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Everything posted by TheSxW

  1. TheSxW

    0xc00007b error

    Could you drop APBGame/Logs/Current.log after game crashes or displays this error ? it could be one of the listed things - DirectX - One of redist 32 bit or 64 bit one - or one of files named `MSVCR100.dll` - NET Framework I will update this thread later with Portable APB Version from 17.04.19 link should be below this text (i used anonfile.com as hosting) https://anonfile.com/iaH2B0i9na/APB_-_Portable_-_17.04.19_7z i dont know if i can post links like this its installed APB and updated till 17.04 - so after unpacking run Launcher to update it ---------- not my solutions ----------- Solution 1 In most cases it's .NET framework causing issues. This can easily fixed by re-installing latest .NET framework from [link] Solution 2 Re-install the application that you are trying to run. It sounds simple but the application data files could be corrupt or missing. This could be caused by a installation that did not complete successfully or by a virus. Solution 3 Running the application as an administrator could fix this error. Right click on the program shortcut or program program file, then click on Properties, and on the Compatibility tab. Check the Run this program as an administrator box, and click on OK Solution 4 Restart your computer as some applications require restart after installation to function properly. Solution 5 Run Windows update as it can provide application fixes and updates. Furthermore it installs missing drivers and updates the outdated ones like graphic card drivers. Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 users need to search for "windows update". select all important and optional updates and click on the "install updates" button. If you use Windows XP navigate navigate to Windows Update by choosing Start > All Programs > Windows Update. When the scan is complete,Click the Review and Install Updates link. Finally press the "install now" button. Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 Windows XP Solution 6 manually update the application if possible. Solution 7 re-install Microsoft Visual C++ from [x32 link] or [x64 link] Solution 8 re-install DirectX [link] Solution 9 Many times hard disk problems can be repaired using the chkdsk command. If you are using windows 7 press the start button in bottom left corner of your screen. If you are using windows 8 / 8.1 press the windows key .Search for "cmd" and Right click it and select "Run as administrator". Windows XP users Click on start > run. In the Run box, type in "cmd" in the box. Windows 7: Windows 8 / 8.1 Windows XP A CMD window should appear. In that window you can just type it as you see "chkdsk /f /r". If you have more then one drive or partition, you will need to tell it the disk (chkdsk d: /f /r). If it is the primary windows disk it will ask you to schedule it for next boot. When you restart, it will do a chkdsk for you before even getting to the login screen. Solution 10 This solution only works for a 64-bit system. It requires replacing files is system32 directory so be careful. Only attempt this solution if you are confident and if other solutions have failed. When Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package is not properly configured it may cause 0xc00007b error. Firstly download the zip file [link] and decompress it. Reboot in safe mode and go to C:\Windows\System32. copy all files included in the zip package (mfc100.dll, mfc100u.dll, msvcr100.dll, msvcp100.dll and msvcr100_clr0400.dll) to C:\Windows\System32 replacing the current ones. After that reboot in normal mode.
  2. as i remember, and read it somewhere there, Ketog propably described this bug 1. enter district with your character for example financial X 2. return to lobby 3. reenter same character and rejoin same district financial X to not get that 'bug' first load to social and then enter same district (i mean financial X from example)
  3. RIOT SHOULD BE AN DISTRICT WAR IDEA NOT BR like battlefield / call of duty games do its well known idea and will hit the spot in this engine we have RN i could say you can left half of the things from Actual RIOT and just make an WAR District adding some delays in respawns (like 10-15seconds) so not all players will be at map all the time - lefting that cash on floor idea and weapons crates idea too which will be placed randomly on map or on HOLD points + cash(that riot one so u can spawn car etc.) could be earned by standing in hold areas over time killing assists etc as mension above.
  4. i could say that for me its 700MB about the APBprogram 1. Starting APBprogram 2. Starting APB_BEprogram (automaticly after game loads 50MB in RAM) 3. Restart APBprogram (automaticly by BE service) 4. Now it loads till ~700MB and the window should pops up additionally check APBGame/Logs/Current.txt
  5. TheSxW

    2FA is still wonky

    i could say that remember me works once per day for me but its not a big deal to use the code all the time ... the most terryfying thing is that the code isnt working ... at all for some time ...
  6. TheSxW

