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Everything posted by TheSxW

  1. - delete rename this files and tryto run game ? - install older graphics drivers without any "shiny feauters" - fresh Install isnt a answer for SLICKIEM https://www.computerbase.de/downloads/systemtools/all-in-one-runtimes/ <- check this - anyway this files shouldnt be in game directory ...
  2. I could tell everyone knows that ... 3 golds vs 2 silvers and bronze no backup ...
  3. alot of stupid talks here LO doing great work so fat 1. finding out how guns work and how mods affect on them 2. rewriting whole engine which take alot of time and effort with alot of ppl involved 3. events content etc. after showing matt a glitch with shielh hes fix that in week+/-
  4. @MattScott you can check for patterns in items there should be something like this about APB$ and JT just wipe this shit after unfair ban from FF i got it wiped as well ... 10 mil apb$ + almost 10k JT (i could almost bought vegas 4x4 firebomb ... now i need to collect this bullshoot again) - Did i complain on the forum or support ? no ... Im Supporting Matt with everything i got sending him a game breaking glitches from their start (propably)
  5. @vfterlife there is no such thing as support for streched image ... (in game engine) its able to turn on this in graphic's card settings 1024x768 Fullscreen -> on 22" screen which supports 2550x1440 ... image get streched because of my graphic card supports it ... LMAO for fixing this firsival fix UI scaling on screen ressolution for 1024 recoil is smaller then for 2550 like almost 2 times check it with Colby .45
  6. i want to make it look as a CURSE tatoos like there was some in Animes or something like that i need to recreate this second time cause "MY FRIEND" accidently delete all of them ... while hes creating outfit second on the left "Maid"
  7. there will need to be more dirt looking shaders dont make it like modders do ... increasing contrast too much to make game look awfull ... anyway font on this screenshots is awfull ... Propably Tahoma or Consolas will fit better
  8. cant use second outfit cause i exteds max customization bar by 2 times xD
  9. i propably wrongly put my words ... propably im avoiding otherplayers field of view mostly. like 2 years b4 i can just walk behind someone without hes even spoting me ... now its imposible
  10. TheSxW

    Graphic probs

    no Problem PM me if u need some explanations or help i will send u my discord
  11. i will tell this time i see alot of ppl having "Shake Hands Illnes" moving ultra fast with mouse and telling on 400dpi/12ingame ... with moving speed like 2000dpi/20ingame its one case second case ALOT !!! of rerolls low levels never missing a single shot always ~100% accurate third case alot of ppl know exacly from where im attacking them even if im using muffler car without accelerating + hiding in corners they just throw nades there "just incase" but only in that place where i stand BE is a BIG FAT JOKE !!! @MattScott start to listen and rebuld anticheat now or at 3.5 version which will be shortly if u push version 3.5 start recording players gameplay accuracy and other stats so BE and other shit AC could catch up on changes and complex gameplay APB gives as you say Matt [Removed baiting comment ~Calisandra]
  12. ewmove cyrlic font and let them use defaul english font so we can understand abit what they talking about
  13. TheSxW

    Graphic probs

    go to advanced launcher > settings > set slider to ultra > hit save > set slider to USP style > hit save > start game from advanced launcher > check if fixed if working lower/increase some texture settings in advanced like UnknownTexture PropTextures (this one could be buggy for you left it 256) EnvironmentTextures PedestrianTextures CityVehicleTextures ItemAndWeaponTextures (not need but u can lower this as well) LightAndShadowMapTextures RenderTargetTextures (propably mission circles left it 64) SignageTextures PlayerStatueTextures SharedCharacterTextures (set 256 hairs and propably symbols) ContactTextures not specified set to 16 others left default or increase dont use Compress on local and normal textures| for more info visit this http://bpf.5v.pl/gams/apbtweaks.php#MoreFPS
  14. great post apreciate your hard work to grab information most of no piercing things are solid objects not temporal objects like boxes, doors etc.
  15. its not worth time he selects winner by hes thoughts and likes not one who should win or even skip ppl who hes not know ... LMAO i watch 2 of this events propably and that was waste of time so feel free to trashtalk
  16. TheSxW


    i dont tell to ban ISP ... but to check the ip patterns with comparing it to haches of hardware if anything is fits then this player propably gets banned b4 take a better look at this guy and eventually ban him twice if hes cheating @CookiePuss `no applied` i dont need to dethreat cuz i done 5000+ arrests without getting gold i post this glitch directly to Matt Scott on discord so he push it to tech guys to fix it in next patches or 3.5 version only a few persons knows that method like 5-8 people per whole game
  17. @Mina_ thanx for moving im just come with an idea, values can be always changed no matter ammount LO will tweak it to fit well but the idea of selling this bullshoot duplicates i have like 1000 messages of them which i will never use cuz i have that weapon
  18. TheSxW


    * Knowledge of the map is huge advantage * then u get knowledge of the map you looking for respawns systems so u can tell in 80% sure where someone who u kill will respawn and from where he will come at you * after that knowledge of weapons granades usage and imagination @Eixo propably IP adress in 2 jumps (so we grab 3 ip adresses) + hwid of hardware CPU/GPU/DRIVES/MAC Adress/CD ROM (i will do that if i will made an game with anticheat) oh and there is an bug with concusion granades which makes 0 damage after bouncing from car or floor or something similar to this -> @MattScott
  19. Hey im come up with an idea what about an method to sell unused weapons (in mailbox) like 3days 10days 15days etc versions which u currently have account bound for example 300 APB$ per 3 day 500 APB$ per 5 day 700 APB$ per 7 day 1000 APB$ per 10 day 1500 APB$ per 15 day 3000 APB$ per 30 day about cars 5000 APB$ per half year version 7500 APB$ per year version 10000 APB$ per lifetime (cause u have it already) it could work with JT too just depends on what we would like to do. cause i will never use it and i cant delete the messages anyway (still having like 100+ pages of it) What did u think ppl ? is that a good idea ? same i will go with increasing max ammo in storage (i mean the storage not character) to 99999 or something similar and same with consumables (500 isnt enough or just change random script that gives u an consumables so u will obtain this ones you dont have.
  20. its nice idea to check if everythinks works as intendent but firstival update BE to newest versions because this version not search for applications below ring1 or 2 as i remember I checked that and its true u got outdated BE - update it as fast as posible or implement the newest version in 3.5
  21. show ur ram usage and how much page file u have setted in windows if u dont sett it u need to to not get this stupid errors here are link for win 7/8 https://www.online-tech-tips.com/computer-tips/simple-ways-to-increase-your-computers-performace-configuring-the-paging-file/ and for win 10 https://www.tomshardware.com/news/how-to-manage-virtual-memory-pagefile-windows-10,36929.html always use "adblock" on external websites i will recommend to use "ghostery" and "tempermonkey" as well this could fix ur issue try this out and tell us if it helps oh forgot to mension u set minimum and maximum page file of 1.5* your ram capacity so for 8GB it will be 12GB page file
  22. there are more ranks ingame but no ideas of new contacts so it stay untouched its kile 320 Rank is max ? i see in files that 290-something is already but there is this innova admin player who has like 300+rank xD
  23. @MattScott almost all collectable missions are glitched in some way "Crim De La Crime" after collecting all items missions ends
  24. hes trying to cheat using AHK its detect only while AHK script is running ... and kicks you directly from district ...
  25. you occur some packet loss so game kicks you ... sometimes happend randomly
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