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Everything posted by TheSxW

  1. TheSxW


    I was just thinking of a way to make the game less cluttered since having 3 seperate currencies for the game all for the same use, purchasing in-game items. I just feel like its unorganised and feels really old maybe thats because of how long ive been playing and it has hardly been changed since release. Idk. 1. change prices for Jocker tickets rearrange them and made some longer peroid of time for each wepon 2. wepons for real cash should stay but could be tradable (using new system whos coming out slowly) 3. legendaries will be legendaries but they should be at last legendaries not common buns anyone have ... (i got like 15 ? all obtained by events(JMB) or bought from players by ingame curr. or bought by JMB directly from armas) 4. i will not tell about FFA ... this was just stupid as fuck from tiggs ..... gives free tiggs JMB ... pp lmade like 200-500 accounts just for legendaries ... anyway i know person who still holds like 30 bullsharks and 5 R&D's ... (no ban he say changed IP and other staff for doing this) ... eh ... no comments and ofcorse because devs make mistake now they ban ppl who abuse it ... but just who will not ... eh nvm lets go on. 5. changing system for NPC bought guns from 10 days to 30 days per 1 buy (anyway did u guys know that if u buy like 9000+ days or so, of one gun it become permament... [year 2038 ?])
  2. I will preffer to use category as checkboxes than this
  3. TheSxW

    Packet loss

    I will tell you one thing Old Devs sets delay on Internet connection in /fps command (or how to tell it maybe "smoothed") so u can experience lags without this command showing it but if u have lags for longer time than it will shows you the lag you have i experience this because of my sister using internet by her broken phone who takes all traffic from ruter and i gets like 300-400ms from 1 minute to like 10 minutes (and i cant fuking change router settings because provider is fukin smart) - he has like 200+ connections open
  4. TheSxW

    FPS Lock?

    Just use advanced apb launcher (as i tested it it wont inject any shit inside game it just edit ini files) http://www.bpf.5v.pl u can download it from link above i used if from battleeye started and its not banned me to this time so i assume its safe if u want to sett it by urself u good to go but u can use slider at bottom left corner and set it to USPStyle or to high and lover textures it should work perfectly i got like 80-101 fps averange 95 fps on Ultra setting while recording its strangely drops to min 65 fps max 85 PS about PC FX-8320E R9270X Dual-X 4GB 16GB 2400Mhz DDR3 CL10 PCIe SSD 250GB
  5. Nvidia / AMD panel and change scaling to stretch
  6. Can we please stop telling people to use mousefix... it does nothing. how u know it wont work did u check it ?? on windows 8 or windows 7 ? and i nmean mouse fix in game itself PS. i will destroy your mind now ;) [Engine.PlayerInput] LookRightScale=0.000000 LookUpScale=0.000000 bEnableMouseSmoothing=False Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX Speed=2.0") Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY Speed=2.0") Bindings=(Name="LookUp",Command="Axis aLookUp Speed=+25.0 AbsoluteAxis=0") Bindings=(Name="LookDown",Command="Axis aLookUp Speed=-25.0 AbsoluteAxis=0") Bindings=(Name="GBA_TurnLeft",Command="Axis aBaseX Speed=-40.0 AbsoluteAxis=0") Bindings=(Name="GBA_TurnRight",Command="Axis aBaseX Speed=+40.0 AbsoluteAxis=0")
  7. just type to CEO or one of the admins to look into your tickets and give them ID's they are hard working now as i remember
  8. TheSxW


