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Everything posted by TheSxW

  1. what about of this ? 1. your first point is Ultra hard to implement (plus easy to exploit same as other systems u show us) - easier will be to block weapon after mission to force player who has more then 1 weapon to play with diffrent type and do so per 10+ missions then reset first weapon blocks (looking like in an array) for players with lower amount of guns it will apply to their last weapon aviable then will end up unlocked first weapon if you uses more then one weapon they all will be blocked in next mission (first "one" will stay blocked untill their time reached(i mean full array goes on - and that one which was switched in the last mission will be just blocked in next mission (in the name of fair play no spams)) same i will do with nades if u stay in same area while in mission and you start to throwing nades one by one with ressuply next to you it should be blocked (ressuplying nades) after reach of 10(propably its a good number could be lower) everything else go as logic goes 2. Second point, this will be solved by blocking items after end of the mission so player playing with TRUE OGRE will next round play something diffrent because he will get it blocked (temporally) - it also goes as blacklisting 3 blacklisted weapons could be connected to type of missions which will contain for example "Only Explosives, AR allowed (mission without car delivery)" etc. it need to be discussed, and consider all mission types etc. so for example one mission will allow only cqc weapons (if u dont have any go with star ? or one will be given to you(or bought from your possibilities from contacts), who knows) 4. as LO stays or some ppl from there the items From Armas (aka reskins) are same weapons that are allowed in the game via apb$ or JT's, its just lifetime lease for character or account 5. sharing weapons is bullshoot ... did u think about: 4x TRUE OGRE ISNT ENOUGH ?, or 4x Volcano, or 4x Ursus, or 4x OBIR 3 Slot - it will make more cancer then it is now (again blocking weapons after mission will be an option but need to be discussed how much weapons will be taken under that controll etc.) 6. about Items requirements i will lower it or portion it so for example at 50R u unlocks something special at 100R, 150R,200R(or 195R),255R diffrent weapons to buy for example clear versions of armas weapons with small requirements of JT and some chunk of APB bucks conclusion with this blocking system i shortly described it will remove always ntec/obir/all cancer weapons teams (it could be exploited as everything but i think its better sollution then blacklisting weapons ...) oh and blacklistings could be good but for teams for example your team blacklisted remote detonator and kevlar(all levels) and other team (opposition) blacklisted clothing agents(all levels) and happy landings so it will connect this all 4 items together take a middle number (which is 2 in this example) and shuffle the mods and display for example (No Kevlar and No Happy Landings) - i dont know i dont think this will be good idea but ... guys think about it and give a construct feedback i think its all for now, i know u will not be able to understand all of it im trying to type, just try (use some logic add something from yourself)
  2. TheSxW

    Battleeye Blocked FIX

    u have very suspicious files which isnt unloaded by BE service so u need to delete them propably (if BE cant unload library from windwos which is trying to load into the game then its not starting the game)
  3. TheSxW


    this BE blocks almost everything on random if u cant start the game its more suspicious (just delete this program) if u can run game normally just leave it ...
  4. TheSxW

    boiling hot

    1. remove ur poo config 2. repair game reading error - "i cannot load important things, which seems broken for me closing application" ps. its at 90% ratio your fault its happening
  5. TheSxW

    Mail Items.