    Citadel server latency

    yea i see the diffrence between now and then i experience more ghostshoots while using tas/csg and some other weapons which shouldnt be problem ... additionaly corner double damage xD
  7. @Ketog about tradelock how it works and how to improve ;) - tradelocks applied (should be applied to whole account not matter the login location or PC) - whats now is that if u dont have an file named similar to "4126...(some hex)...c0de.2f" which contains accounts you are logged into (ofc. its encoded data - located in Binaries) - additionally i could add that tradelock happend even on same location if u login into the game not using same copy of the game ;) or same hardwareID (windows counts too) - additionally there is a second code u need to specify on login (from google authenticator) so someone whos hacked ur account login/password will need to have signed phone application to your account to proceed hacking behaviour - i could say tradelock should be sended to your mail that someone with <IP adress> - Login into your account from <very strict and closest to user location grabed by his client> using <adress mac of internet card> (all that data can be easy grabbed by client and should be because its not sensitive data (line name surname) - and location will be the closest DNS server user is connecting to - that is done by Google (they displaying Useragent + IP adress of strange connection
  8. maybe reduce horizontal recoil by 30% and vertical recoil by 10% ?
  9. VFX propably but dont know if its legal you should check this guy and file i link (there is also ultra settings file) https://github.com/themaoci/APB-Reloaded-3.0/raw/master/Download%20Section/Performance%26Look%20-%20Maoci.7z dont forget to use -NoVerifyGC So game will not crash after 40 minutes of gameplay ;)
  10. Hello i will just bring it on (it happends but still not figureout how its done at 100% chances) there is a way to not deal damage to cars nor players using concusion granade (or they got nerfed too much it cannot rly damage things properly) any ideas ?
  11. TheSxW

    Satchel Buffs

    Putting sachels as items into enemy car trunk ... (READ)
  12. @Fortune Runner @safdfsgkjhdgsjkhs its a file editing and its banable as far as i know there is no ini lines for that (i could be wrong)
  13. yea its strange things happening that its not show up enemy while hes standing next to car bu it displaying him all the time after that ... hmmm...
  14. Propably your password was deprecated or leaked somewhere else u use same password. But yea Support and send ID to Matt on discord/forum asking to speed up the process ? with ID of ticket
  15. TheSxW

    Roccat Mouse FPS

    What about windows ? what version did u use ? @Equilibrio
  16. TheSxW

    Missing hud information

    Kevkof method removes teammate markers - to fix that now between reloading districts try to load on social first then back to other one it fixes that
  17. if circle - Fix config u using. if point letter - reset game it happends from time to time it will be better if u say what it cause for you.
  18. TheSxW

    APB Reloaded

    Try to use google translate and type it in english it could help others with helping you ------------------------------------ Попробуйте использовать Google Translate и введите его на английском языке, это может помочь другим, помогая вам message stays as follows: i could say you need to use 2 factor authentication they use a google application on phone u need a phone connected to account to login to account ------------------------------------ Вам нужно использовать двухэтапную аутентификацию. Если ваш аккаунт был связан с этим, вам понадобится телефон с приложением Google. Больше информации должно быть в панели пользователя.
  19. 1. never happend to me .. so i have no answer to this 2. its happend on cancel animation/lags/server lags for cancel animation if player shoots for example OSCAR and he do this quick enough it will strangely slide your character for lags player you are facing of have 150+ latency or you could have lover fps but i dont think this is the issue for you ... for server lags its self explained 3. guy above explain it good i could add that its not server side issue but client issue. 4. minimising game dont make anny lags only then returning to game it lags for like 2 seconds and then run ok. about other programs BE closes them automaticly so it can test injections into client and BE service about Fake AC there is more then BE going on have fun searching for it @CatilyaReportingAgent
  20. TheSxW

    Roccat Mouse FPS

    did u guys use macor on this mouses ?
  21. as i say "- GDDR6 has a diffrent infrastructure then older gddr's so ue3 sees only one of its modules or even less and that could be causing oof (like Graphic card has 6GB GDDR6 vram but game sees only 500MB for example) - this has a big chance to be the issue"
  22. yes it will be and propably not accesable untill UE4.0 and performance fixes
  23. Against tos is removing or replacing textures/sounds/vst ( i could say any game files ) to get some advantage ( ultra low configs are sketchy too ) some examples No Ambient Sound - gives advantage to hear incoming car at 100m b4 u even sees that on radar hear shoots from distance 100m (all above that distance is not rendered) No Muzzleflash - Advantage of smoke and fire flashing from guns / stunning ones especially Editing shaders to get Special overlay so u can see through all smokes Removing smokes or make it transparent or leaving fire and removing smoke adding crosshair there is alot of this shet and its going on and on and on about the abandonmission i used that for glitched missions like : no opposition, Crim de la crime, and some others i dont rly remember but was about car delivery. In other hand you can always suecide 5 times and go back to district (if u are on bronze server as gold its ur fault)
  24. known bug restart game or try to turn off and on UI (F12) or turn off and on some options in gameplay tab
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