    you trying to tell all ppl who spend more than 35.000 G1C to premium weapond that they should add system to buy it for free in permament ? are u smart or what ? they should change G1C to some coin or just other name and adds ingame currency to buy but it could destroy ingame infrastructure of buy/sell items if u would like to get refund of all wepons than most of ppl who spend cash into this game will end up with like apb$ PS. i alittle glitch the system i spend =35.000 g1c and i unlock euryale ;)
  9. Which file to edit to release that FPS cap? Engine/config/BaseEngine.ini and APBGame/config/APBEngine.ini in this files [Engine.GameEngine] bSmoothFrameRate=TRUE MinSmoothedFrameRate=28 MaxSmoothedFrameRate=30 change to [Engine.GameEngine] bSmoothFrameRate=False MinSmoothedFrameRate=0 MaxSmoothedFrameRate=144 after you save it make it read only
  10. eh i could tell one thing Advanced apb launcher ... u could download it from there: http://bpf.5v.pl/ there are some tweaks for lowend pc u can use them too and checks (some of them could be banned for use but u can always try on second account ;] ) - Processprogram Tweak - just delete vivoxvoiceservice and high priority on apbprogram - Mouse Fix - yea this could work quite nice - More Fps Setup - potato setings for anything except fence, your character and vehicle textures - Stable 30 FPS - edit file to get FPS cap - to 30 if u achive at last max 60 fps and 60 if u achive 70-80fps max
  11. we know this devs know this ... i will tell again devs trying to fix APB after old Shit devs who dont know what are they doing
  12. you see i can as i could tell aimlocking etc
  13. PMJB's aren't on PC either tho. there was some events they turn this on as i remember or at events rewards ... thats it
  14. Streamer = Cheater No exceptions no talks back no refuses it is like it is and noone will change this smoothaimbots ESP radarhacks on second screen or in overwolf etc. they always use it and they will always use it i am very good at this game i can kill cheater multiply times but no in open area or not even jumping but using some secret messing around technics to get advantage over normal player who use hacks. one good point in this game is that u can even no cheater while u play without cheats BUT if u meed person like "me" in game who use cheats than u are done no chances to kill player like this if he uses this staff + aimlocking you so to not get banned fast almost all streamers uses smooth aimbot or they just use radar hack to know where enemies are so to prepare to encounter easier than normally maybe u will like this use 1920x1080 ressolution set ud DPI to 1400 and ingame set sensivity to 5-6 in windows set something similar to 5-6 like from left side and u will get my settings ingame (im at last at 60% time aim like god no misses but there are this 40% where i cant even aim at enemy donno why
  15. just send proof u talk to this guy send screenshot of message like he buy gun and wait new devs have alot of work to do because old G1 is shit in develop u can see this now (i see this from long time): 1. lags on servers / 2. no anticheat turned on in late state just manual bans / 3. and more more of this like no actualization no preformance tweaks etc. as now we got performance tweak if u not see (delete item if u not see it same with anticheat it was quite fast implemented as we know apb is in shit engine as always so to implement good anticheat is very hard. and ofcorse lag conpensation fixes there is no actual lags BUT u can experienced some strange spikes from server its caused by ddosing ? as i think
  16. could agree and ads that hit register is glitched as well as this
  17. Please tell me you dont actually think this is true. i dont want to explain you this because its useless its not work if u compare 100 with 120fps but if u campare 30 with 120 it gives u tons of diffrence not in performance but in shooting itself because not all clicks are recorded by game test it with jocker carabine and ntec and oca maybe u will see diffrence if not use recording programs and check the diffrence Lowering settings to lowest possible something like screen below give more advantage than medium settings
  18. its against TOS anyway its give you big advantage over other players who dont use that i preffer to use default one with high ressolution because crosshair is smaller (its a glitch) anyway more FPS u have than faster guns shoots ... (next glitch almost same as in Escape from Tarkov) PS. its a slime topic so just STOP until they handle with DDOS, cheaters, anticheat, and other staff
  19. pfff not for me LOL just try to use PCIeSSD with 20GB page file u will see true ultra speed i never get crashed in high settings / anyway i try ultra but its too much shit postprocess efects i didnt like i preffer to turn on bloom and abiend aclusion if u want to faster spot players and better see staff on screen
  20. Finally @MattScott fix some issues with performance xD b4 it was like at last 60 fps now its stable 80 jumps to 101 in high settings using advanced launcher
  21. well talked and as always if u tell this person hes cheating hes never admit it but if u tell him u record hes playing in mission and u recoid his snapshots they instantly not hit you as b4 they have like godly 90%+ accurancy and after that they drop to somethink like 20-30% ... its just funny i laugh as fuk about that anyway @MattScott Please response to My private message or just implement it as i tell it will rekt all cheaters in seconds if u want me to tell u that all my example of solve this problem doesnt have copyrights i will never tell about copyright just implement it and lets get righ of this bullshitero
  22. But anyway there should be same content aviable if no than there is always other way to obtain it ... Anyway Console version is diffrent build than PC as fas as i know
  23. Not on consoles. HAH get rekt ? maybe just play it on PC man its nore challange than Console ...
  24. there are golden boxes for loyality per 1000g1c spend xD
  25. CPU -> FX8320E overclocked to 3.5GHz (8 core 8 threads) GPU -> R9 270x Dual X 4GB (game require 1.5GB) RAM -> game require 8GB in total i have 16GB 2400MHz Storage -> i have PCIeSSD 250GB (ultra fast staff) preffered 7200rpm hdd (quite cheap) - toshiba ones are good OS -> depends i prefer light 8.1 or very light 10 version Motherboard for this is one from GIGABYTE dont remember my own LMAO Power suply 500W should be enough cost u should cough at 500-700$ in total (not counting Graphic card because its expensive this days) i have at last 100FPS ingame on ultra ... LMAO and i use as mension above FX8320E + R9 270x Dual X 4GB + PCIeSSD + 16GB 2400MHz RAM + Windows 8.1 self tweaked + 1000W PS
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