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Everything posted by TheSxW

  1. oh i see now xD 65343 is a number which simple field could get changing this field to another type will fix it its called something like _int16 and it can store 0 to 65 535 changing to __int64 will hcange this value to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 called "unsigned long long" i think this is the issue please look if u achive max 65535$ in that mission
  2. 1. thats could be something about shotgun nerf - propably they broke something because all the time shotguns game long delay between shoots and reach target nor its just useless and yes hitreg wont work properly i changed settings in AAPBL to lowest possible and i achive more ghost shoots it looks like hitbixes arent loaded properly (i achive no character loading, just default asset) - after changing that back to UPSStyle it go back to normal(i think) 2. if u could give us his nickname then we could think about what could happen there. Is he use cyrlic in nickname ? (if it even possible ...) OR its some kind of old glitch while u jump off a car and ur character is pushed by a car while exiting 3. back to point 1 i achive strange things in this config like i couldnt hit enemy even unload full mag into him. Oh and while im enter to Inventory my fps drops from 60-70 to 20 xD (in this specific setup) originally i would preffer USPStyle with turned off some settings performance eaten (i achive then 90-101 fps but game still wants to drops to 50 fps and stays there) 4. car hitbox is a cube so u know that if he even touch you while driving in any direction who changes state of car to dangerous he will kills you even if he barely touches you (this should be changed to check how much character is "touched" and then calculate dmg he receive 5. about crosshairs there is next bug that need to be fixed - crosshair is not scaled to the screen i checked his from ressolution 1024/xxx to 2550/xxxx and there is huge diffrence in crosshair but as i expected guns recoil are same at all screen ressolution i tested it. Additional i will tell that playing on streatched to 16/9 lowest apb ressolution is overkill ... about your question i meet some rarely glitches about what you say i hit character(enemy) and hitregs arent shows up so i leave that be and run in diffrent direction my friend kills that guy and i get 85 from him ...
  3. Type to @MattScott he could speed things up
  4. u can easly calculate this for example we gonan take ur lathency as 300ms so its 0.3 second of delay each action will provide 0.3 second delay same as output from server to your client so delays could go up to almost second (if u dont have less then 100ms dont play its waste of ur time) as goes to fps if u have averange 50FPS in game then ur screen refresh 50 times in 1 second addint to this lathency lag u can perform or see 2 actions in this peroid of time (1 second) so for example you want to shoot someone but u see he only 2 times or 3 times per second at 1 frame, 15 frame, 30 frame and possible at 45 frame (first one and last one could be lost during gameplay so thats why we got 2-3 updates og players per second if we take like same framerate 50 fps but with 50ms lathency then u will receive update of game things each 2.5 frame (there is no 2.5 frame so each update will be in like 3-5 frames its huge diffrence If u still dont understand then dont try to understand it its shet topic more likely i should make some images but i think u can find this staff on YT explain more detailed.
  5. you're dumb so send us dmp file "STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\APB RELOADED\Binaries\APBGame\Logs\" <- location is something like this if you dont use steam then: "APB RELOADED\Binaries\APBGame\Logs\" **eventually fix** - could not work Repair your game from the launcher and then reboot your pc. Then you can install your custom config again if you use one. pssst look what i found ... https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/apb-ru-innova-/74672-extremely-issues-solutions-apb-rus.html
  6. sometimes you cant type after quote xD like me now typing...
  7. change particles in advanced apb launcher and do not use "None" seting eventually delete config .ini files to let them be recreated
  8. There was same issue not that long time ago that can hold you up to even 12-20 hours tust write support ticket to let tenicians update your status on account and free up ur account from being locked to log in this could be happend in a few stances -you get kicked from server and right away u reconnect / you reconect long while after disconnect -your internet connection blocked game so it cannot send packets and server still thinks that u are on server: *if u got kicked from social (write support ticket) *if u got kicked from normal district it could free u up in at last 15min-1h -you switch internet (ip adress) etc. like changing LAN internet to your phone internet or similiar
  9. general protection fault - PROTECTION !!!!!! turn off your cheats or suspicious applications and game will work
  10. TheSxW


