible additions may include raspberries, strawberries, cherries, red grapefruit, grapes, cranberries, grenadine" I didn't copy as much as I intended to. Now is it answered? .-.
  13. Acornie


    "A popular variation of cloudy lemonade, pink lemonade, which – true to its name – has a distinctive pink color, is created by adding additional fruit juices, flavors, or food coloring to the recipe" Source: Wikipedia Yes, I really did answer the joke question
  14. The fact it's already in testing is reassuring, anxiously waiting for us plebeians to be able to test as well. I have various older PCs of different caliber to test performance on
  15. I too am getting antsy, however, unlike OP I'm content with just hearing. It'd be nice for them to lest us know if everything is peachy or if already it is going awry and it's behind schedule... I just wanna know, ya know :c
  16. The smol taxi sign was ever not an option on customizing Broadwings for crims?
  17. Kinda sounds like a clan thing, but clans fall a part quick, maybe make a discord for easy communication outside of being logged into Apb. Best of luck. PS; it's always helpful to include what faction, server, and device you play on. P.S. to the P.S. Hi Ramell
  18. Han Veos are one of the two taxi types, just random which get put in what district and I assume won't change until servers are reset. You also either get civs with Ciscos or Vegases, green garbage trucks or dumptrucks, several others I haven't payed close enough attention to
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