    ingame mail needs: - delete multiple mails withiut retrive items or hide option - retrive multiple items at once for usables cap is 500 but i still getting them ... lmao imgame inventory: - better not lagged searching, scrolling, selecting - remove mods from weapon in locker without equiping it and some more i dont remember now
  6. as far as i know OOM error shows up if "normal" ram extends ~3100 MB (big B stands for byte), it must somehow extends ram usage over your averrange 2600-2800 MB using windowed mode with 1024x768 and other staff arround the window will help you out best setup is: Windows Task Manager with displayed APB usage Afterburner table With Ram, CPU,GPU usages and fan speeds + temperature that should fit. ps. i stop playing APB but i can record something in free time (if i even find some ...) and eventually shows how game performs on my PC
  7. maybe it blocks not updated ones ? hmmm strange my friend got something like this ... 17:39:07: Starting BattlEye Service... 17:39:12: Launching game... 17:39:24: Note: File blocks can be ignored if they don't cause problems with the game. 17:39:24: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "P:\RivaTuner Statistics Server\RTSSHooks.dll". 17:39:24: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OldNewExplorer32.dll". 17:39:33: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "P:\RivaTuner Statistics Server\RTSSHooks.dll". OldNewExplorer => StartIsBack for windows 10
  8. its only displays Crash handler Initialize its worth nothing except 3rd line from end "General protection fault!" you edited files that are checked by engine and if there are none of this it will display it same goes for Config files "ini" ones if u mess up badly it will display same error maybe try to run repair with deleting all config files (this ones containing .ini)
  9. @Fenton eazy ppl just RolePlay ingame ;) (hyhy)
  10. @demonoid type to me if u get some info in ur monitoring on RTX, post below or in my PM
  11. my sugestion will just increase the time of dethreating and lower possibily max ranks drop to silver and joins bronze servers in the other hand i know a few players who just made a new account to join bronze server playing with theyr friends who dont like to play on pure golds. anyway if pure gold goes on bronze server u will be acousing them as cheaters because they are lowrank and are insanely accurate, because they are playing against top tier players even cheaters and improving their skills + this could be their day so they got insane accuracy only this day next they they will play one mission "sucking" so hard they will leave game for that day etc. yesterday i cant even aim properly ... cant hold aim on enemy so i go to gamezbd play some bdo ;) @eelaaa i could say too that i if i got matched against cheater once i will be getting him all the time no matter what i do @ignore@ button should exclude him from your team same with enemy (it should work like delete this user from my view) - but because there not much players so u will be matched no matter what with this guys again and again and again ...
  12. @blockblack -> maoci is talking with matt all the time and he reports it directly to him as i heard @demonoid -> check RAM usage of APBprogram in task managed ( advanced tab ) - its most likely crashes after it reach something close to 3150 MB of ram usage sometimes it jumps to 3300 MB u can try window mode with task manager in background (so u can see the ram usage on the fly) or second screen and checks the ram usage. Im not sure about it but the function clearing ram overtime "each 60 seconds" by default is broken in RTX drivers but im not so sure about it. and the second function is setted to 9.9 GB so it will never works. Respawning player increase RAM usage by 70-180MB each respawn but at older machines a clearing functions works quite good so its clears half of it or even more, each respawn. so to be crystal clear: - make sure u can see ram usage of specific process. In this case APBprogram - check what happend b4 crash / playing or just driving on map / dying and checking what happends / making missions should speed this up ;) / waterfront district will make it faster too PS. crashes arent random, they are depends on how fast game will load things into your RAM, if u will ALT+TAB from fullscreen etc. It's all connected to each other.
  13. bleh just make 1 gold = 2 silvers, 1 gold = 4 bronzes, 1 silver = 2 bronzes and double that number for green and T ofc. for matchmaking
  14. @demonoid and @blockblack there is one way you could solve this but its untested on RTX Graphic Cards TheMaoci tested this on his PC only and i tested this on mine and its working like a charm i have AMD+AMD setup he has AMD+NVIDIA what to do? go into APBEngine.ini and BaseEngine.ini lines around 80-100 DEFAULT: TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects=60 GarbageCollectionMemoryCeilingGb=9.9 EDITED BY THEMAOCI: TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects=60 /* it determines how fast the function of clearing ram will happend i have it set to 1800 */ GarbageCollectionMemoryCeilingGb=3.0 /* this determine then it should to force clear ram - last resort if this not work it will crash the game above 3150 MB or RAM usage */ but most likely graphics settings you use ingame are too high try to use AAPBL with some lower configs EDIT: forgot to mension this i uses " -NoVerifyGC" command in APBprogram shortcut
  15. im not say i asked Matt about shaders LOL ... anyway i asked As public as i can and i received an public response so nothing is violated
  16. 80% of first of 3 concepts of game modes ;)
  17. i will just say... OPGL and STUN OPGL ... but concusion granades are broken ... (after bouncing from moving object)
  18. YES !!! + Add hours spent on that account in scoreboard (like total hours of all characters combined) Ban multiaccounts - or just block creating them for those ppl (dethreat avoidness) - playing on bronze servers and after day ends they reroll on another account next day still playing on bronze with another account ... you dont need to make new accounts if u play fair and legit
  19. one of my fellow friends got same issue, its propably windows issue some packages, updates or something like Microsoft visual's its hard to tell Delete APB_Geko ? that file which displaying errors just remove its contents ;) PS. @KyoukiDotExe old forum is down xD
  20. maybe corrupted update ? - its plausible - if u just run repair it could be fixed propably
  21. Guys did u try this ? post if it helps
  22. Win 7 have alot of HOLES that cheaters uses if some program uses program/dll library or simmilar that is flagged by BE as cheating entry then u need to remove this app from running on win 7
  23. TheSxW


    @kukki and turn off "One frame lag" or something simillar maybe this will helps you out (eventually vsync and other features crap)
  24. @SilverBlue just restart game its common isue of not optimized game ... i drops from 90+ to 40 so ... yea
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