    thats because almost all ppl have it (on PC - because reffer a friend rewards) - and they dont add it to existed players PS. its not worth efford now because of IR3 modyfication ...
  11. did u check it with muffler (if spotted player can still see it?) ?? +yes its still work but u need to have full group of mufflered cars with tower radar station and put them in predicted respawns places to make it work. Its Hard as fuk but its possible to do it in mission +respawn system is shit u can predict respawns and possible movement like an wallhack PETITION DISABLE CHOOSE RESPAWNS (AVIABLE ONLY CAR RESPAWNS + lower delay to 1.5 minute) Financial 2 construction towers still aviable to climb on top of them ...
  12. its not count like that ... cash u earn by complete whitness its like 1k -5k depends on kills etc + whitnessed $
  13. I could tell "dethreaters want to not oposition nolifes so they want to stay at silver" - dethreaters dont give a F about apb$ and standing because most of them are 255R ... lowrank mostly cheats and lose this account in a few days, eventually weeks there are so much triggerbots now days u cant even imagine that and all goes from nekrova server merge to disabling FF (not reworking it) - and enable BattlEYE who isnt working because its public anticheat ... Change Threat System to propably Rank (overall-hours-played-on-this-account) - could look like R255 (1600) or R255 (T16) - calculating number of hours played on account (not number of hours stayed on social) devide it ty 100 and return T state. T means Tier : or whatever then u can delete colors of players stay at one color of the rank's co we can see some platinum ranks, gold, bronze, silver as normal progression R055 (T0) -> means this player plays less then 100 hours on this account R033 (T55) -> means this player plays at last 5.500 hours on this account (counting all play time) and now matchmaking will compate this T level to match properly players - you play more u are better you start play so you suck no matter what this could trigger anticheat as well comparing accurency etc. i know my english isnt perfect maybe u could dig into this and understand something
  14. Hello, Game stutters from 1 second to max 5 seconds while in mission PC Specs: Asrock 970M Pro3 - Mainboard AMD FX-8320E - 3.5 GHz - 8 cores Radeon R9 270X Dual-X 4GB 16 GB RAM 2400MHz PCIe-SSD 250GB - games on it (apb + windows) + page file on it something like 30GB HDD 2TB - for storage data Windows 8.1 - 64 bit APB averange 90FPS Min 80FPS Max 101FPS(capped) Any reasionable solutions ? im using AAPBL -> USP Style additional -> after playing like 1h game drops at averange FPS to ~55 its not finished ssd test but we can see whats going on
  15. TheSxW

    Ran out of memory

    Advanced APB Launcher -> use USP style click Save and run game (without launcher - if game is up to date - BE service will run automaticly) this one should help if not try to use some memory cleaning or try to look what is taking ur memory in easy way "CTRL + SHIFT + ESC" My APB is taking mostly 2GB of ram in total PS. did u have page file setted properly ? not using default windows (use 20-30GB of page file to be sure its not this)
  16. TheSxW

    old bags in game

    its should called out of server travel i got this on one of my glitching videos xD i walk int obuilding and strangely moving after falling down i achive speedhack for a bit - (its only cliend sided - on server u still stay at first place)
  17. yea agree and they dont have full staff of developers, support answer guys. So they are now in quite small amount of ppl there and now they done more than G1 after like 2-3 years ? so give them a break just wait or write to @MattScott to check the ticket (to tells him THIS TICKET ISNT SPAM)
  18. they put a box in a wrong place
  19. 3PS3 has no effect on shotguns ... (in switch hands like b4 so its ok) xD
  20. i will made some proposition to change inventory to meet 1024x768 resolution now its strangely resized and looks creepy will be quick chose paterned setups categories in no select but checkboxed things etc. there are much of this shit to do PS. gunslinder lvl 15 elite and than give us wepons from that xD for proposition like fbw with one slot on GS 5lvl rsa with 1 slot on gs lvl 7 or nfa with one slot or even some 2 slot wepons on GS above lvl 13
  21. if someone enters car with this objective car acceleration = 0 problem solved thx ;)
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